Ch.22 Ashley

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Lauren's POV:

I needed Christina. She was a pro when it came to helping me handle heartbreaks. I needed her so much. I needed my whole family.

I felt devastated.

I never thought Jayden and I would end up like this. He was giving me signals, signals that he liked me. He cast me under his spell. And I very blindly believed it. I believed every smile he gave, I laughed at every joke he said, and worst of all I believed he wanted me.

How could I believe that?? No one would ever want me.

My doorbell rang. My chocolate ice cream has arrived.

After I ate my ice-cream and watched the 'Titanic', I began packing my clothes. Packing helped, it allowed me to forget about everything. About everyone.

Jeans. Tees. Flannels. Shorts.

All sorts of stuff were in my bag, and I knew I would be ready for tomorrow in time. At least my luggage will be. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't believe that I'll be visiting Milan. My sisters and I have been wanting to visit Milan since forever. And now it was actually happening. I was actually going there for real.

After I finished packing up, I had dinner then went to sleep. That night, what kept me up wasn't some type of guy. No, it was the hope of seeing my sisters tomorrow. The thing I've been wishing for with baited breath since the moment I came here. And knowing that the pain would pass and I would get over it, I fell into a deep slumber.


The next day, I was awakened by the sound of my alarm. I sat in bed for about five minutes before I got out of bed and headed to the shower. I took a long, cold shower. I usually like warm water, but on the rare occasions like this one, I instinctively turn the water temperature to a cold one.

After I dried my hair, I changed into dark purple denims and a white shirt. I wore a blue and white striped blouse and a black snapback. For my shoes, I wore a pair of cowboy boots. I have decided from the day before that this outfit is the one I would be wearing in my flight. Something comfy and good-looking at the same time.

After I put my toothbrush, hairbrush, pajamas, and other last-minute items in my bag, I closed the bag and zipped it up. I looked at the time and realized I was one hour early. One more hour for our assembly.  The time it would take me to have breakfast , take a cab, and arrive at the airport, one hour would have already passed.

After I had a light breakfast - it had to be 'light' so that I wouldn't get sick on the plane- I took a cab and there I was, right in the airport.

I knew where the assembly would be, right next to the second counter. I walked up to the second counter and there I spotted Jennifer. And Riley. Then Lilith. Not everyone had arrived by the time I did, so we had to wait a little longer. During our wait, more people started joining our group. I think those were the stylists, the hairdressers, photographers, etc...

I spotted Mia between the crowd, then Jayden. It hurt to be so close to him but to be so far away at the same time. And it hurt really badly.

I called my Mom, told her I was in the airport and she said my sisters had already left for the airport.

After all the procedures taken at the airport, I stepped foot in the plane, better known as: my nightmare.

I took a seat between Abigail and Ashley, and shut my eyes. I got into the position where I basically look at nowhere in particular and I shut my eyes.


Somewhere along eye-shutting, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was to the sound of Lydia and Alice screaming at something that happened in the movie they were watching. They were sitting right behind us, so the sound of their screams must've ruined my eardrums because damn, they were loud.

The food was served and, as it was a long flight, I had to eat. I ate whatever food they served and then I went back to the 'looking at nowhere' position.

A few hours later, the lights in the plane were dimmed to allow passengers to sleep.

When I woke up for the second time round, it was Abigail telling me we had already arrived. I just skipped the landing of the plane. And I felt really good about it.

Hours later, I walked into the room I'd be sharing with Ashley. I changed into my pajamas and jumped straight to bed.



"Are you okay?? You have been zoning out a lot those couple of days. Has anything happened??"

"No, Ashley, nothing has. I'm just going through a rough time right now."

"Is it Mia??"

"Mia?? What's wrong with her??"

"Do you like her??"

"WHAT?? NO!! I mean I like her as a friend. Just a friend."

"Yeah, of course."

"Wait a second, you think I have feelings for her??"

"Well, I know you do."

"I actually don't. I've never even thought about it."

"You sure??"

"Ashley, I'm not gay. Okay??"

"Well, just in case you were, I just want to tell you's okay. It gets better."

She was more talking to herself than to me at this point.


" look tired from the flight. So.....good night."

"Good night Ashley."

Hey guys,
I'm sorry this is such a boring and short chapter but it was ykind of a filler for the story. Anyways, things are gonna get better soon. Soooo what do you think about Mia and Lauren?? And what would their ship name??!!

Thanks, twice-upon-a-time

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