Chapter 1

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So this is my first Sabriel story.
Sorry if it sucks.
Plz don't kill me.

The first chapter is kinda boring.
Btw thank @MarshmallowFridays for the name.


Sam scans the building in front of him from the passenger window, Stanford University.

"Well you just gonna stare at it all day or are we gonna go see your dorm."

"Yeah, right," Sam shakes his head, snapping out of his thoughts. He is more than excited to be here, it's what he's always wanted to do..but now that he's here there's an overwhelming feeling of being nervous. Sam doesn't want to be away from his brother but he's over joyed to be far as possible from his father.

"Dude," Dean, his brother, pats him on the back, bringing him back to reality once again, "C'mon. I wanna see your fancy school."

They both pick up two boxes and head up the stairs and to the front doors. His eyes bounce from one person to the next. Sam stops on a shorter guy with dirty blonde hair and honey eyes..Gabriel. The other man stares back with the same expression of confusion.

"You comin'?" Dean glances back at his brother while propping the door open with his foot. "Yeah," he nods, shaking his head and continuing on. Even if Gabriel goes to the same school, there is no way he remembers me.

When the two finally reach Sam's dorm, he digs into his pocket for the key and gently opens the door.

"Oh," Sam says, a bit surprised, "Are you living here too?" He wasn't informed that he'd be having a roommate.

"Yeah. I'm your dorm buddy. K-Kevin..Kevin Tran," he scrambled off his bed and stick out his hand. "Um, Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean," he shakes his hand and offers an awkward smile. "Cool," Kevin plants himself back onto the small bed and picks up a book.

"So this is it, huh?"

"I guess so," Sam rotates to see his whole room, taking it all in. At the foot of his bed, against the left wall, is the door to the bathroom, and a small kitchen to the right when you first walk in the dorm.

"How 'bout we get something to eat before I go."

"Okay," he agrees and pulls open the door, closing it after Dean exits.

The younger Winchester pokes at his food while Dean shovels some more in. "Man, I would eat here everyday."

"Dude," Sam chuckles, "Close your mouth that's disgusting."

"Ahh," Dean holds his mouth open with a mouth full of chewed food. "Knock it off," Sam covers his head, shielding people from seeing his face. "What's the matter Sammy? Am I embarrassing you?"

"You're a jerk."

"I know..bitch," he smirks. He roles his eyes with a small grin. Deans phone goes off and he shakes his head, "It's dad."

"Hello?" After a long pause he mumbles, "Yeah I'm leaving now....okay.....yeah I understand....okay."

"I gotta go."

"I figured," Sam tosses the rest of his food then they make their way back to the nineteen sixty-seven Chevy Impala. "Come visit, would ya?"

"I promise," he hugs his older brother tightly. He stands there watching until the slick black car is out of sight, with a sigh he heads back to his dorm.

"So, uh, you going to the party tonight?" Sam asks to end the silence between him and his roommate. "No. Parties aren't really my thing. Are you?"

"I was thinking about it..I'm not sure yet."

Sam isn't much of a party person himself but it's a welcoming party for the freshmen but every grade is allowed.

Sam tugs down at the bottom of his buttoned flannel, looking himself over in the mirror again. "So, you're actually going to the party?"

"Yep," he runs a hand through his hair, not even sure himself why he's going.

"H–hey," Kevin hesitates as Sam is about to close the door behind him. "Yeah?"

"Do you mind if I–uh have my girlfriend over?"

Sam shrugs, "Fine with me."

It takes a good fifteen minutes to walk to the party, not that he minds, but it is a little chilly.

Sam's eyes strain to search through the crowd in the dimmed lighting. Not knowing anyone, he decides on a beer, even though he's only eighteen.

"Samuel Winchester." Sam whips around, coming face to face with the one and only, "Gabriel Novak."

His eyes narrow and he seems taken back, much like Sam, "You know who I am?"

"Yeah," Sam chuckles, "You know who I am?"

"Well..yeah. I was a senior and you were a sophomore, the new kid. How do you know me?"

"Well you were kind of a popular so I saw you a lot," Sam tucks his hands into his pockets. "So you watched me?" Gabriel raises a cocky eyebrow. "Wh–no! I mean, yeah like I..saw you around school and–and–"

"I was kidding, lighten up. You used to sit against the brick window ledge and read a book, you had a new one every week."

The Winchester smiles to himself, he likes the thought of Gabriel, someone he observed, also watched him. "And you were loved by all the girls and were popular for your pranks but you also stayed after school and went in the art room almost everyday."

"So what are you ma–"

"Gabe," a voice whines, "I've been looking for you. Let's go dance," a girl clings to his arm. She immediately stops and looks up and down Sam. "Who's this?" Her voice is now snarky. "This is Sam, I know him from high school. Sam, this is my girlfriend Kali."

"It's nice to meet you," Sam already doesn't like her but tries to be polite. "Hm," she roles her eyes and drags Gabriel away. He turns back and sends an apologetic smile.

Aimlessly wandering around for about an hour, he sees no reason stay. He grabs one last cup of beer and heads for the exit, but stops when he sees Gabriel on the floor.

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