Zyshaun 36

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After I dropped Khalil off, me and Smoke went to go see an old friend; of course this bitch was staying in a rundown old motel. I walked up to the room and saw that the door was cracked when I peeked inside she was running around the room throwing stuff into a bag, I cleared my throat loudly, scaring her...... she looked at me as if I was the devil himself, which wasn't too far off. I walked in the room and closed the door behind me, Linda looked beyond frightened as I took one small step towards her and she backed into a wall.

"I'm not going to hurt you Linda...... I've thought about it, jacked off to the thought of hurting you a few times but seeing you I can't really bring myself to hurt you. What I want to know is why? Why are you trying so hard to ruin my life and what exactly did Julius promise you to make you turn against your own children?" I said taking another step towards her.

"I...... I don't have to explain anything to you Zyshaun and what me and Julius was helping me with has nothing to do with you...... but it doesn't matter now because he's dead." Linda said her eyes tearing up. "My only shot at finding him..... gone because of you." She said crying.

"Finding who?" I asked getting pissed because this room was making me feel dirty. "Linda....... this is your only chance to tell me what y'all were up to unlike other situations there's no one here to stop me from unleashing all my rage now tell me who are you looking for?" I asked standing a foot away from her.

"Levi....... Vanessa's father." She said dropping to her knees and I smirked; Uncle Levi as I was forced to call him, he was just one of the many men Linda had in and out the house. I never would've guessed he was Vanessa's dad........

"I'll help you find him...... if that means I never have to see you again." I said walking out the room, I'm not going to lie I was proud of myself it would've been too easy to kill her or even have her thrown in jail on some made up charge, maybe if I helped her it would erase some of the bad I've done in my life. "Smoke I have a job for you......" I said when I got to the car.

When I got home Saint was sitting in living room, rolling a blunt and I thought to myself he's either really brave or really stupid. He looked up at me and nodded before continuing to roll his blunt as if I was one of his little friends, as badly as I wanted to beat his ass after last time I knew I had to keep a cool head. I sat down across from him and waited until he was done before snatching the blunt out his hand and lighting it for myself.

"Saint do you wanna fight me or something?" I asked smirking at him.

"I'll fight anybody if I have too 'dad'......... can I have my blunt back please?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Umm nah you good..... I must say though Saint I'm disappointed, this weed is ass on a stick I thought you had better taste then this." I said shaking my head. "So what's the meaning behind this latest fit of rebellion? I thought we were on the same page about everything......." I asking looking in his eyes.

"I'm not rebelling..... I just don't see what the big deal about me smoking is, Yuri smokes and you don't trip on him." Saint said.

"Yuri is an adult with his own house and own money so he can do what he pleases. You are a child who lives in my house, eats my food, spends my money so until you get your own house and money I'm going to trip over everything you do......... what would you do if Trinity started smoking because he saw you doing it?" I asked.

"I'd beat his ass........." Saint said quickly.

"So in the hierarchy of the house technically I should beat your ass since you're smoking right?" I asked and he just shrugged. "Saint I'm trying to stop you from fucking up your life, what happens if you get kicked off the basketball team because you like smoking?"

"Dad they aren't going to kick me off the team...... my grades are on point, I've never missed a day of school, I'm a model student. So if I want to smoke a little something to ease my stress then I don't see what the big deal is." Saint said stubbornly.

"You're missing the point Toussaint, I'm trying I really am..... I stay out your way for the most part but it's like.............." I didn't get to finish because he jumped up and walked out the room, brushing past Yuri.

"Wassup with him......" Yuri said walking over to me and taking the blunt from my hand. "Yo this is trash...." He said hitting the blunt a few times.

"I don't know it's like he trying to establish himself as the man of the house by constantly challenging me...... and I really don't know what to do." I said.

"Make him cry...... nah seriously look Saint isn't doing this shyt because he wants to challenge you he's doing it because he wants your attention and time. Y'all were supposed to go to New York together and you cancelled on him, you were supposed to go to Parent/Teacher Conferences but you were on house arrest, Saint just wants to spend time with you, without Noah, without Khalil, without me...... so reach out to him and I guarantee he'll reach back." Yuri said and I felt so damn stupid, I was so focused on everything else that I was neglecting my kids.

"Damn Baby Boy....... how could I miss that?" I asked looking at Yuri.

"Because you weren't looking. But listen I'm going to be gone a few days with Ymir....... we're trying to work on our relationship and I thought you should know so you don't start acting like a bitch again." Yuri said laughing.

"Aight just let me know when you're coming back so I can see you, I got something I need you to handle for me." I said leaning forward to kiss him. "I love you......" I said quietly.

"Ayy break that shyt up." Tion said walking into the room looking at us. "Wassup Yuri."

"Wassup bro? Yuri call me when you get to wherever it is you're going and tell Ymir if anything happens to you......" I said looking in his eyes and Yuri just smiled before walking out the room. "So what brings Tion Hayes to my modest home?" I asked smirking.

"Shut up....... TJ and Taryn wanted to see Trinity plus we needed to talk, since you and Khalil are dragging me on this trip I sorta need a favor or two. First I need you to see if it's okay if Tiana and Kaylis go on this women's trip." Tion said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, you know Mama Angela loves her some Tiana or as she likes to refer to her as Mini Me." I said imagining all the trouble they were going to get into.

"The second thing is........ I need you to watch TJ and Taryn for a few days." Tion said and I shrugged I loved my stepkids. "Thanks Zy...... do you think Mireya will be joining the women?" Tion asked and he both started laughing, hell no because all that would lead to is a fight and our kids mom might end up getting jumped because of her smart ass mouth.

"Zyshaun I need to use your car...... oh I didn't know you had company. Hey Tion." Vanessa said smiling at Tion who winked in her direction.

"I'll have one of my drivers take you where you need to go, I'm not letting anyone drive my car." I said and Vanessa rolled her eyes before walking out the room. "She is really working my nerves." I said quietly.

"Yeah well that's what sisters are for, I'll be back on Saturday." Tion said getting up and leaving. Once Tion was gone I walked out to the pool house, where Toussaint was sitting on his couch doing homework.

"Saint........ I feel like maybe you're acting out because you feel like I've been ignoring you and Trinity and I have..... but I don't want to keep butting heads with you everyday. So here's what I'm going to do........ I need some help around my office a couple days out the week, most like the days you don't have practice and I could easily go out and hire someone but I figure if you're going to take over my company one day I should start training you early." I said looking at him, Saint turned the page of his book and kept doing his homework but I swear I saw traces of a smile on his face, hopefully by having Saint work for me would bring us closer together and maybe I can get him to finally open up to me about what's really bothering him.............................................

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