Toussaint 109

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When Noah first told me he slipped up and told Jade about me and Mario I was sorta salty at first but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really didn't have too much to worry about; I've always trusted Jade and I knew she had my back more so than any other female who wasn't related to me. Then there was Mario, I was still pissed that he moved out, I know it would've been difficult living with me but I had our whole summer planned out, I mean we could still do everything I planned but it would've easier if he was living with me. Despite what a lot of people in my family think me and Mario still haven't done anything sexually; just a whole lot of kissing and the occasional grinding but I was scared to rush him, knowing what he's been through I didn't want to hurt him. I was glad this school year was over and I was somewhat free to do whatever I wan....... I was so distracted by my thoughts that I forgot we were playing basketball which is why I probably just got smacked in the face with the ball.

"I'm sorry Saint." Trinity said looking scared as fuck, it was me and him against Noah and Cori. I should've been focusing on the game but here I was thinking about Mario, Trinity looked like he was about to cry but I smirked and grabbed the ball, at least he was still scared of me I knew there was going to be a time in the future where he's going to think he could actually beat me and I wasn't looking forward to that day.

"Y'all go in the house and let me talk to Saint really quick." Noah said and they took off running probably to go fuck up some more of my dad's stuff. "So uhh..... listen I'm meeting Jade at the mall later and well I think you should invite Mario...... wait hear me out Saint, y'all be dating for since around Valentine's Day and honestly I think you should just come out. I know you're tired of having to hide y'all relationship and people already know that Mario is gay or bi..... his parents run they mouth too damn much. And people see y'all together a lot and they're starting to talk, if you just come out......"

"People are going to talk even more and then I'm going to have to beat someone's ass." I said slightly heated.

"True but in a week they'll just find something else to talk about, I'm just saying Saint I feel like you'll be a lot happier if you can claim your dude in public. As I said people already know about Mario and from what I'm hearing their have been a few dudes that have even tried to talk to him." Noah said and I felt my blood pressure rising.

"Aight.... but I wanna run it by Mario first and see what he says, then if he agrees I'll tell our boys to see how they react; Danny, Joejoe, Jose..... call them over here and we can all go to the mall after I tell them." I said my heart pounding in my chest. "My dad bought an island....." I said quietly.

"Wait WHAT?!?! How the fuck did he do that?" Noah asked and I had to laugh at his reaction, I shrugged because I didn't know all the details I just happened to overhear him bragging about it one day when we were at work.

"Well come on I guess it's time to make a few phone calls." I said nervously. Within an hour everyone was sitting around in my living room talking about going to Six Flags some time later this week. I kept looking at Noah who nodded encouragingly, damn I really wished Mario was here he always gave me strength but he wasn't so here goes nothing. "I gotta tell y'all something....... I....... I mean me and Mario...... we're sorta..... dating....." I said closing my eyes and after a count of 331 someone finally spoke.

"In other news; water is wet, the sky is blue and Danny is most likely to repeat the ninth grade." Joejoe said laughing.

"Wait y'all already knew?" I asked.

"I mean y'all weren't exactly the best at hiding it, especially you Saint whenever Mario would be doing something you'd sit there with this dumb ass look on your face like you were waiting for the sun to rise up outta his ass....... now let's get back to talking about Six Flags. Noah are you inviting your aunt Carly?" Danny asked and just like that it was as if I hadn't even said anything... so maybe this wouldn't as bad as I thought it was going, now I was actually looking forward to going to the mall and publicly claiming my dude..............

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