Legacy 14

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I woke up feeling like someone had took a hammer and banged it against my head, it took me a couple minutes to realize I was in Devin's house which gave me plenty of time to remember just what the hell happened last night. I remember getting kicked out a like three bars, Devin's drunk ass falling all over the place, Will getting into an argument with some dude and having to stop him from getting arrested then coming back here and drinking some more......... after everything that's happened these last few months we needed to go out and relax so I wasn't complaining. I got up and stumbled downstairs where Blaze was making breakfast for everyone, he looked at me and busted out laughing I must've done something he thought was hilarious though I didn't remember what it was. One by one everyone came into the kitchen looking like they had the worse night ever which was usually a good sign of just how well the night really went. Devin was the last one to walk in and I could see the stress etched across his face........ Before he could sit down I pulled him into the living room and waited.

"I guess everyone knows about Nico....... damn that's the last time I tell Marcus any secrets. Look I'm going to handle it, me and Will plan on talking to him once he gets back." Devin said quietly.

"Dev I trust you're decision making most of the time but you and Will are just too connected to this..... let someone else talk to Nico and see what's going on. Y'all are going to go in there with the intentions of talking to your 'friend' you need someone whose going to get answers......" I said looking in his eyes.

"Exactly my point, I know Nico better than any one of y'all I know when he's lying and I'm not going to go in there letting my emotions rule. I'll talk to him man to man, you said you trusted me so let me handle this. Will is going to be there with me and you know how he is........." Devin said. "And shouldn't you be more focused on your trip with Enzo? Y'all are supposed to be leaving in a couple days, I don't want to fuck up y'alls trip with something I have handled." Devin said before walking off.

I had completely forgot about the trip and with everything that was going on I wasn't even sure if I still wanted to go, but on the other hand if me and Lorenzo didn't get away soon I was afraid it would be a long time before we got the chance again. I walked back into the kitchen and they were discussing plans for the day which I wasn't going to be a part of, my only plans were to go home and sleep which is exactly what I did....... I woke up around seven and walked downstairs to find Lorenzo sitting on the couch watching some basketball game.

"I see you're all packed up." I said noticing the bags by the door.

"Nah we're all packed up and yes we're still going, we need to send at least two weeks away from everything and just get back to us." Lorenzo said standing up and stretching. "Just you and me for two weeks on white beaches........" He said kissing me.

"Man I'm not sure....... we really should focus on Jul......." Lorenzo pinched my lips together and shook his head.

"None of that for two weeks we will not say the J-word." He said smiling.

"Okay but aren't you worried that he might try something while we're gone? What about Ivanna and Ace?" I asked.

"Khalil, Zyshaun, Devin....... they won't let anything happen while we're away. But if it make's you feel better then they can come with us, I'll just call their mom and tell her to pack a bag." Lorenzo said pulling out his phone, but I stopped him.

"How am I supposed to do this if we're surround by kids?" I asked taking a step towards him and unbuttoning his pants, I pulled his dick out through the slit in his boxers and started stroking it until he was rock hard. I pushed him back to the couch and kneeled between his knees.

"Wait........ I get your point, but let's save that for the trip." He said smiling, I guess he could see the anger across my face because he leaned forward and kissed me. "Baby what's lesson number seven?" He asked smiling.

"Restraint........ aight I'll chill for now but once we get to Rio all lesson are going out the window, I'm trying to fuck like it's the last time we'll ever see each other." I said smiling. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink when I came back Lorenzo was sitting on the couch talking to someone on the phone. "Why do you have my phone and who are you talking to?" I asked.

"Cam....... nah I was telling Legacy that you were on the phone." Lorenzo said and I tried to snatch the phone from him but he ran across the room. "Chill let me check on my little bro then y'all can kiki the entire time I'm at the gym." Lorenzo said smiling, I sat down and waited until Khalil showed up, who wanted to talk to Cam before I finally got the chance to talk to my boy.

"Wassup bro." I said smiling.

"WASSUP BITCH NIGGA!!!!" Cam said and I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Damn you sound a lot better than the last time we spoke." I said smiling.

"Yeah two months over here and I'm finally starting to adjust, when I first got over here it was bad, I couldn't sleep, couldn't digest the food, damn near cried every night, but it's growing on me a little. How's my wife and kids doing?" Cam asked quietly.

"Liberty's good, she's been hanging around with Cadence a lot but this preg........" I almost slipped up but thankfully Cam started yelling at someone so I doubt he heard me. "She's good the kids miss you a lot though..." I said. "But you should call and talk to her instead of calling and hanging up."

"I'm going to call here once I get off the phone with you but I just wanted to check and see how you were doing. I talked to Devin earlier he sounded a little stressed out, but he didn't really want to talk about it." Cam said and I knew telling Cam about everything that was going on was a bad idea, especially the Nico situation because of their history and even though they were on good terms he still hated Iman with a passion and if he found out that Nico has been communicating with him then..............

"Devin's good the twins will be home tomorrow........ damn bro by the time you get back they'll probably be walking." I said (not only that he's going to have a whole child he's never met) but I knew not to say anything.

"True but look I'll talk to you when you get back from y'alls trip. Love you bro, now I gotta call my wife." Cam said.

"Love you too." I said hanging up.

I hated keeping Liberty's pregnancy from him, I hated keeping everything that was going on with our family secret from him as well but knowing Cam and his anger issues it would only make him more eager to come home which would make the time seem like it was dragging on...... nah it was better if he didn't know that way when he got back hopefully all this was over. Which brought me right back around to Julius....... so far he's been able to come in, mess up our lives and leave relatively unharmed. He's been able to successfully target every single one of us without any effort and the reason being is because he's been able to find weaknesses in all of us an exploit it. We needed to find his weakness and turn things around on him but in order to do that we needed to get close to him....... I could feel myself getting closer to an answer, it was right there within my grasp and just as I reached out to grab it, my phone buzzed messing up my whole train of thought. I looked down and saw it was a text from an unknown number.

UNKNOWN: This is Mique I got a new number, I'm back in town and I thought we could catch up. HMU......

I knew this was a bad idea for him to even be texting me but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why I was saving his number in my phone.................................

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