Marcus 25

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It took a lot of convincing, with a few tears and a little bit of bribery to finally convince my mom to go get checked out. Thankfully Torian managed to pull a few strings to get one of his physician friends to check her out this close to the holidays, me and Marsean sat in the waiting room while they were in the back.I flipped through a magazine not really paying attention to anything but the pictures, while Marsean video chatted, with Tonya and my nephews, I hated coming to the doctors but it was necessary I went through the same shyt with Khalil and I refused to let my mother ignore her health. After waiting forever she finally came out with the doctor and I rolled my eyes hard as fuck, the way he was smiling at her made me sick; don't get me wrong he was cute almost sexy but we didn't come here for my mom to be flirting with doctor, she walked over to us, with a smirk on her face as she saved the doctor's number in her phone while Marsean and the doctor spoke in medical terms that I didn't understand.

"I'm telling Qwanell you're cheating on him." I said playfully, my mom smirked before grabbing the magazine out my hand and flipping through it.

"Boy please Qwanell is snack...... and very good snack but a snack nonetheless. Now Roger is a meal, don't tell me you didn't see the bulge in his pants when we first got her because I sure as hell did. Since I'm pretty much living down here I need a new friend to keep me busy......" She said looking at the older man talking to my brother, at least she was messing with someone closer to her age.

"So Doctor Blackwell says you have a clean bill of health...... actually he said your the healthiest 5......" My mom slapped Marsean with that magazine and I mumbled 'stupid', he knows better than saying her age out loud. "What I meant to say was you're the healthiest woman of your age he's ever seen."

"Like I told both of y'alls ugly asses, now let's go I have to go home and start getting things ready for dinner." She said waving us off. Even though I was relieved something was still bothering me, if she was physically healthy then why did she look so stressed all the time? We got back to the house and Khalil and Noah were in the middle of the street with some boxing gloves and I started to beat Khalil's ass until I noticed they were both laughing....... but still I walked over to Khalil and jumped on his back giving Noah a clean chin shot.

"Baby you're supposed to be on my side." Khalil complained.

"Not when it comes to that one." I said pointing to Noah.

"Thanks dad......" Noah said smirking.

"Go in the house, let me talk to your dad for a second." Khalil said tossing Noah the boxing gloves, Noah nodded before running in the house and Khalil stood there looking in my eyes. "So what did they say?" He asked wrapping me in his arms.

"Healthy as an ox........." I said kissing him. "But I'm still worried, she just seems so tired all the time and stressed...." Khalil looked at me for a second before grabbing my hand and pulling me into te house.

"If you're not old enough to vote go downstairs." Khalil said and all the kids left, leaving just me, Marsean, Tonya and my mother. "So mom wassup? You good, I know you're physical healthy but what about everything else?" Khalil asked and my mom looked at him like he was stupid.

"Mom what Khalil is trying to say is you seem stressed and we just wanna make sure you're good." Marsean said and for the longest time my mom sat their tapping her foot.

"Okay you wanna know the truth? I'm sick of wondering if every time one of those to leave the house if I'm ever going to see them again. I'm sick of wondering if one day I'm going to get a phone call saying someone grabbed Noah or Cori or any one of my grandchildren because of all this shyt y'all got going on...... I'm sick of wondering if today is the day I have to pull out my black Christian Louboutin dress because I'm going to someone in my families funeral." My mom said wiping her eyes. "I just wanna enjoy being a family without all this drama...... I wanna go back to the days when all I had to worry about is Tonya beating me in a twerking contest."

"Ma....." Khalil said trying to comfort her but she shot him down with a look.

"You know what all four of y'all get the hell out my face." She said turning the t.v. on, we all looked at each other and decided it was much safer to just leave before we got cussed out some more. It wasn't until we were halfway down the street that it hit us.

"Did she really just kick me out my own house?" Khalil asked pulling over.

"Go back if you want too....." Tonya said laughing.

"Nah I'm good, let's go see if Zyshaun needs help setting up for tomorrow." Khalil said smirking.

We got to Zyshaun's house and it smelled amazing, we walked into the living room where Zyshaun was sitting by the window with a drink in his hand.

"You good bro?" Khalil asked taking the drink out his hand and started drinking it.

"Yeah...... just thinking. Marsean, Tonya y'all mind giving us a few minute?" Zyshaun asked. They left out the room and Zyshaun started pacing around. "Julius, Roseline, Iman, Nico, Linda............ I've been thinking about how to deal with them and so far nothing. It's like I'm losing my touch, I usually always had a plan but I feel like my hands are tied. Devin doesn't want me to do anything to Nico and Iman...... I don't know where Linda is......... Julius is still out there plotting....... and Roseline, she's always got a scheme but someone doesn't want us talking to her......" Zyshaun said looking directly at me.

"I never said I didn't want y'all talking to her..... I just said I wanted to be there when y'all did." I said looking in his eyes.

"Marcus you know I love you like a brother....... but you got a smart ass mouth and when dealing with a woman of Roseline's caliber it requires a little finesse..... not shade." Zyshaun said smiling.

"Baby...... Zy has a point you would make a situation that could be somewhat friendly, hostile. And besides Roseline only agreed to meet with us two and no one else." Khalil said calmly.

"And what am I supposed to do in the mean time? Sit at home and knit you a scarf?" I asked sarcastically.

"No....... but if Roseline has information that could lead us to Julius then we need to do whatever is in the best interest of our family so that your mom can get the peace of mind she was just talking about." Khalil said.  "Don't worry Marcus you have a part to play......" Khalil said kissing me.

"Aight...... aight now that we worked out a few of the kinks, let's go check on the food." Zyshaun said walking towards the door. "Maybe we can hide one of the cakes your Mama Angela made before Saint and Noah get back from the mall." Zyshaun said, me and Khalil stopped and looked at each other confused.

"Umm Noah is at home...... he's been at home all day. I know this because I've been with him he hasn't left once." Khalil said and I saw Zyshaun face turn into one of pure anger. He pulled out his phone and started walking down the hall yelling at someone on the phone.....

"FIND HIS ASS AND BRING HIM STRAIGHT THE FUCK HERE!!!!!" Zyshaun said furious. Me and Khalil looked at each other and I could tell we were thinking the same exact thing, thank god we didn't have this problem with Noah..........................

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