Julius 9

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The thing about Marcus Riley is he had an inexplicable ability to make people fall in love him; he was smart, funny, compassionate and sexy the biggest mistake of my life was ever submitting his name for the promotion which set things in motion that would cause me to lose him for far too long. I tried, lord knows I tried to keep him away from Khalil Cunningham after doing some digging on him I knew he'd bring Marcus nothing but pain and misery..... though I am partly to blame, I should've fought harder for him to see that but I let Zyshaun Prater scare me away. So I've spent the last five years learning everything I could about my enemies and their weaknesses before setting my plan into motion, now tonight everything was going to finally pay off. I had sent Marcus to their old house where a car was waiting for him, with instructions as to where to go next after waiting almost an hour I saw the car turning into the meeting place. I stood there waiting for Marcus as he got out the car looking pissed.

"Why did you have me come to this airstrip?" He asked looking around, I took my time admiring the features in his face, you would've thought he was closer to 30 instead of 40. "I'm not getting on that damn plane Julius." He said stubbornly.

"Yeah you are we're going home Marcus..... you know in your heart that you belong back in Atlanta with me. Forget Khalil..... come home Marcus we can start a family far removed from all the drama that's surely coming Khalil's way. I'd even let you bring those kids." I said looking into his eyes.

"If you think for a second that I'd leave Khalil and bring my children around you then you're crazier then I thought. Why are you so pressed to get with me anyways? Like seriously though he were never that serious, yeah we fucked a few times but you 'weren't trying to be tied down by one person' remember." Marcus asked and I saw some fire in his eyes that made my dick hard.

"Because we weren't in a place that we would be happy but I feel like given the chance, you'd see we're more than ready now. I have enough money that our kids will never have to work a day in their lives." I said reaching out for him.

"You don't get it..... IT'S NOT ABOUT MONEY! I'm with Khalil because I love him, I never stopped loving him even while we were messing around it was always Khalil and it will always be Khalil....... besides dick like his is irreplaceable." Marcus said smirking, I grabbed his arm roughly trying to force him to come with me we'd talk about this more once we were in the air, we got to the steps and Marcus punched me in the eye. "Touch me again and I'll fuckin kill you, this is your last warning stay the fuck away from me and my family." Marcus said. I didn't get a chance to response because three cars pulled up and Khalil was the first on out.

"Get in the car and leave Marcus......." Khalil said forcefully.

"Oh my word Khalil's here, I'm shocked, shocked I tell you....... nah I knew he'd show up. Wassup Khalil it's been a while." I said smirking in his direction.

"Marcus..... you don't want to see this get in the car and go be with our kids. The last thing I want is your mom to kill me." Khalil said kissing him which set me off, but I kept my cool because I was still holding all the cards. Marcus walked away leaving me with Khalil and his group of idiots.

"So are we going to do this?" I asked stretching, Khalil removed his jacket and cracked his knuckles. "Before we start....." I looked around as five cars pulled up and about twenty men got out ready to strike at a moments notice.

"I'm glad to have an audience." Khalil said smiling before swinging on me. I couldn't tell you what happened after we started fighting all I know is it was an all out brawl. Khalil fought life a dude half his age, but I wasn't going down easily for the most part we were evenly matched but I was getting tired.

"If you're expecting Officer Ross cop friends to show up, they're not coming I've made sure of that personally." I said taunting him, Khalil faced turned to one of humor as he pulled out a gun pointing it directly at my chest. I glanced at my ace in the hole as he tackled Khalil from the back causing him to drop the gun. I could've easily picked it up and ended him but that was too easy I wanted him to suffer before I killed him.

"RAMONE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!" Devin yelled from the ground as I smiled in his direction, yeah he had his own problems to worry about so I wasn't too worried about him.

"I'm sorry y'all he has my little sister......" Ramone said shooting me a look of absolute hate. I looked at my men and smiled because I knew this battle went to me but the war was still far from over.

"I'm a man of my word, y'all take Ramone to his sister she's safe just like I promised. The rest of y'all hurt them.... don't kill them I still have more games to play." I said looking at Khalil. "Next time don't hesitate to pull the trigger." I said before stepping on the plane.......

I got back to Atlanta and decided it would be best to stay out of Texas for a while, I knew the paranoia of not knowing where I was or when I'd strike again was enough to cause them to start to break at the foundations. But still........ that was a little too close, I walked into my apartment and found an old friend sitting on my sofa reading a magazine.

"How'd it go?" Linda asked without looking up, I was honestly getting tired of this bitch but I still needed her.

"Let's not discuss it..... but I might need you back in Texas causing some more trouble for a while." I said taking my jacket off and felt a sharp pain in my ribs.

"You know if Zyshaun catches me I'm as good as dead right? So explain to me why I'm going back there." See this is why I hated working with females they asked too many questions.

"Because my beautiful black rose..... right now he's going to have another target. I'm pretty sure his most trusted lieutenant Young Mon is probably in hiding to escape Zyshaun's wrath and I have something special planned for the others, which gives you the chance to go in and loosen a few screws that way once I make my grand return all it'll take is one move and everything will come tumbling down." I said checking my face which was a mess.

"Okay I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning." Linda said standing up. "And remember our deal Julius once everything is done you'll help me with my problem." Linda said and I nodded, even though I had no intention on helping her at all. After I was sure she was gone I decided to check on phase two of my plan.

"What do you want Julius? Do you not realize how late it is?" He asked and I had to keep myself in check.

"What's the status on our friend getting out?" I asked and I could feel the smile coming off of him through the phone.

"He should be out within two weeks........ now are you going to tell me why this particular prisoner had to get released?" He asked and I was really getting sick of people asking me stupid ass questions.

"Because I believe everyone has a chance at redemption...... and you said it yourself he's been nothing short of perfect since getting locked up. But look just call me when he gets released..... or better yet have him call me." I said hanging up. I leaned back against my sofa and smiled, despite the fact that I didn't get Marcus it was still nice to see him and now I could go to bed with a smile on my face knowing I'm one step closer to getting what was rightfully mine...........................................

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