Khalil 19

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Me, Devin and Enzo sat around watching Marquise, Ace, Odion and Darion in their little baby seats the conversation was extremely intense, they weren't even a six months old yet and we already had them competing against each other. Let Enzo tell it Ace was going to be the best looking because he most likely was going to take after him and that alone made it impossible for people not to love him, but Devin saw things differently he figured with Odion's green eyes, light skin and curly hair he was going to be the best looking, tied with Darion because of his big brown eyes that honestly made you melt, of course I was biased because well Marquise was probably going to look like Marcus and that alone made him the obvious choice. We pleaded our cases to Liberty, Tonya, Mama Angela and Vanessa while Marcus just sat off to the side shaking his head. It was all in fun though, I loved my son and nephews equally though Marquise better win....... I thought to myself.

"This is stupid why are y'all even having them compete? Hell they don't even know what's going on........ we all know Marquise is the going to be the best at everything, so it's not fair to even ave him over there." Marcus said and I turned to wink in his direction.

"Look I'm will to concede that Marquise might be the smartest...... though if Darion is anything like Torian I mean naturally brilliant than he might have some competition. But let's be serious here for a minute...... Odion and Darion have the best looking parents point, blank and the period...... I'm not even sure about Ace I mean all he does is drool." Devin said smiling at Enzo.

"Shut up Devin.... I can't wait until they get older, I willing to bet anything Ace will be the one running shyt. Ain't that right little man?" Enzo said tickling Ace's chin. We continued our debate until Noah walked in with two of his little friends.

"Why aren't you at the school don't you have a game tonight?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes but we have two hours before we have to be there and I need a change of clothes." Noah said leading his friends into the kitchen.

"Marcus why does he need a change of clothes?" I asked confused.

"Because he asked if he could go out with some friends after the game and I told him he could, it's the last game of the season and I think he's earned it...... don't worry Zyshaun has people watching them so they should be fine." Marcus said.

"Y'all two in the kitchen NOW!" Mama Angela said looking at me and Marcus. I got up and followed her out to the backyard. "Now I know y'all are both pretty lame and y'all don't know much about these children these days but you cannot tell me that you didn't smell that when they walked through the house, hell I smelled it as soon as they entered the kitchen." She said looking at us.

"Smell what ma?" I asked looking at Marcus.

"Weed genius...... and judging from the smell I think it was some good shyt." She said.

"Mom how do you even know what kind of weed it is?" Marcus asked scratching his head.

"Parent..... child..... boy don't worry about me." She said pointing to herself then Marcus. "Okay I got a botanist friend now y'all better handle that before I break my foot off in all three of y'alls asses." She said waving us off. Me and Marcus walked in the house and I stopped him I'd handle this one. I walked down to his room, I started to knock but then I remembered this was my house. I walked into his room and the two friends quickly knew what time it was, they got up and mumbled something about catching Noah later.

"Wassup dad?" Noah asked confused.

"You smoking?" I asked bluntly.

"What!? No I'm not stupid." Noah said holding my gaze. "Typical...... you don't believe me do you? Well let's go to the store and get a home drug test..... will that convince you?" Noah asked grabbing his jacket.

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