Toussaint 26

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I was getting better and better at ditching my security guards, I understood their purpose but sometimes I liked to be out on my own. It was really difficult to talk to girls with two big ass niggas reporting every little detail to my dad...... so I called one of my boys from school who kinda looked like me to play my stunt double and while we were in the theaters we casually switched out so I could go off and do my own thing. Knowing I'd probably get cussed out when I got home I decided to make the most of the little free time I had so I sent out a group text to a couple dudes on the basketball team but only one person replied and I was kinda surprised because I knew me and this dude didn't have the best relationship, because he was always saying shyt to my right hand Noah. But fuck it I needed to smoke since my dad decided to take all my stuff, I called a cab and within twenty minutes I was pulling up to this nigga Mario's house where he was waiting on the porch.

"Let's get one thing straight aight, I'm only here to smoke your weed that's it...... we're not friends, we're not buddies..... I just wanna smoke." I said walking up on the porch.

"So let me get this straight....... you really expected to come over here making demands like going to bow down to you will? Nigga you must've smoke before you got here...." Mario said laughing. "Look Toussaint me and you never really had any problems. My issue is with Noah and that's it......"

"Well that's my cousin so if you got a problem with him then you got a problem with me......... why are y'all beefin anyways?" I asked.

"We'll talk about it inside....." Mario said leading me into the house, where about seven girls were sitting on the couch watching that nigga Emilio on tv. "Those three are my sisters and the other four are their bald-headed ass friends. Let's go up to my room." Mario said ignoring them. His room was a bit on the feminine side but ayy who was I to judge, as long as his weed was fire I wouldn't complain.

"So your beef with Noah? What's it about?" I asked watching as he started rollin up.

"Real talk me and Noah used to be best friends...... but that dude is too damn sensitive and arrogant. We were joking around one day and I said something about his dad Marcus....... and that nigga flipped out, we fought and we've been beefin ever since." Mario said and I started laughing, that nigga Noah didn't play about Marcus. "But since we started playing on the same football team I've been trying to be civil but that nigga can hold a grudge like no other." Mario said.

"True the way I feel is if me and you are going to be playing basketball together there shouldn't be any hard feelings between us, so I'll talk to Noah and see if we can work something out." I said and Mario nodded but didn't reply, we sat there quietly until one of his sisters friends knocked on the door and walked in like she lived her.

"Umm can I help you?" Mario asked sitting up.

"I'm trying to chill with y'all, your sisters and them are going to the park and I don't feel walking so if it's coo with y'all......" Her voice trailed off and Mario glanced at me, I was a master at deciphering hidden meaning in words and I knew exactly what she meant by 'chill', I glance at Mario and smirked coming over here was the best idea I've had all day................

By the time the sun went down I was still smiling over what had just happened, the chick had left  and Mario was rolling up another blunt even though I was high as fuck already. One more then I had to get home because I already knew my dad was going to start trippin........

"Yo no homo but you're really cute.... like you got this girly-ness to you, especially since you always wear your hair in braids and shyt." I said laughing. "Then you're lips....... it's like you're always wearing lip gloss or some shyt." I said laughing even harder. 

"Bro you trippin...... but umm thanks...... you're really cute too.... no homo." Mario said laughing quietly.

"Yeah you're right though I'm trippin I'm about to get out of here though. My dad is probably going to kill me...... I'll catch you later, this was fun though maybe one day once I get off of punishment we can chill at my place." I said getting up and stumbling out the house.

After waiting for my driver, I got home and noticed all the cars in the driveway...... great now I had an audience to my embarrassment. I crept into the house and nobody paid me in attention, I was almost in the clear until my dad walked out one of the room and almost crashed into me.

"Wassup Saint....." He said walking away and I knew right then something was up because he didn't seem upset in the slightest which is when I knew his anger was beyond words. I walked out to my house and found Noah and the pack of children running around like hyenas.

"The next time you decide to pull me into one of your schemes the very least give me some warning." Noah said placing the controller on the table. "Let's go up to your room bro......" Noah said getting up and I looked around hoping these little munchkins didn't fuck up my shyt. We got up to my room and I fell on my king sized bed, Noah sat on the couch and just looked at me like he was disappointed or something.........

"Man why are you staring at me like that?" I asked sitting up and instantly getting a headache.

"Saint...... bro what the fuck is going on with you? Like I get the feeling of being trapped and you sneaking off because I feel the same way sometimes, but our dad's are dealing with stuff and we can't be reckless what if something would've happened to you? Uncle Zy would've burned this city down......" Noah said.

"My dad doesn't care about me, all he's focused on is getting revenge or whatever and now that Yuri's back he really doesn't have time for me or Trinity." I said getting pissed.

"I used to feel like that about my dad too...... but you should talk to him and tell him how you feel it might surprise you. And something else that's been bothering me..... you really need to chill with that smoking shyt, like seriously how do you expect to keep playing basketball if you're high all the time?" Noah asked.

"Everything in moderation cousin....... look I'm good so stop worrying so damn much before you start growing gray hairs and shyt. Now I see what Mario meant about you being sensitive." I said laying back down.

"Mario? You hanging with that nigga now?" Noah asked and I just shrugged.

"Yeah he's actually pretty cool, but you already knew that since y'all used to be friends and shyt. Look No' we're on the basketball team together so of course I'm going to be cool with him you don't hear me saying shyt about the nigga you hang out with that I don't like." I said feeling myself getting sleepy.

"Name one?" Noah said and I couldn't think of anyone at the current moment. "Exactly..... look I'm just going to head back downstairs because it's obvious you aren't taking me seriously." Noah said getting up and storming out my room like a bitch. Around four o'clock in the morning I woke up hungry as fuck...... after checking my refrigerator and seeing nothing but water, fruit and vegetables I decided to had to go up to the main house and get what I was really craving. I walked in the dark kitchen and found grandma's banana pudding and was about to go in.......

"You know....." My dad said sitting in the dark, scaring the fuck outta me, it was almost as if he was waiting for me. "I've been sitting here trying to figure out what would be an appropriate punishment for your crime..... we both know your past the whoopin' stage and after our last disagreement I'll never put my hands on you again, at least I would beat your ass like that again......... but something's got to give Saint." He said looking at me. "If you say so dad........" I said and he smirked.

"Aight consider this your warning....... I'm thinking of something good just for you, I won't tell you when it's coming or what I'm planning but trust me Toussaint..... I have nothing but time. Goodnight." My dad said walking away laughing. Yeah right..... I'd give him a week before he forgot all about this and I'd be right back doing what I've always done and that's take care of myself....................................

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