Legacy 45

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You know you hang around someone too much if your all sick at the same time; Zyshaun had bronchitis which was weird because I've never seen him sick before, Khalil was at home with the flu and my poor...... poor Lorenzo was also suffering from the flu. What are the chances that all three of them would get sick together? But it was coo I was here taking care of Lorenzo who was like a big ass kid when he was sick, all he wanted as chicken soup and Nyquil, I walked into our room while he laid in bed like it was the end of the world coughing and sneezing. I stood by the door watching him as he groaned in pain, I walked over to him and ran my hand across his forehead, in fever had gone down a little but he was still sweating and shivering at the same time. I felt bad for leaving but I had to get to class but my mom was going to stay here with him and I knew after one bowl over her Sickness Soup he'd be on his feet by the time I got back.

"Lorenzo I'm about to go....." I said rubbing his chest. "I'll be back before you have time to miss me." I said getting up.

"Baby can you put a movie on for me?" Lorenzo said weakly, I got up and put on 'The Notebook' because I knew that was his favorite movie to watch while he was sick.  "And can you get me another pillow and some 7up?" After running around for another ten minutes getting everything he asked for I knew I'd probably be late.

"Aight Lorenzo I really have to go, if you need anything my mom is here." I said getting ready to leave.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked sadly, I shook my head and quickly kissed his forehead because I was NOT trying to get sick. "I love you....." He said rolling over and closing his eyes.

"I love you too..." I said before rushing out the house..........................

Class was boring, so I was glad to be done with it for two weeks. I started to head home but Devin wanted to me to swing by there, after calling an checking on Lorenzo who was sleep I didn't see the harm in stopping by there for a few minutes. When I got to Devin's house there was a bunch of crying, screaming and laughing coming from every direction; I looked around and it looked like Devin had all the kids over here which is probably why he called for backup.

"Let me guess, Khalil and Zyshaun didn't want the kids getting sick before Christmas so they had you and Blaze take them?" I asked and Devin nodded slightly.

"Yeah Saint's at home dealing with the burning and Noah's ass got sick last night too....... like what the fuck is going on with everyone. I'm not going over anyone's house without a surgical mask." Devin said trying to juggle Odion and Darion while Marquise laid on the couch crying, I walked over to him and picked him up. "I figured since I had most of the kids I might as well get AJ, Little Marcus and Marcel too....." Devin said sounding like he regretted this decision. 

"Where's Blaze?" I asked wondering where Devin's other half was.

"He had to work so it's just me here, Liberty was supposed to be coming to help but now I can't reach her. I swear when Cam get's back I don't care what he has to say they're moving up here because I can't stand waiting two and a half hours for them to get here, if I have to buy the house next door I will." Devin said putting the twins in there cribs.

"Why don't you get the house for one of your other brothers?" I asked laughing and Devin looked at me like I was stupid.

"Because I've known that nigga Dominique for only a couple weeks and I'm ready to kill him, I really hope I wasn't this bad to Khalil...... I've always wanted a little brother but that dude is just.......... and Sa'vion nah...... he brings out the worse in me and I don't need that kind of negativity in my life." Devin said sitting on the couch.

"Damn that bad?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Nah it's just when I'm with them I feel the old me starting to wake up and I've tried too hard to keep it locked up....... we went out a couple nights ago just the three of us and they ended up getting into a fight with some dudes that spilled a drink on Dominique and I thought Sa'vion was supposed to be a Christian but their way of thinking is if one fights we all fight." Devin said quietly.

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