Toussaint 126

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Something serious had to have had happened for my dad, Uncle Khalil, Uncle Gonzo, Uncle Devin and Domo to all leave up outta here without packing any clothes or anything else. We still had a few days left here and I was confused but also nervous because that wasn't like my dad at all, whenever I tried to get info out of the adults they would either ignore me or change the subject; I might have to have Trinity do some more recon because the suspense was killing me. The only thing that kept me from going crazy was Noah, Jose, Jade, Carly and Mario...... I sat at my desk scouring the internet for signs of things going on back home but got nothing, I looked back at Mario and smiled; I swear there nothing sexier than him laying in my bed with nothing on but one of my t-shirts and a pair of boxers and if I wasn't so determined to find out what was going on back home I'd be fu....... there was knock on the door, I looked up Noah and Jose were standing in the doorway both looking nervous about something.

Saint's Room

"Y'all just going to stand there looking stupid or y'all going to come in

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"Y'all just going to stand there looking stupid or y'all going to come in...... and shut the door, I don't want anyone listening on our conversation." I said as the walked in and I tried not to laugh because Jose instantly started sweating, dude was extremely claustrophobic with my room being the way that it was made him look like he was going to be sick.

"So I called Danny and Joejoe neither one of them have heard anything, which is weird because Joejoe knows everything. Whatever is going on your dad has it completely contained and dad number two isn't saying anything worth mentioning unless they're talking in codes." Noah said sitting against the glass wall completely ignoring the big ass fish the just swam by. "You alright Jose you look like you're about to be sick." Noah said smirking.

"I'm good, but I may have a way of finding out what happen. This girl who sucks my dick from time to time her mom is this really elite journalist or something and I think I can convince her to see what's going on it might take me a couple hours though." Jose said, I look at Mario again and his boxers slipped just a enough to make me want to kick both of them out and wake him up just to put him back to sleep.

"Saint damn did you hear me?" Noah said snapping me out of the fantasy that was starting to form in my head. "Alright here's the plan I'll talk to Aunt Liberty you know she know's everything and I'll see if she'll tell me what's going on, Jose will try to get info from that girl and you can talk to Aunt Tonya you know you can get anything out of her." Noah said and since I didn't have a better plan I thought fuck it, plus there's something I needed to talk to Uncle Marsean about anyways.

I walked into Aunt Tonya's room and just looking at her confirmed that even though I was fucking with Mario I was definitely still attracted to women, she sat on the bed watching t.v. well looking at it because it was clear her mind was somewhere else.

"What are you up to Saint?" She said looking at me.

"I was hungry auntie, you know you make the best French Toast in the world..... the way you put the powdered sugar and caramel on it...... man it's out of this world." I said smiling. "Plus I needed to ask Uncle Marsean if he had anymore condoms?"

"Boy you are crazy and no he doesn't, let's go in the kitchen so I can make this damn French Toast." Aunt Tonya said. Once we were in the kitchen, as she cooked I poured on the compliments I needed to get her to a place where she might slip up and spill the beans on what's going on.

"So do you know when think my dad will be back?" I asked watching her cook closely so I could cook for Mario once we got back stateside.

"Toussaint Troix Pierre Prater, let's cut the bullshyt right now...... I knew the second you walked into my room what you were up to, I've dealt with men twice your age and with hundred times the amount of finesse you have and broke them down to the white meat. Your good baby but not that good, now if you'd be so kind as to go collect you brother and cousins and let them know breakfast is almost ready I'd greatly appreciate it." She said pinching my cheek.

"How'd it go?" Noah asked when I walked back into my room, he had his head on Jade's lap while Jose sat close to the door and Mario slept peacefully. "That bad huh? Yeah when I asked Aunt Liberty she went on this long tangent about how she wanted to paint the house a different color, completely ignoring my question. I can't believe I'm about to say this but I wish Carly was here because at least she'd be able to get the info for us."

"Aight e can talk about this later Noah, Aunt Tonya said go get everybody ready for breakfast." I said he looked at me and knew I was lying but also knew why I wanted him to leave so they all left and I walked over to the bed  and laid next to Mario. "Ayy man scoot over." I said even though there was more than enough room in the bed for both of us.

"Quit playing Saint...... I'm tired." He said and I could help but smile because it was my fault he couldn't keep his eyes open.

"But this is my bed and my room, why don't you go in your room and I wouldn't be messing with you." I said playing with one of his braids.

"You know damn well if I go somewhere else you're just going to follow me, so now I'm up and I plan on getting on your nerves all day." Mario said trying to kiss me.

"Nah you gotta go brush your teeth first Baby Boy." I said laughing but he grabbed my......... 'leg' and got my undivided attention. "Aight man come here...." I said pulling him towards me, we started kissing and the next second my shirt was off and he was working on my shorts.

"Saint, Aunt Tonya said come here." Trinity said busting in my room, I stared at him for about thirty seconds before he got the hint and took off running.

"Come on the mood is shot, let's just get upstairs and get some breakfast." Mario said kissing me again and jumping out of bed.

"I think we should wait a couple minutes...... given the current circumstances." I said looking down at my dick, which was still throbbing. "I can't walk up in that kitchen showing off what belongs to you." I said confidently, Mario looked at me for a few seconds before turning and locking the door I guess breakfast could wait.................

It was around six in the evening and me, Mario, Noah, Jade and Jose were all sitting on the beach trying to figure out what was going on back home. The girl Jose called turned out to me as useless as titties on a fish and then it hit me...... there was one person on this island that I've yet to ask mainly because I forgot he was here because since my dad left he had been holed up in his room, I'm actually pissed I didn't think of him sooner.

"Ayy Noah take a walk with me real quick." I said not waiting for an answer, a few minutes later we were standing outside Yuri's door. I knocked quietly and he said told me to come in. "Yuri what's going on? I'm worried about my dad and I can't take not knowing, you know me and you know I hate being treated like a kid so can you please keep it real with me." I asked holding his gaze.

"You're right Saint........ Young Mon got shot last night, they don't think he'll make it and your dad wants to keep it as quiet as possible because however shot him could be waiting to hear what happened and Zy doesn't want to tip them off. I've never seen him so mad before because they were supposed to be watching him and DiMarino was in Jackson watching Domo's mom....... but Justice he umm........ it's not looking good for him either." Yuri said quietly.


"You don't think that thought crossed my mind? But what can you do Saint? You're not ready for this, you may know how to fight a little bit but this is something completely out of your league and you being back home will only cause your dad to worry even more which is why he let you and Trinity here and why Khalil let all y'all here." He said looking at Noah.

"And is that why he left you here? So nothing would happen to you?" I asked heated, for a second I thought Yuri was going to punch me but he let out a deep breath instead.

"Yeah....... look I'm tired, I'll catch y'all later." Yuri said opening the door. Me and Noah walked out, then quickly ran to meet back up with Mario, Jade and Jose. I was beyond pissed because I was stuck here and there was nothing I could do but sit here and pray nothing happened to my dad or uncles.....................

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