Blaze 13

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In 48 hours me and Devin's sons were supposed to be home and while we were supposed to be celebrating Devin sat in the corner mauling over this whole Nico situation, I promised Marcus I would let Devin come to me with it when he was ready but how was I supposed to keep my cool when he just sat in the same spot for hours staring off into space? I knew the whole Devin and Nico situation, I heard it from both sides and was able to look at things objectively so I knew this hurting Devin because of everything Iman did to him and his family and for Nico his best friend to still be communicating with him........ I needed to get Devin's mind off this because right now we two infinitely more important things to be focused on. I got up and walked over to him and stood over him, he glanced up at me and smiled before pulling me close to him, in that small gesture I knew I had his undivided attention.

"We should go out tonight, after we go to the hospital and check on the boys we should go out and party one last time because once they come home it's a wrap we won't have any real free time until who knows when. Plus Crouching Tiger Hidden Yin is here visiting, Shoo finally has a weekend off and Will is back from New York. We haven't all been together since Shoo's wedding." I said and Devin's hand went straight to the spot where the high heel hit him.

"Don't remind me...... every time we get together you know something crazy happens." Devin said smiling. "But yeah we can go up there and give Mama Angela a break for a couple hours, you wanna call Legacy and Rex to see if he wants to come?"

"I've already talked to them, they're definitely coming so you really didn't have a choice in the matter." I said kissing him.

"Aight whatever you say....... I kinda miss this you, the you that was ruthless with his words and quick to talk shyt to everyone in his immediate vicinity." Devin said smiling. "I got a feeling once you get around everyone 'Blaze' might make an appearance."

"Whatever Shrimp Dick..... just go get ready so we can go see the kids." I said punching him gently in the chest, though what he said kinda caught me off guard.

When we got to the hospital Mama Angela and Liberty were sitting in the nursery feeding the twins, they pretty much took over since they were born forcing me and Devin to go home and get some sleep because we barely left their sides.

"Didn't I tell y'all not to come back until I said so?" Mama Angela said looking at me and Devin.

"I must've missed that....... how are they doing?" Devin asked walking over to Liberty who was holding Darion.

"Let's see Odion aka Lite Brite Jr is a crybaby, like seriously he hasn't stopped crying since he was born. Now Darion is a good baby he barely cries so if y'all ever need a baby-sitter I'll watch him for free but y'all gotta pay me to watch Odion." Liberty said playfully.

"Ayy baby I gotta run to the studio real quick, I'll be right back." Devin said kissing me and the boys quickly before running out the room.

"So when do we roll up on Nico?" Liberty asked handing me Darion.

"How did you find out about that?" I asked because I thought it was supposed to be a secret.

"I think Legacy told her, who heard it from Enzo, who heard it from Khalil.......... Honestly I'm about ready to call all Marcus's cousins and let them deal with this mess." Mama Angela said. "Y'all go get me something to eat, I'll watch these two." She said basically kicking us out the room.

"You know I was being serious about running up on Nico." Liberty said as we stood in line to get some food.

"Look Devin wants to handle this by himself and I'll respect that..... I'm not going to get involved but I'll be right there ready if need be." I said looking at her.

"I swear Blaze you've gotten so boring since I first met you, what happened to the crazy Blaze that would push Devin up against the wall just to steal a kiss or that would scare niggas away from Devin just with a look? You need to bring him back and beat Nico ass......." Liberty said.

"You know Devin said the same exact thing earlier..... I don't think I've changed that much I just have my priorities together." I said quietly.

"You've gotten boring Blaze....... but don't feel bad it happens to the best of us, when Camden felt I was getting a bit stale I decided to spice things up. So on his 25th birthday I pulled a Nicki Minaj and found a little cutie to take to the hotel with us for one night of mind blowing sex." Liberty said.

"Yeah that's not happening...... me and Devin are both too selfish to share." I said looking t her like she was crazy.

"Boy please I thought Camden was the same way but once it got started......... Devin's the only person you've been with right?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah you definitely need some variety...... trust me just one threesome would take your relationship right back to how it was in the beginning and it's not cheating if y'all do it together." Liberty said and I decided not to respond because a threesome was out of the question. How did we get from talking about Nico to having a threesome anyways.

We got back upstairs where Shoo Shoo, Will, Yin and Legacy were all waiting in the lobby arguing about who was the boys goddad. I was just going to let them figure that out on their own because I knew someone was going to end up mad at me and Devin for whatever decision we came up with.

"Wassup Blaze where's Devin?" Will asked walking over to me. "It doesn't matter tell these bums I'm the goddad, I've known Devin longer than anyone so it's only right that it's me." I didn't bother to respond I just walked in the room with Mama Angela and waited until Devin got back............

"Y'all ugly ass are going to quit scaring my sons." Devin said watching as Shoo Shoo and Yin made funny faces at the twins. Odion cried while Darion just laid there squirming in his blanket.

"When's whiteboy Rex supposed to be getting here?" Shoo Shoo asked.

"He's on his way with my sister........ Cadence wants to spend some time with the boys, I don't get why I keep letting y'all tell me what to do with my kids." Devin said looking at Mama Angela and Liberty.

"Because boy I'm not going to be watching them once they come home so you better take advantage of it now, because in two days y'all are on y'alls own......." She said quietly. "Now y'all leave because it's time for their naps." Me and Devin looked at each other and decided to take the safer option which was leave.

We all sat around the living room catching up and Devin had that far away look in his eyes again and I knew he was thinking about Nico, I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and pulled Devin in to the kitchen and looked in his eyes.

"Devin I know what's going on with Nico....." I said quietly and Devin mouthed 'fuckin Marcus'.

"What's going on with Nico?" Will said walking into the kitchen, I started to ask him to leave but Devin shook his head. "If something is going on with my bro I have just as much right to know as anyone, is it that nigga Young Mon?" Will asked looking like he was ready fight.

"Nah...... Nico has been getting letters from Iman, I don't know if he's been writing him back but from the sounds of the letters they've been writing each other back and forth for years....... I'm just going to ask him about it when he gets back, I don't want to make a big deal out of it." Devin said looking at us.

"Great when you talk to him, I'm going to be there and before you even think about saying no me, you and Nico go back to middle school that's my boy and if he's doing something as stupid as you think he's doing..... then I'm going to be there to knock some sense into him too." Will said.

"Aight let's just forget about it right now and focus on getting fucked up tonight." I said and they both nodded, but I could see them having a silent conversation with their eyes. Something was going to happen when they went to talk to Nico I just hope their friendship was enough to stop Nico from making a huge mistake.......................................

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