Devin 48

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I've never been so scared in my entire life, not when I was separated from Khalil, not when I got shot or stabbed, not when I thought Khalil had died this was something far beyond any of that, watching my son struggle to breathe, with his nose running in a way that didn't look normal and the fact that his lip and fingernails were blueish  caused me to panic. Torian was at work and the only person I could call was Marcus, so once he was at my house I didn't even stop to talk as I rushed Darion to the hospital. The waiting was worse because there was nothing I could do besides sit there and watch my son cry at the top of his lungs, Torian got to there right after I did and he looked close to breaking, as a parent this was something I wasn't prepared for seeing them stick an IV in his arm almost caused me to walk out the room but I refused to leave his side. I stayed up for damn near sixteen hours when they finally told us he had some respiratory virus and that he should be fine, but that didn't make me feel any better.

"I should've realized there was something wrong........" Torian said quietly. "I should've seen the signs but I was so caught up with work and everything else that I missed it and to make matters worse he probably got sick because, well let's face it we both know my lungs are fucked up and I probably passed it on to Darion." Torian said wiping his face.

"Baby this isn't your fault....... I'm the one who was with them all day and I get thought it was a common cold I should've noticed it was much worse earlier. Let's just be thankful that Darion will be okay and we'll be able to take him home tomorrow." I said kissing him, we sat there quietly until Marcus and Khalil showed up.

"You aight little bro?" Khalil asked and I shook my head, hell no I wasn't alright. "I remember the first time Cori got sick.... I was scared shitless, I had never had a sick kid before and I literally didn't know what to do. I felt helpless but I knew the most important thing was being strong for Marcus because he was worse than I was and just sitting here I can see how much this is messing with Blaze." We looked over at Torian as he paced around nervously.

"I'll talk to him in a few minutes, I just gotta call Mama Angela and check on Odion first." I said getting up and walking off. After checking on my son I walked over to Torian and pulled him into my arms. "Stop blaming yourself." I said quietly and that was all it took to get Torian to relax, if only just a little........................

We didn't get home until the next day, Dominique and Sa'vion helped move all of Darion's stuff into a different room and disinfect the house. I hated separating them this early in life but I didn't want Odion getting sick as well so for the time being they had to sleep in different rooms. As me and Torian laid in bed, I knew he still blamed himself for everything and for the millionth time I reassured him it had nothing to do with him and his own condition.

"Baby it's not your fault." I said looking in his eyes.

"Devin even though we discuss it, we both know Odion is your biological son and Darion is mine...... I just can't ignore the fact that it was my son that ended up with the lung problems........ if anything were to happen to him, do you think our relationship could've survived?" Torian said and I sat up and made him look at me.

"But nothing did happen..... that's all that matters. Look we may not be perfect, but I have never loved anyone more than I love you..... we know when I was younger I wasn't the most faithful dude but the second we got together I knew I wanted to change right then to be the perfect person for you. And yeah we've had a few bumps niggas and women throwing themselves at me, punk ass RN's grabbing your dick and another situation I never want to discuss....... but even through all that......" I pulled my shirt off, grabbed his hand and placed it on a tattoo right over my heart. "Whose name is tattooed on me?" I said smiling.

"I'm pretty sure it says 'Torian' but my name is Blaze." He said laughing.

"Whatever punk..... but I'm telling you that we can survive anything because we love each other it's that simple and complicated at the same time. Darion will be fine, he going to grow up and be a doctor, lawyer, pornstar, whatever he wants to be because  I can already tell he's going to successful...... now Odion on the other hand is going to be a little troublemaker." I said laughing, until Torian hit me with a pillow.

"Did you just say my son was going to be a pornstar Shrimp Dick?" He said laughing.

"I was just saying he can be anything he wants to be........ maybe being a pornstar was taking things a little too far. But I'm serious about no blaming yourself, stop or I'm going to fuck you up." I said poking his forehead, just as we were about to kiss both the baby monitors went off and we got up to check on our sons........................

The next morning we realized that the twins couldn't sleep through the night without being in the same room which made me nervous considering what happened with Darion so we had to be extra careful until we were sure Darion wasn't contagious.

"How's he doing?" Cadence asked flipping some pancakes.

"He's still a little fussy but other than that he's good. Now tell me again why you're staying here?" I asked messing with her.

"Because we're leaving in a couple days and I don't feel like driving from Austin. Now give me some money so I can go to the mall with Liberty, Tiana and Vanessa." Cadence said with her hand out.

"Don't you have a husband? You stopped getting money from me the second you said 'I do'. You better call Rex and have him give you some money because I'm not giving you shyt." I said smirking, Cadence rolled her eyes before grabbing my plate and walking away. "Ayy what are you doing?"

"Taking my food back, why are you always so mean to me Devin." Cadence said pouting.

"Why are you always getting on my nerves?" I countered. "Man fuck it I'll give you some money now can I please have my food back?" I asked irritated, Cadence gave me my plate back and just as I was about to dig in Liberty grabbed the plate and started eating my food.

"Say something I dare you...... I'm eating for two now and I'll be damned if I have to wait to eat." She said and I got up because I really didn't feel like arguing with either one of them, I'd be glad when they left. I sat on the couch waiting for them to get the fuck out my house so I could eat in peace, I looked at my sons and smiled.

"Your aunts get on my damn nerves, when y'all get older I want y'all to beat up AJ and the baby Liberty is carrying if it's a boy every chance y'all get." I said playfully, Odion smiled while Darion closed his eyes and went to sleep. I could watch them do nothing all day, Odion tried reaching over to Darion but I quickly scooped him up and started walking around the room. "Why are you always picking on your little brother punk?" I asked smiling as he smiled back.

"Because little brothers are fun to mess with......" Sa'vion said with Dominique. "I mean think about it, Khalil fucks with the four of us, I fuck with you, Cam and Domo, Cam fucks with you and I'm sure once he gets back he'll fuck with Domo, you pick on Domo. There's a pecking order. Just like it's y'alls job to get on my damn nerve."

"And it's me and Carly's job to irritate all of y'all........" Cadence said walking in out the kitchen with Liberty and Vanessa. Dominique smirked as Vanessa brushed pass him even though there was more than enough room for her to get passed him. "We'll be back later." Cadence said taking the money out my hand and walking out the door smiling.

"So what's the move for tonight? I'm trying to go out and get fucked up." Dominique said smiling.

"I'm down. Donovan?" Sa'vion said giving me a playful smirk.

"I told you about calling me Donovan...... but I'm going to have to pass because as y'all can see, I have one sick son and I this one can't seem to sleep without his brother in the room so I gotta keep an eye out for both of them. Maybe next week or something......" I said putting Odion back in his crib, I had other reasons for not going out with them like that fact that I didn't feel like getting into a fight over something stupid. Then something crossed my mind I pictured going out with these two plus Cam and shudder.......... the three of them together was a scary thought, hopefully my big bro found some self control while he was over there our I could only imagine the hell those three were going to cause when they got together.............

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