Zyshaun 44

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I didn't know what to do about Saint, I mean what could I do at this point? I tried and tried to stress to that boy the importance of wearing condoms ow his little ass was sitting in there going through it. I was tempted to let his ass burn this entire break but I wouldn't do that....... I grabbed my keys and took his little dumb ass to the fuckin doctors to get him some pills, after sitting there for a couple hours we were back and I wanted so badly to laugh at him but just being in this situation was embarrassing enough. After we picked up his prescription I decided to take him out to eat to so I could stress to him for the hundredth time about using protection. After a bunch of 'yes sirs' and 'I promise dad'........ I decided to drop it for now and wanted to start planning our annual trip to Haiti to visit his mothers grave and also what I expected from him while I went on my trip with Khalil and Gonzo......

"How about y'all let me and Noah have our own little trip, I mean we've proven that we're responsible enough to handle it. I mean we can invite a few of our friends...... come on dad nothing bad will happen." Saint said looking in my eyes.

"Yeah sure when y'all are both eighteen and out of the house y'all can do whatever want." I said smirking. "Seriously Saint you can't even be trust to wear a damn condom so what makes you think I'm going to trust you and Noah to go on a trip with your goofy lookin ass friends?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"It was a slip up dad........ sometimes shyt gets a little too hot and I get caught up in the moment. But how long will y'all be gone on y'alls trip?" He asked.

"A week at the most and I expect you to be on your best behavior and also look out for Trinity. I know y'all won't have any problems because Mama Angela will fuck y'all up. And one more thing........." I couldn't finish my statement because I saw an old friend that I've been meaning to talk to. "Give me a second." I said getting up and walking over to his table.

"Zyshaun Prater......." The young white man said giving me a look of absolute hatred as I sat across from him.

"Well if it isn't the youngest District Attorney in Texas Michael Cross...... what brings you to my fine establishment." I said knowing just sitting here made him sick to his stomach.

"I just thought I'd come and see one of the many places that will be shut down once I finally take you down........ But while I have you here would you like to tell me what happened to Julius Banks?" He asked and I fought back a smile.

"A tragic, tragic accident........ I was with the mayor and my brother Khalil when we got the official news, sad story. I heard he fucked over a lot of people so who knows." I said shaking my head remorsefully. "But I didn't realize you and Mr. Banks were close...... I wish I would've known that we all could've had dinner together." I said.

"Don't get too cocky Zyshaun I know you and your nig...... 'family' had something to do with the death of my friend and I won't rest until I see all your asses in jail." Michael said his face turning red, but I didn't miss the fact that he almost said 'nigger'.

"Better men than you have tried...... let's be honest here Michael; your mad that Yuri got off, your mad that them bullshyt charges you tried to pin on me got thrown out, your mad because Julius decided to fuck with the wrong people and ended up with his dick cut off and shoved down his throat....... I've seen your story all too many times, a young Republican Lawyer with big dreams and a little dick trying to make a name for himself by going after a man who is cleaner than a brand new pair of Jordan's........ But I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm untouchable and my reach far exceeds yours you really don't want to go there with me because all it takes is one phone call and I can have people looking into how Iman really got out of prison......" I said standing up. "Please enjoy your meal, it's on the house." I said walking back over to my son.

"Why does he look like he's about to cry?" Saint asked smiling, I turned to see what he was talking about and sure enough Michael Cross was damn near in tears.

"Don't worry about it just eat your food so we can get home and wrap your brother's presents." I said looking at Michael again and started forming a plan in my head to make sure this little fuck never bothered my family again...........

"HEEEYYYY BOOOOO!!!!!" Tiana yelled as soon as me and Saint walked through the door, at first I thought she was talking about me until she pushed past me and hugged Saint. "Ugh." Tiana said rolling her eyes at me before smiling and then hugging me.

"What did I do?" Asked wondering what I did to piss her off this time.

"Mireya......" She said rolling her eyes. "But it doesn't matter, I'll be cool as long as she stays in her place. Now if you'll excuse me......." Tiana said as her and Vanessa started walking out the door.

"Where y'all going?" Tion asked walking out the living room and looked at them.

"To stalk Dominique's sexy ass what else." Tiana said laughing as they walked out and I bit down on my tongue because even though I loved Khalil, I didn't want his little brother anywhere near my sister because I saw what everyone else didn't see...... he was just like how I used to be, a killer.

"They still here?" I asked, Tion nodded before we walked down to the basement. "Do y'all niggas ever go home?" I asked looking at Khalil, Gonzo, Marsean and Lafayette.

"We're here to plan this damn trip you're dragging us on." Tion said shaking his head. Oh right....... We spent the next hour finalizing our trip down to the last detail until I was sure it was going to be the best of the three trips.

"Mr. Prater I'm sorry to bother you but your mother is here to see you." Claudia, my housekeeper/nanny said with a hint of disgust in her voice, I knew she wasn't to fond of Linda and I didn't blame her. I got a followed her upstairs into the living room where Linda was waiting.

"Claudia when you get a chance do you mind going to the store and getting some stuff for some gumbo, Trinity has been bugging me non-stop about it for three weeks. He swears you put a bit of your soul into it." Claudia nodded and walked out leaving me with Linda. "You know when I let you go free, I was under the impression that we wouldn't be seeing each other ever again..... but for you to show up at my house, must really like pissing me off."

"Have you found my beloved Levi yet? Zyshaun it's been weeks." Linda said clearly frustrated, which I found amusing.

"Things like this take time Linda...... we have little information to go on,  be patient. Trust me I want you out of my life as quickly as possible so I want this to be done soon." I said looking in her eyes.

"You better not be playing me boy........ You may not be aware of this but I'm just as ruthless as you and I know what y'all did to Julius..... if Levi isn't found soon I might let slip to a colleague that you were behind his death." Linda said and I busted out laughing.

"That's twice now someone threatened me and again I am unphased. We'll find him when we find him....... now DiMarino please escort Linda off the premises." I said watching as my security grabbed Linda and pulled her out the living room. I shook my head and decided to go check on the kids mainly Saint to make sure he's taking care of his little problem, when I got out to the pool house Saint was standing outside talking quietly on the phone.

"Here he comes now I'll ask." Saint said putting the phone down. "Ayy dad I was wondering if my boy Mario could stay the night?" Saint asked and I shrugged.

"I don't care, Saint. But we really do need to get these presents wrapped so let's knock this out real quick and you can go clean up before your friend gets here." I said walking back into the house, I had met that Mario dude once and he was another person I saw something in that no one else saw but I was going to let it play out and see how Saint reacted because I knew all to well what they were both going through.........................................

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