Epilogue 13: Devin

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It felt weird being back in Texas after so long but I wasn't going to miss Noah and Saint's graduation for anything, so coming back here was both happy and a little sad because of everything I've missed. Don't get me wrong I grew to love living in California; Torian loved it and the twins were thriving there plus the added benefit of living right up the road from USC meant that Noah and Saint could come over whenever they wanted. We stepped off the plane and I had to walk with my hands in my pocket because the monsters had got on my nerves the entire flight, I just wished Torian didn't have to catch a later flight because they always listened to him and he seemed to be the only one who could calm Odion down when he got into one of his little moods. After getting our bags I looked around for my big brother and instantly spotted Enzo which was just as good, I walked over to him and pulled him into a brotherly hugged and smiled as he looked at my sons.

"Damn Dev they've gotten so damn big." Enzo said trying to touch Odion's shoulder but he slapped Enzo's hand away and walked over to the side by himself. "Wassup Darion?" Enzo said turning his attention to Darion who hid behind my leg.

"Don't mind them, Darion is shy and Odion is well..... he's me basically. They just need some time to warm up to you since they barely see y'all." I said walking over to Odion getting down until I was eye level with him. "Odion are you alright?" I asked and he nodded, I was really worried about my oldest because there were times he just didn't want to be bothered with anybody and that made me nervous though the doctors we've taken him to said it was completely normal.

"Alright let's get over to Khalil's house Noah isn't expecting you for a couple more days so this should be a surprise to him." Enzo said helping me with the bags. Once we got to Khalil's house I wasn't surprised in the slightest that Noah was gone, whenever I called he was either with Jade or Saint, I watched as Darion ran off with Marquise, Ace and AJ while Odion went to a corner by himself and I just felt it in my hear something was really wrong with him.

"Wassup Uncle Devin...." Cori said walking downstairs with Marcel and Marcus Jr., I was still standing there watching Odion and Cori followed my gaze. "Odion you like video games?" Cori said snapping Odion out of his trance and just like that Odion was back to his normal, happy go-lucky self.

"Marquise where are your dads?" I asked and he led me out back where Khalil and Marcus were arguing over who could cook better. "Why don't y'all both move since we all know who's the best cook in the family is." I said smiling.

"Well this is my house and I'm the only man allowed to touch this grill, as I was just explaining to Marcus. Devin why don't you go and get some ice, since Noah probably won't be back until later and there's no point in calling him." Khalil said and I just stood there staring at him.

"You completely misunderstand the concept of vacation, send Cam or Sa'vion or Cadence's bald-headed ass." I said taking a seat, Khalil started staring at me but I wasn't moving after about two minutes I finally caved. As I was about to get up Darion ran past me and I quickly scooped him up and I didn't like the way he was breathing knowing his asthma was a going to be a problem in this dry ass Texas heat. "Darion do you wanna ride to the store with me?"

"No dad I wanna stay and play...." He said trying to take off running but I stopped him. "I'm okay dad." He said seeing the worry in my eyes, he managed to get out of my grip and went after his cousins.

"Here....." I said handing Khalil Darion's inhaler. "If he starts looking like he's having trouble breathing make him sit down for a couple minutes and....." Khalil put his hand on my shoulder and smirked.

"I got it Devin, just go get the ice and try not to make any new friends along the way.... we would hated to have another Jupiter situation on our hands." Khalil said and I looked at my son one more time before walking back into the house.

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