Blaze 32

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Devin kicked me out the house; he said he wanted me to be surprised when I cam home for my birthday dinner. So for the first half of the day I was mostly chillin over Marcus's house listening to these two argue was the funniest thing ever, Khalil wanted to feed Marquise but Marcus was insisting that it was turn all the while Noah sat in the corner shaking his head and feeding his little brother. Once they finally stopped arguing they ended up going upstairs and I haven't seen them since, I swear sometimes I think they fight just to have a reason to have sex. I sat there playing the game with Noah until his girlfriend came over and they walked outside to talk leaving me to wonder what was taking Devin so long...... and also how I was going to present my third wish to him in a way that would make him want to do it. I sat there watching tv when Enzo walked in with Zyshaun and Marsean, seeing Enzo hurt my heart but I knew he didn't want sympathy the last few days we've been going over options and things were looking optimistic.

"Where's my brother?" Enzo asked and I pointed upstairs and they all shook their heads in unison, then they all looked at each other and started smiling deviously. Before I knew it they all started hitting me in my arms and legs.

"Man I'm too damn old to be getting hit on my birthday." I said rubbing my arm.

"That's only because we love you Blaze if we didn't we'd ignore you sorta like we do Sa'vion." Zyshaun said laughing. "Why aren't you at home with Devin? If it was my birthday it would be nonstop sex from midnight to midnight."

"He's getting everything set up so I should be leaving here in a few minutes...... hopefully." I said looking down at my phone. "So what are y'all doing over here?" I asked looking at the three of them.

"Poker night and we're supposed to be planning our trip since everyone else is getting away for a weekend, but we can't start until Khalil hurries his ass up." Marsean said just as Khalil came down stairs smiling. "Speak of the devil...... where's my little bro?" Marsean asked and Khalil shrugged.

"Recovering...... let's get started, Blaze you're more than welcome to join us until Devin gets done." Khalil said leading us into the basement. I played a few rounds before Devin finally called and told me I could come home.

When I got to the house there was a path of rose petals leading to the door I walked inside to find more rose petals and candles leading to the dining room. Devin stood there looking nothing short of perfect the only thing that could divert my attention was all the food on the table, my baby went all out and cooked everything I asked for; steak, honey glazed shrimp, loaded baked potatoes, bacon wrapped asparagus and sitting in the center of the table was a huge Oreo Extreme Dream Cheesecake.

"Happy Birthday Baby...." Devin said walking over to me and kissing me. I looked around the room at all the gold and white decorations and smiled.

"Thanks Shrimp Dick........ nah seriously Devin, thanks not just for everything. We've been together for a long ass time and though we've had a few rough patches we've only become stronger." I said looking in his eyes.

"Let's eat before this food gets cold and you can tell me more about how perfect I am." Devin said smiling, as always the food was amazing and the conversation flowed as smooth as silk but I could tell something was on his mind.

"Devin what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his goatee.

"It's your day baby, I wanna focus on you and you only nothing else or no one else matters for the next couple hours it's about you...... so have you decided on what your next two wishes are going to be?"Devin asked.

"Actually I have but it's more of a request not a wish...... I mean it's completely up to you if you wanna do..... it's just......" I rambled on until Devin pulled me in for a kiss.

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