Devin 22

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The fact that Iman was staying at Nico's house didn't shock and honestly it didn't piss me off..... now what did piss is the fact that Nico was still openly discussing my sons with that dude, the fact that Iman even fixed his mouth to mention my sons names is the reason why we fought. He had better be lucky the security guard came and broke us up because I was going to kill him........ so for the past couple days I've been coming to the studio because I really needed to blow off some steam and I didn't want to snap on Torian or be yelling around my sons. I started writing down my feeling on paper and before I knew it I had written like three songs, mostly just venting I wasn't serious about putting them out but when Emilio walked in and grabbed the papers like they were his it took everything in my body not to snap on him because the last thing I needed was to be getting into another fight.

"Damn these are good as fuck...... when can I record them?" Emilio asked smiling until he noticed my face. "Damn Dev what the hell happened to you?" He asked and I almost believed he felt bad for me........ almost.

"It's nothing and as for the songs you're not recording them because I'm not releasing them. I was just writing down my feelings and that's what I came up with besides I don't think you have the anger to pull off a song like that." I said, Emilio looked at me and smirked before walking into the booth.

"You just going to sit there or are you going to let me prove you wrong...... again." Emilio said giving me a cocky smirk. We were at it for hours and before I knew it we had an audience, Zyshaun, Khalil, Lafayette, Kaylis, Ramone and some other artist sat mesmerized by the joint efforts of me and Emilio.

"It's official Devin, you and Emilio will be working together exclusively from now on." Zyshaun said and I hoped he was joking because I couldn't work with someone who I argued with on a daily basis, but I didn't get the chance to see if he was joking or not because Torian walked looking pissed.

"Hey baby...... oh fuck I'm suppose to be at home with the twins." I said grabbing my stuff and quickly walking out the room. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry......" I said tickling his side. He pushed me into a office and started pulling at my shirt. "Damn Tori....... what about the boys?" I asked as he sucked on my neck.

"Mama Angela has them, she said we better not come back for two hours." Torian said biting down on my nipple gently.

"Wait...... wait..... let's slow down, because as badly as I want to do this.... we got priorities. Let's just go swing by Khalil's house and make sure they're good then we can get back to the fireworks." I said trying my hardest not to fuck him on someone's desk.

"Priorities........" Torian said smiling.

"And don't think I forgot your birthday is coming up........ and since you refuse to tell me what you want I'll do it like this. Name three things.... any three things and I'll grant your wish. If you want me fuck you so good the world melts around you, I got you...... you want me to go butt naked horseback riding along the beach, I'm your guy....... you want me to take the boys so you can have an entire day to yourself, whatever you want I'm your personal genie." I said kissing him.

"Well for my first wish I want dinner........ steak, honey glazed shrimp, loaded baked potatoes and some bacon wrapped asparagus...... and for dessert I want a Oreo Extreme Dream Cheesecake." Torian said smiling.

"Your wish is my command." I said kissing him softly. "Now let's get to my sons." I said smiling.

We got to Khalil's house and it seemed like everyone was already here, damn I'm glad my house wasn't the meeting spot because these people had no sense of boundaries. Thankfully Thanksgiving was at Zyshaun's house this year because last year was...... crazy.

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