A New Dawn

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Dedicated to Aypre123xoxo, happy birthday - I hope you have a happy 13th ;) xxJess 

Ch. 1 - A New Dawn


    Artemis sat straighter and nodded. "You are forbidden to have relations of any kind with the boy - clearly he has too big of an effect on you. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There will be no more dodransgods."


    Wake up. It's just a nightmare. At least, that's what I woke up every morning thinking, and every morning, I was disappointed. 

    What have they done to me? I'm softer, I'm smoother, my flaws had been striped from me. Every single divot and pore and broken, crooked part of my face had been tweaked and perfected, even my faint scar where the Fury had slashed me was healed up and replaced with baby soft flawless skin. And I hated every second that ticked by, being encased in this body was torchure, it was me but it wasn't me, I didn't know this body. It was the body of a goddess. Not the body of Olivia Smith.

    Olivia Smith was a scarred human, on her chest was a long, thick scar from where she was hit by Luke Castellan with his knife. On her arms were ten crescent moon shaped scars where a Fury dug it's nails, threateningly. On her neck was a slash dealt to her by her friend and former enemy Annabeth, she had cut her when they'd first dueled. She had a jagged scar on her knee from that battle as well. She'd always had struggled with blackheads on her nose and around her cheeks, never being able to get rid of them. Olivia also had a jagged scar on her cheek from when a Fury carved her face with it's talons.

     This body was not Olivia Smith. 

     This body was Oliviae, Goddess of Light. Why they had given me this title, I hadn't known. Maybe it was the fact I was born from the Sun and the Moon. Oliviae was a shining embodiment of power and grace. She had no scars, they had been wiped clean in the transformation. She had no blackheads, no pimples, no pores. She was a clean slate - and I hated it. It was as if my entire story had been wiped from my body and I had to start all over again. 

     "Oliviae. Poseidon wishes to meet with you, if you will accept." Apollo called through my door in his palace. I'd been staying with my Father for the past month - Artemis was on the Hunt and I'd refused to meet with her ever since I'd realized what she'd done to me. Maybe I was being ungrateful, but I just told her I needed time to adjust. It was harder than I thought it would be.

     "He may." I smiled lightly and nodded. Apollo stuck his head in further and frowned at my state. I was sure I looked terrible. I hadn't showered in weeks, and I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten (it's not exactly like it would kill me if I never ate again). "And Hesphaestus would like to talk to you about your palace, he wants you to change your mind, you know."

     "I know." I nodded softly and looked out the window, peering down at the gold cobbled streets below, I could see Poseidon pacing back and forth in front of Apollo's mansion nervously. Over the time I'd been here, Poseidon hadn't called on me once - not that I minded. He reminded me too much of ... Percy. "Send him in, please."

     "Alright." Apollo nodded and in a few moments there was a nervous knocking at my oak door. 

     "Poseidon, come in..." I sighed and waited as he slowly pushed open the door and gave me a pitying look over as he assessed my disgusting appearance. 

     "Oliviae, I - "

     "Please," I held up a hand with a small smile. "My name is Olivia, you can call me your pick of Oli, Olive, or Your Highness." I joked and laughed a little, but it didn't really make me feel any better. I still was trapped in this eternal life I never wanted. Death was kinder.

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