Toussaint 46

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Thankfully Noah wasn't sick anymore and my problem wasn't as bad as it was a couple days ago because sexy ass Timika's party was tonight and I didn't want to miss this for the world. Uncle Khalil agreed to take me, Noah and Mario before dropping us off back at my house, so I had a few hours to squash any beef between Noah and Mario that way we could try to build something special. Whenever I thought about the three of us together I couldn't help but think about my dad and uncles; Noah was most like Uncle Khalil a dominate football player that was no doubt going to the NFL, I was most like my dad and whenever I looked at Mario I saw Uncle Gonzo, a great basketball player. I felt like given the chance, by our junior we could be running the school and by the time we were adults we could started building something better than what my dad had. Me and Noah sat at the park waiting for Mario and I could tell he was pissed.

"Never walk into any situation letting your emotions control you." I said and Noah looked at me confused. "It's something my dad told me at work one day, he said if you show your emotions too early then it'll be easier for people to control the situation."

"Out of everything Uncle Zy says you choice to listen to that?" Noah asked glancing at me out the corner of his eye. "What does he have to say about the smoking, I bet he doesn't know you drink too..... I'm willing to bet that he'd have a lecture ready telling you how you shouldn't drink an smoke because it could loud your judgement or something like that." Noah said.

"I listen to everything my dad says....... but sometimes I choose not to follow it, he knows that sometimes I have to make my own mistakes to learn from them. Never mind that here comes Mario......." I said watching as he walked up and against my better judgement I smiled, because he had his hair pulled back into a ponytail which made him look.......

"Wassup Saint......... Noah." He said looking at Noah who nodded. "I guess I'll start then, look Noah we've known each other since you moved down here and we used to be friends. I'll own up to what I said about Marcus, but in my defense we always used to talk about each others parents and you never got mad so I thought it was coo....."

"Nigga you called my dad a fag.... if you thought I was going to let that shyt slide......" Noah said getting fired up so I had to pull him to the side.

"No' he's trying to apologize so just relax, that shyt happened in sixth grade or something just let it go." I said and he started to calm down, we walked back over to Mario and I smiled. "Aight he's good."

"I'm sorry for what I said No' but we were kids just playing around hell I didn't even know what that word meant forreal when I said it......... but I'm also going to apologize for that stuff I said about Jade, we were at practice and I was trying to get inside your head which worked because you played horribly up until that last play." Mario said smirking.

"Yea up until I knocked you on your ass." Noah said smiling, after that we chilled and played basketball for about an hour before we headed back to Noah's house to get ready for this Christmas Party. Around eight o'clock me, Noah, Mario, Uncle Khalil, Uncle Marcus and Domo all walked into Timika's house; we did our introductions before we walked into the basement where a lot of people from our grade were chillin.

"Hey Noah would you like something to drink?" Timika said. "My sister left the wine cellar unlocked so we've have everything you could think of......."

"Actually I'm going to go wait for Jade, excuse me." Noah said walking away quickly.

"So are you going to offer us something to drink?" I asked and Timika rolled her eyes before leading us over to the table with the food and drinks, then walking off probably to go hit on Noah. "She just doesn't realize it's not worth it, she better fall back before Jade gets a hold of her." I said to Mario who seemed kinda quiet.

"Yeah Jade is kinda crazy........ but this shyt it kinda lame, I'd much rather be back at your place smoking." Mario said smiling, just mentioning the word smoking like three niggas walked up with blunts already rolled so maybe this party wasn't a complete waste. By the time Noah and Jade came back downstairs the party had turned into something that most people would frown upon but I was actually having some fun.

"Saint let me talk to you for a second....." Timika said pulling me over to the corner. "I need a favor, can you give this to Noah." She asked handing me a note and I started laughing.

"Man I'm not getting involved with that, if you want him to have that then you gotta give it to him yourself just don't let Jade catch you because it'll end badly for you." I said walking off, I walked over to Noah and thankfully Jade was talking to one of her friends so she wouldn't eavesdrop. "Ayy bro you really need to watch your back around Timika, she wants you in the worse possible way." I said we turned to Timika who was flirting with my boy Joejoe.

"I hear you bro, but I'm not like the rest of y'all I don't think with my dick....... most of the time." He said turning back to Jade. "Ayy I'm about to walk Jade home." Noah said giving me a sneaky grin.....................

Around midnight the party was breaking up, Noah was back with a big grin on his face now we were just waiting for Domo who was helping Timika's sister Milan clean up. After it was clear to Uncle Khalil that his youngest brother was doing a little more than cleaning he decided to take me, Noah and Mario back to my house. While Noah was in the house taking a shower me and Mario sat out by the pool.

"How would you feel if you found out one of your friends were gay................" Mario asked and I shrugged.

"You must not know who you're talking to..... I have a couple gay people in my family that shyt doesn't bother me in the slightest. Just as long as my friend doesn't try anything with me we're cool." I said and Mario started blushing. "Why you got a crush on me or something." I asked laughing.

"WHAT?! NO...... I mean I think you're kinda cute and shyt but I don't think about you like that....." Mario said quickly.

"I know I'm cute you can stop trying to flirt with me on the low Mario." I said laughing and he started blushing even more. "I'm just fucking with you bro chill........ but uhh, since you kept it real with me the least I can do is be honest with you. I've thought about it a few times but nothing too serious, we both know I get more pussy than most grown men but I've always wondered if......." I trailed off and I knew if I was lighter I'd be just as red as he was.

"You know you can't tell anyone right? About me........ if my parents found out...... they're super religious and conservative they might actually kill me." Mario said quietly. "Yo this shyt is scary as fuck, having these feeling I can't control and I wanna be straight but I'm just not really attracted to them." Mario said.

'You seemed pretty attracted when we tag teamed ol'girl." I said laughing.

"I wasn't thinking about her......." He said looking in my eyes. "FUCK!" Mario said getting pissed, he started crying and I felt bad for him because I kinda felt responsible for the stuff he was feeling. I put my arm on his shoulder and let him cry, I felt a tear coming to my eye because even though we only been friends a couple weeks I felt like I knew him better than I knew Noah.

"Man chill you too cute to be doing the ugly cry." I said trying to get him to laugh and it worked.

"Fuck you Saint......." He said staring into my eyes, I felt myself being drawn to him everything in me was telling me to get up and create some distance except my heart which was drawing my lips close to his............. The door opened and we quickly moved away from each other and acted as if nothing happened until Noah sat in between us.

"So which one of y'all is trying to get y'alls ass kicked in 2k?" Noah said not realizing just how close he was to walking out on me kissing another dude and also how pissed I was at him for interrupting us..................................

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