Chapter 1: The Perfect Son

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When people hear the name Marquise Cunningham it's always the same thing; he's so smart, he's so talented, he's so cute...... he's so everything positive under the sun. I always knew I was different by the time I was four I was beating the smartest man I knew my Uncle Cam in chess, by the time I was six I could speak both Spanish and Italian fluently, by the time I eight I was composing music that rivaled Beethoven and Mozart..... Everything just came naturally to me, I couldn't explain it; it was like all I needed was to be shown something once and I remembered it, I could tell ever single person who worked on any movie I've ever seen from the director down to the catering company who served food on set. Everyone expected me to be 'the perfect son' they saw so much potential in me that the overlooked the most obvious thing, I was a teenager. For example I got a lot of shyt from my teachers because I elected not to skip a couple grades because I preferred being in the same grade as my cousins, my parents understood well at least my dads did my mom thought I was crazy..... but all I ever wanted to be was Marquise; not Noah or Cori's little brother, or that super smart dude... just me. I was sitting in the living room with my dads when the door opened and my big brother Cori walked in and I could already tell it was going to be more of the same.

"Corinthian shut the door......" My dad said and for a fraction of a second him and Cori had a staring contest to see who would back down first and of course Cori realized no matter how mad at the world he was it wasn't worth the fight, so he closed the door and stomped up to his room. "I'm about to go talk to him....."

"Khalil it's pointless Cori isn't going to say anything, he hasn't said anything to us for the past two weeks." Pops said, don't ask it's something I've always called my dad because dad number one and two got confusing even for me.

"Actually it's been twenty-three days since he's said anything to us, but he talks at school so I'm guessing he's mad at something we did though I can't seem to remember doing anything to him." I said and they were both looking at me. "What?" I asked confused because I was just being honest.

"Marquise please go somewhere before I hurt you....." Pops said and I knew better than to challenge him, so I gathered all my things and headed up to my room, as I got to the top of the stairs I decided to call my oldest brother to see if he knew what was going on with Cori.

"I was just about to call you so look, I got an early game on Sunday but after that I'm on a Bye Week so I'll be down there to see y'all most likely Sunday and I'll probably be there for a week." Noah said and I couldn't help but smile, the last I seen my big brother in person was a couple months ago so I was ecstatic.

"Damn I can't wait to see you No' but uhh...... have you spoke to Cori?" I asked quietly because there was no telling where he was in the house and no lie I was low key scared of him whenever he got mad, which was a lot more frequently.

"Yeah me and Cori talk all the time why wassup?" Noah asked and I gave him a recap of everything that's been going on from my perspective. "Nah he hasn't told me anything, whenever we talk everything is just like how it used to be, but we can figure this all out once I get down there...... I gotta go, love you baby bro." Noah said.

"Love you too, I'll call you later." I said and as soon as I put my phone down it started ringing again. "Wassup........"

"BRING YO BITCH ASS OUTSIDE!!!!!" My cousin Odion yelled into the phone and I moved to my window just as he pull into the driveway blasting music, I stay there watching because I knew exactly what was about to happen. "Bro I see you in the window hurry up we're on a schedule." Odion said right as Pops walked out and started going off. I shook my head and threw some shoes on and as I was walking out the room I damn near ran into Cori.

"My bad Cor...... umm you good bro?" I asked and he stood there staring at me, or rather he was staring through me. Cori didn't say anything as he pushed his way past me and walked downstairs and disappeared into the kitchen. When I got outside my dad was talking to Odion, Darion, Ace and Alex, one look from Ace and I could tell they were ready to go.

"And if y'all pull up to my house like that again I'll beat all of y'alls asses." My dad was saying and I could see Odion trying not to laugh, he always had to make shyt worse but one look from Pops and Odion was suddenly interested in his shoes.

"Where exactly are y'all going....... on a school night?" Pops asked and looking at Ace who couldn't lie to save his life.

"Umm JD just got out Uncle Marcus and we were going to see him...." Ace said and I could see the look my dads gave each other...... JD was for a lack of a better word trouble, he had got locked up at the beginning of the summer for stealing a car and my Aunt Vanessa told the judge to keep him despite the attempts for Uncle Domo she wouldn't change her mind.

"Aight well don't be out too late." Pops said just as Cori walked out, it was like someone had dropped a grenade because everyone got quiet and stared at him. Cori didn't say anything he just got in his car and waited since Odion was blocking him in. Finally after promising to be back before curfew we all piled into Odion's car and pulled off.

"So Cori still on his period?" Alex asked laughing and quickly stopped because of the look on my face, yeah me and Cori weren't getting along right now but I still wasn't about to let anyone talk shyt about him, cousin or not.

"Noah will be home on Sunday....." I said changing the subject from one brother to the other and that seemed to be the only thing to get Darion's attention because he idolized Noah.

"What time because I'm definitely going to be here to see my big cousin." Darion said smiling.

"I'm not sure yet, but you know the first thing he's going to do when he gets back is fuck Jade....... they haven't seen each other in a month so they'll probably be occupied until about Tuesday." I said.

"When has that ever stopped us from blocking on Noah, keep in mine Marquise we haven't seen Noah in a month either so of course we gotta fuck with him before he does anything........" Odion said smirking, I didn't even bother trying to change his mind because there was no point Noah had a one track mind when it came to his wife and I knew that nothing would stop him from spending as much time with her as he could before he had to head back up to Boston.

We pulled up to Uncle Domo's house and I was a little apprehensive about getting out because there was no telling what we'd walk into him and Aunt Vanessa could either be fucking or fighting, but as we approached the door Aunt Vanessa stormed out without saying nothing and walked across the street to her house.

"Word of advice.... never move across the street from the mother of your child, nothing but drama." Uncle Domo said rubbing his beard.

"I'm sure there are benefits to it....." Odion said looking back and it was common knowledge that he had a crush on Aunt Vanessa, his logic being she wasn't related by blood so it's all fair game. "Where's JD?" He asked and Uncle Domo pointed to the stairs before walking out the door. We all walked upstairs to JD's room where he was sitting on the bed looking miserable as fuck and it took about two seconds to figure out why, the ankle monitor that stood out against his white sheets explained a lot.

"Three months house arrest, school and straight home. I can't even walk out to the curb to check the mail....... ain't this some bullshyt?" He said visibly pissed.

"Should've thought about that before you stole that car........ now do you wanna explain what happened?" Ace asked.

"Yeah man I'll tell you everything, as soon as I see your name on my birth certificate bitch ass dude." JD said laughing. "But just so you don't get in your feelings I'll tell you what juvie was like but first somebody please go get me a Big Mac." After Darion drove to McDonald's we were all sitting around listening to what JD's been through the last three months, we laughed and clowned around for most of the evening and this was the only time I actually felt like I could be myself no pressures of having to be perfect, I could be just a regular teenager...........

****** 1) What do y'all think the spin off story should be called, I'm having trouble with the name so I figured I could ask for some input. 2) I need three female names for some characters that might be introduced in the mini-series or actual story, I'm not good at girl names because most of their names always end up ending in an 'A'. 3) Finally who should get the next chapter? Noah, Jade, Saint, Mario, Odion, Darion, Cori, Trinity or Kylan...... ******

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