Devin 31

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"Every long lost dream led me to where you are, others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars. Pointing me on my way into your loving arms, this much I know is true. That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." I sang to Torian as he laid across my chest. The last few days have been rough; finding out I had yet another brother, the base where Cam was at got attacked... there were no causalities but still it was scary knowing what he was over there going through alone, then there was Enzo.......... just thinking about it made me tear up. Aside from Nico, Enzo was there for me the entire time I was separated from Khalil...... he took care of me even though he was living in Spain at the time and if he died.......... my thoughts were broken by the sound of crying and I looked down at Torian and smiled. That was definitely Odion crying, we decided the best way to tackle this whole day thing was each one of us take a twin whenever they started crying and thankfully I got the laid back twin. Don't get me wrong I loved my boys equally but Darion didn't require me to get up in the middle of the night.

"That's your kid." I said jokingly handing him the bottle, Torian smacked me with the pillow and walked out the room. I laid back until I heard something on the baby monitor.

"So your dad is being an asshole again, if I didn't love him so much I'd beat his ass. Maybe when y'all get older I'll tell you about the time I beat him up." Torian said the fact that I could hear him clearing, let me know he was holding the monitor. I got up and walked into the kids room and stood by the door.

"If your birthday wasn't in a couple hours I'd be one top of you right now....." I said smiling suggestively, Darion started making that adorable squeaking noise he always made when he wanted me to pick him up so I walked over to him, picked him up and started walking around the room. "Mama Angela said she'd watch the boys tomorrow so we could spend some time alone and you still have two wishes left so you better make them count." I said walking around the room until Darion was sleep.

"For my second wish I want you to talk to Nico........." Torian said and I froze in my tracks. "Devin he misses you and I don't think you and Will gave him a chance to tell his side of things. You said I could have whatever I wanted and I want you to make things right with your best friend, because I know if he isn't at our wedding you won't think it's perfect and then you might push the date back......." I took a deep breath before putting Darion back in his crib.

"Let's go down to the Black Room so we don't wake them up." I said quietly, we walked down to my office, moved the bookcase and went inside. "Baby....... this thing with Nico, you know I got a lot of love for him. He's my best friend but do you know what it's like to have the person you trust above all others tell someone you don't know your deepest secrets? To have someone you don't know, know more about you then family........ to be picked apart and dissected by a total stranger and then to have that person throw it all back in your face?" I asked quietly. "I want to be friends with Nico........ but I can't trust him to not go back and tell Iman stuff he shouldn't know."

"Devin you don't have to tell Nico anything you don't want him to know...... just don't cut him out of your life, he was there for you when you needed someone the least you could do is be there for him." Torian said.

"Man alright......" I said shaking my head and smiling. "You get an extra wish because of your compassion......." I said kissing him.

"Why did we come in here? We could've had this conversation anywhere in the house." Torian said.

"Because I was hoping to have an argument so I could fuck you real quick but looks like I'm going to talk to my boy...... I'll be back in a couple hours. Will you be alright with the boys until I get back." I said pulling him into my arms.

"Please I'm good me and our sons will be chillin when you get back Shrimp Dick." Torian said and I kissed him again before going to have a one on one with Nico........................

I sat on a bench at the park waiting for Nico, being alone gave me time to reflect on everything that was going on; when would it end? Like all I wanted to do was raise my sons, marry my dude and kick it with my family hopefully this conversation with Nico got me my best friend back. I sat there watching birds when I heard footsteps behind me I turned around and saw Nico walking up with Iman, it took every ounce of my willpower not to steal on this nigga but I kept myself in check because I was only here to talk.

"Wassup Nico......" I said ignoring Iman. "I'm glad you came..... I wasn't sure if you'd show up."

"I didn't have a reason not to show up, Iman do you mind giving us a few minutes?" Nico said and Iman pulled Nico closer showing he wasn't going anywhere.

"Look I didn't come here for trouble...... me and you have been through too much to let something like this come between us now. I just feel like as your friend there are certain things that I tell you that should stay between us and certain things you know shouldn't be told to anyone." I said looking in his eyes.

"Devin I......" Nico started to say but Bozo the Clown decided to add his two cent.

"Nico you don't explain shyt to this nigga, you're my dude and if you wanna tell me stuff then you have every right too." Iman said looking at me. "I'm pretty sure he tells Blaze stuff you don't want people to know."

"Keep my dudes name out your mouth........ Nico I've never told Torian any of your secrets and he never ask because he has too much respect for you to get in your business. He feels if you wanted him to know you would tell him." I said honestly.

"Yeah right....... you probably tell Blaze about how you and your brothers constantly disrespect Nico and how they always took your side even though everything that went wrong in y'alls relationship is their fault." Iman said and I was reaching my limit this dude had already mentioned my dude, now he was mentioning my brothers if it weren't for Nico I would've broke his face.

"Iman...... I'm trying to be a fuckin adult this is between me and Nico so could you please just stop talking?" I said trying to stop shaking.

"Devin I want to us to be friends, but if we do then me and Iman are a package deal." Nico said looking into my soul.

"Nico...... I've ALWAYS been honest with you, I can't be friends with this dude. But if you ever want to chill, stop by for a drink, get your ass beat in 2k...... my door is always open for you." I said putting emphasis on the 'you'. "You got my number so I'm just going to leave......" I said standing up, I started walking away when Iman said something that caused me to stop me in my tracks and caused my blood to boil.

"Yeah take your bitch ass back to them ugly ass kids." Iman said laughing. I turned around and punched him dead in the throat, as he fought for air I punched him in the diaphragm. I watched him hit the ground and struggle to breath, it would've been too easy to beat his ass but showing him just how easy it would be for me to do so was much worse.

"DEVIN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?!?!" Nico said pushing me away from Iman, I looked at him confused trying to figure out what I did wrong because I felt I was totally justified in knocking him on his ass. "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST WALK AWAY!!!! LIKE DAMN DEVIN DOES EVERYTHING INVOLVING YOUR FAMILY HAVE TO BE DRAMA!?!?!?!?!?"

"Nico he said something about my dude....... I gave him a pass. He said something about my brothers........ I gave him another pass........... but for him to say something about my kids for a second time, I'm not letting that shyt slide. I just don't get why I'm the bad guy here, I came to you like a man trying to mend our friendship and you're still choosing this niggas side. I'm over it, I don't have time for this shyt I have other things on my plate. Hit me up when you're not blinded by this nigga." I said throwing up two fingers and getting on my motorcycle.

I need to get home to my family, check on my kids, make sure my brother Enzo was alright and figure out who the fuck was trying to kill the person I thought was my best friend. Even though Nico was pissing me off at the moment, I still owed it to him to figure out why he was shot since it was my fault. They say love is blind, I just hope my boy saw the light before it was too late because the way things were going Iman was going to get him killed.........................

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