Enzo 98

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Me and Legacy were posted in the corner with Cam and Liberty when the fight broke out, at first we were confused until I noticed Zyshaun running towards someone, the Khalil right behind him. I shook my head because I knew something like this was going to happen as I made my way over to where they were fighting someone screamed....... not just a regular scream it was an ice in the veins type of scream that forced everyone to freeze and look in that direction. I looked over to the source of the screaming and saw Cadence standing over a body, somebody brushed past me and walked over to Cadence; a crowd started forming as I pushed my way forward, there laying on the ground was Ms. Carmen, with Marsean kneeling over her the look on his face told the whole story and it wasn't looking good. All this happened within a couple seconds before Marsean started taking control of the situation; I turned around and saw Cam standing there as if he is frozen then he begins to start shaking.......

"Cam get your shyt together aight...... your mom is going to fine Marsean isn't going to let anything happen to her." I said and Cam just stood there with a far away look in his eyes; I smacked him not too hard but hard enough to get his attention which seemed to snap him out of his daze. It was like a light went off and Cam finally realized what was going on and he pushed past me and ran over to his mom and sister.

"GET EVERYONE THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!" I heard Zyshaun yelling at his security guards.

"Watch Cam....." I said to Legacy as I walked over to Khalil and Zyshaun, a few of Zyshaun's bodyguards had Dominique and Justice restrained while Khalil stood there pissed as blood trickled from his nose. "What the fuck is wrong with y'all?"

"His bitch ass hit me and he put his fuckin hands on my brother." Khalil said pissed.

"Them niggassss..... shouldn't have touched Yuri." Zyshaun said clearly drunk, I looked around confused because I knew for a fact Yuri left with Marcus to deal with Noah and Saint, I glanced at 'Yuri' who had a smirk on his face and knew it was Ymir.

"Zyshaun Yuri left with Marcus." I whispered in his ear, Zyshaun whipped his head around so fast I was certain he had whiplash. It was an honest mistake Zyshaun rarely got drunk so I could understand where he was coming from, but still......... "Zyshaun you should probably apologize right now we have other things to worry about." I said walking back over to Cam and Legacy.

"She's not responding..... she has a pulse but Marsean said it's weak. I'm going to take Cam and Cadence to the hospital, will you be alright here?" Legacy asked quietly, I nodded and turned around to see Khalil and Zyshaun standing chest to chest looking like they were about to fight.

"Yeah Legacy I'll meet y'all up there." I said kissing him and running over to these two idiots. "Both of y'all chill the fuck out! Khalil you're brother's mom is about to go to the hospital I should think that he may need your attention more than this stupid ass fight y'all are about to get into over nothing." I said looking at both of them.

"Man fuck him." Zyshaun said walking off, hopefully he was going home to sleep it off because they were both being super petty. I looked at Khalil, Dominique and Justice who stood there all pissed. I didn't have time for this I had more important things to take care of.............

When I got to the hospital, I started getting a little nervous the last few times I've been here....... but this wasn't about me, this was about my family so I had to put my own reservations to the side. I found pretty much everyone all sitting around waiting except for Cam.

"How's Ms. Carmen doing." I asked and Cadence started crying into Rex's arms and Legacy gave me a really troubling look. "Where's Cam?" I asked.

"He's...... umm..... he's outside." Legacy said quietly. I got up and went looking for Cam, after searching everywhere for about ten minutes I found him sitting in the back of Legacy's car.

"Cam......." I said getting in the backseat with him.

"I fuckin hate hospitals..... every time I come here all I can think about is everything that almost broke me; Khalil's heart attacks, Devin getting stabbed, Noah getting jumped, seeing what Liberty's dad went through, losing my son, the shyt I seen overseas....... even my seeing my dad..... and now my mom." Cam said wiping his eyes.

"You don't think I feel that way too Cam? You don't think every time I walk into hospital or visit a doctor I don't see my best friend laying up close to death, Devin laying in bed flat lining, seeing Noah....." My voice cracked a little but I had to pull it together. "But there's one thing I do know is I would give anything to had been there when I lost my parents..... iI know if you're not there for your mother......" I didn't have to finish because I knew Cam was understood what I was trying to say. "Look let's just go in there and be with our family." I said as we both got out the car and walked inside the hospital.

Over the course of the next few days things were hectic...... and that's the nicest way of putting it, they still couldn't figure out what was wrong with Ms. Carmen, Cam and Cadence hadn't left her side since the other night with everyone else popping in whenever they could which was often. The strange thing was Khalil and Zyshaun never seemed to be at the hospital at the same time and I was starting to think they were avoiding each other they were both acting childish but that wasn't my problem, they were grown and could figure it out on their own.

"How she's doing?" I asked Cam who was sitting in the lobby with Cadence and Devin, Cam got up and walked a short distance away.

"She umm.... she has a brain tumor, they say it's inoperable." Cam said and I could see him trying his hardest to keep it together. "Can you talk to her....... I know you just went through something like this and I don't know what to say to her......." Cam said quietly, I nodded and walked into the room with Ms. Carmen................

"You know you are the most ignorant, self absorbed, selfish person I've ever met in my life Khalil." I said standing across from him as he shot pool in his basement.

"What are you talking about Lorenzo?" He asked showing his irritation by using my full name.

"Let's see this petty ass beef you and Zyshaun got going on; like seriously do you have to leave every time he shows up at the hospital? Shouldn't you be there with there with your brother and sister, shouldn't that be more important than you and Zy being mad at each other?" I asked getting pissed.

"Look I rather not cause a scene, I'm still pissed that he hit me and it would be extremely disrespectful for me to knock his ass out right there." Khalil said hitting the cue ball so hard it flew across the room.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about Khalil.... it's about YOU not wanting to do something instead of putting your families needs in front. Do you know Devin is holding off on moving and his wedding to make sure Ms. Carmen is okay and Blaze flew back the minute they called and told him what was going on? Did you know Sa'vion got fired from his job because he'd rather be at the hospital with everybody? Even Dominique refused to go back to Jackson because he wanted to make sure his siblings mom is okay and you....... you can't be there because you don't wanna be around Zyshaun. Here's my advice to you IGNORE HIM!" I said snatching the pool stick from his hand and tossing it to the side.

"Lorenzo......." Khalil said looking in my eyes.

"I've never wanted to punch you so bad in my life." I said not blinking, I could see Khalil fuming on the inside but he knew I was right and it was probably the only thing stopping us from fighting right now. He brushed past me and started walking up the stairs with me close behind. "Where are you going?" I asked as he grabbed his keys.

"To the hospital....." He said quietly. "Are you riding with me or driving your own car?" Khalil asked.

"Nah I gotta go take care of something for Ms. Carmen but I'll be up there later." I said watching him walk out the door.

"It's about damn time somebody told him about his self, I would've done it but......." Mama Angela said scaring the fuck outta me. "So I know what Carmen asked you to do..... and if you need any help I'm more than willing to lend my assistance." I sat there for a minute and looked her in the eyes.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to need some help it's a long list and I want to make sure I get everything done perfectly..... it's the least I can do for her." I said knowing that the next few weeks were about extremely hard on everyone......................................

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