Zyshaun 2

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Thirty days........ thirty fuck days that's how long I had to sit in this fuckin house until my case and I was already over it, it's bad enough that everybody and their mom was talking about my arrest but this..... I looked down at the ankle monitor and shook my head, this was the most humiliating part of this whole situation. They could've at least let me stay in my penthouse at least there I could have had a little more to do but here, I couldn't even walk out to my basketball court without being arrested again. Khalil sat in the corner trying his hardest not to laugh while Marcus went over where the hell my lawyers went wrong; first thing on my to do list is to fire all of them, second find out why the fuck the District Attorney was on my dick so hard, third beat Julius ass because I know he had a hand in this, fourth let that nigga heal up a bit, then I'd deal with Linda, then beat Julius ass again. The thought of everything I had planned for him was enough to make my dick hard....... to bad I didn't have anyone to call because Yuri was still M.I.A......

"Khalil I swear to god if you don't stop laughing this shyt isn't funny, this thing is irritating my skin." I said scratching my ankle wanting to rip this thing off and throw it at him.

"I'm sorry bro, but if we don't make a joke out of this I'm going to be pissed and we both know that's never a good thing........ I really wish this case would hurry up and be done, I'm not feeling this whole corporate businessman thing, that's your lane." Khalil said glancing over at Marcus. I felt bad for putting this on him, he quit his job and took the reins without question but I could see just how unhappy he was.

"You're doing fine Khalil it's just another month..... plus from what I hear the role suits you, I heard about the idea you threw out about starting a movie production company. I'm impressed and a little jealous I never thought about it...." I said smiling.

"Well when you get back you can handle all that while I look for a new job." Khalil said shaking his head. "You miss him don't you?" He asked and I nodded. "What is your heart telling you?" He asked.

"That he's fine..... and he needs some time away, but I won't have any peace until I hear his voice. I've never been this worried about someone who wasn't family and I......" I didn't get a chance to finish because Noah and Toussaint walked in with their gear and tossed it on the couch like this was the fuckin hangout spot. I looked at Toussaint and I swear he grew another two inches since the last time I saw him, he walked around the couch and kneeled down at my leg looking at my ankle monitor.

"So dad..... how was it?" He asked giving me a shyt eating grin and I was tempted to boot his ass across the room.

"How about you take your black ass out to your room and do your homework and take Lite-Brite Junior with you...... but first y'all need to shower because y'all are both musty as fuck." I said kicking him gently.

"Whatever you say dad, the good thing about you being on house arrest is you probably can't even come out to my room and check if I'm in there, I guess that's one of the perks of having this big ass house." Toussaint said smiling, ever since he decided to move into the guess house he's been feeling himself a little too much. Noah walked upstairs and Toussaint walked through the house leaving the smell of football practice with us.

"Let's move because I can't sit in here." I said moving to my study were the air was breathable. "Thanks for looking after the boys while I was away........ another thing I'm going to smack Linda for separating me from my kids." I said moving to my desk but Marcus decided that's where he wanted to sit.

"Zyshaun you know I have no problem watching my nephews...... though that damn Trinity is bad ass hell, like I've never seen a little boy move that much in my life. You know it's bad when Mama Angela gives up....." Khalil said laughing.

"Yeah I'm going to have to find him something to do to burn off that energy he seems to have....... speaking of kids where's my nephew?" I asked looking at Marcus smiling because I know he wanted a little girl.

"He's with Cadence and Rex....... so what were you saying about Yuri?" Khalil asked.

"I need to see him....." I got up and walked out into the hall to find on of my security guards standing there like a sentry. "Max bring me Ymir." I said in an even voice, he nodded once before walking away, I smiled knowing he'd be back within two hours. "I'm hungry let's eat....." I said smiling.

We sat around the table listening to Noah and Saint talk about football practice, I was beyond pissed that I couldn't even go to one of his games until this thing came off my ankle. I was glad Khalil finally let them play even if it was with a team of security guards watching their every move. I sat there picking at my lasagna when someone stumbled into the room and looked at me with anger in his eyes, how could he look exactly like Yuri but not ignite that fire inside my soul the way his twin brother did.

"Look I told you I didn't know where Yuri went.... and he better be glad I don't or I'd be beating his ass right now for making me worry." Ymir said dusting himself off.

"Saint Noah go out to the guest house." I said calmly, they looked at each other for a second and decided to leave because this could possibly get ugly considering all the anger I had built up in the last month. "Now Ymir explain to me why I don't believe you........ never mind I'll tell you. You know Yuri better than anyone so maybe if you think about it you'll be able to figure out whether YOUR BROTHER is located." I said wiping my hands on a napkin.

"How should I know? That nigga don't have any friends.... at least not any that he talks to anymore since finding out that I fucked them........ you know what now that I think about it there is one place he may be." Ymir said thoughtfully.

"Sir we have a problem at the front gate." Ma said walking in, I stood up at the same time as Khalil and we walked out to the foyer where Max was standing. "There's a woman here claiming to be your sister." He said and I wondered what she was doing here, I really hope she wasn't about to beg for Linda's life because that would be pointless. God I wish DiMarino wasn't on vacation, at least he got shyt done.

"Verify that her name is Vanessa Prater, check her I.D. and everything, then check her for weapons and anything that looks suspicious, then bring her up her." I said walking back into the dining room. "Where's Yuri and don't fucking play with me Ymir." I said camly.

"Fayetteville...... let me go talk to him and convince him to come back, what did you do to make him leave anyways?" Ymir said smirking, I looked at one of my security guards and they dragged him off I already had one assault charge the last thing I needed was another one.

"I'm going to need a drink?" I said pulling out the bottle I had been drinking since Khalil won his first Super Bowl years ago and poured me a drink while I waited for my sister to get here.

"You really should've had Smoke look for Yuri." Khalil said pouring himself a drink.

"It took Smoke three years to find Devin and he was living in the same city as you..... no offense bro but that dude isn't really that good." I said smirking.

"First of all Smoke is legit...... he just didn't have much to go on, I mean starting in Columbus then, having to search all across Washington it wasn't easy but he found him which is all that matters punk."

"I'm just fucking with you bro, you know I fuck with Smok........ WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?!" I asked as Vanessa walked into the dining room looking like she got the fucks beat out of her, even though I barely knew her this was still my little sister.

"Mom....... Linda she wanted me to deliver a message to you, she says she hopes you enjoyed your little month away and she sent me here to show you she's not afraid to kill one of her kids to prove a point." Vanessa said tearing up, I sat there fuming.... this bitch Linda was crazy Vanessa stood there barefoot and clothes ripped. "She also wanted to let you know that......" Whatever it was she couldn't finish and I pride myself on being able to read people, everything she was saying was the truth and whatever she went through was too hard to talk about.

"It doesn't matter...... Claudia take Vanessa upstairs and get her cleaned up, we'll talk about this in the morning." I said to one of the housekeepers, who lead Vanessa away. "Khalil I need you to get in touch with Smoke....... tell him I got two million if he finds Linda and keeps tabs on her every move." I said heated, a had an entire month to fantasize about everything I was going to do to Linda and Julius, and I promised that the first chance I got they were going to wish that they never set foot in Texas...............................

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