Marcus 47

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Thank god Christmas was over and done with, don't get me wrong I loved being around my  but they got on my damn nerves sometimes and I just wanted peace in my kingdom. Noah was out with Dominique, Cori was with Liberty having a second Christmas and Devin came over and kidnapped Marquise for the week so really it was just me and Khalil and as badly as I wanted to fuck all over the house we had more important things to focus on. So here I was on my day off sitting in a boring as board meeting talking about this movie company Khalil wanted to start, it was a good idea but I didn't know how I felt about taking such a huge risk considering the type of movies he wanted to make. But I wasn't going to voice my opinion in front of all these people I'd wait until me and Khalil were alone to tell him what I really thought and we could go from there, after the meeting I had to stop by my office to grab a few things when I was met by some one I really didn't like.

"Marcus Cunningham......." The District Attorney said smiling at me.

"I really don't think you should be here, especially after the conversation you had with Zyshaun." I said not really too worried about him but the smile on his face creeped me out a little.

"This isn't a personal visit Mr. Cunningham, I'm here on business and as far as my conversation with Zyshaun Prater he made it very clear when he had the mayor, the governor, and a few Senators call me just how powerful he was so I'll back off......" He said and I knew there was a 'for now' that he didn't want to say out loud. "I'm actually here about Julius Banks last will..... he left you a few things he really wanted you to have."

"There's nothing I want from Julius so you can just take whatever it is and destroy it....... unless it's money in which case donate it all. I just want to forget he ever existed and go about my life." I said calmly.

"You know Julius never stopped thinking about you...... during all those years where Zyshaun Prater scared him out of Texas, he wrote you about a thousand letters telling you how much he loved you and wanted to be with you." Cross said smugly.

"I bet he did, but while he was writing love notes like a teenage girl I was getting the best dick of my life..... now if you would kindly leave my office." I said opening the door for him, Michael Cross gave me one last contemptuous before walking out. I really didn't like that dude and I knew once Khalil and Zyshaun found out that he showed up at my office.............


"Dad what's a glory-hole?" Trinity asked and Zyshaun shook his head before making him go down to the basement.

"Damn Zy you really don't like that dude....." Khalil said laughing. "Look fuck him, he doesn't have anything on us so let him keeping searching he'll get bored eventually. What I wanna talk about it this movie company."

"It's a good idea but......" I said causing them both to stop and look at me. "I think it's too risky, Khalil you want to have movie company with all black directors, producers and actors though it sounds good it doesn't look good on paper so I was thinking instead of starting a brand new company which would be extremely stressful, how about y'all buy stock in Entertainment and Media Companies. It's little to no risk, if things start looking bad y'all can pull out and no harm no foul."

"I'm down if you are Zy..... I just need something to keep me occupied since I'm unofficially retired." Khalil said pulling me to his lap, Zyshaun shrugged and went back to ranting about Michael Cross until Noah walked in with Dominique. "Where did y'all go?" Khalil asked as Dominique tossed him the keys to one of his cars.

"Noah was just showing me around the city........." Dominique said sitting next to Khalil and I noticed Zyshaun's jaw tighten. I knew he didn't like the fact that his little sister was so enamored with his best friend's little brother, Khalil got up and him and Zyshaun walked out the door leaving me with Noah and Dominique. "So how did you and Khalil meet?" Dominique asked me which caught me off guard because we barely talked the whole time he's been down here.

"Pre-school, well we technically met in first grade but I've known of him since Pre-school we were never in the same class until first grade. That's were I met him and Lorenzo." I said remember the day vividly.

"Damn that's wassup....... y'all known each other since y'all were shorties." He said in his thick southern accent. "I hope by me coming here didn't cause you too much trouble...... I just wanted to get to know my family and I'm glad I did everyone is cool so far." He said and it was crazy how much he looked like Khalil and Devin, with a little hint of Cam in there.

"Yeah for the most part everyone is amazing." I said not wanting to make him nervous about the rest of his family.

"What about the other dude Camden...... what's he like?" Dominique asked and I could tell he was kinda nervous about his older brother. "I mean the way everyone talks about him you'd think he was a god or something."

"You're actually a lot like Cam was at your age, always ready to fight, extremely protective of his family..... Cam....." Just thinking about Cam made me miss him, even though we had a rocky relationship I was protective of Cam because I knew he was really sensitive on the inside. "Cam is great you'll love him. He just has a fucked up sense of humor." I said smiling.

"Oh then will get along great....." He said laughing.

"What about you what's your story?" I asked and he told me everything; about how his mom was on welfare and did everything in her power to make sure he had everything he needed, he told about school and how he was kicked out and wishes he could go back, he told me about his friends and by the time we were finished I felt just as close to him as I did the rest of Khalil's brothers and sisters. Khalil got back close to midnight just as we finished talking.

"It's pretty late so I should probably be heading back to the hotel...... Can you let Zyshaun know I'm not checking for his sister like that so he can stop staring at me like he wants to fight." Dominique said smiling as he walked out the door with Khalil. I started getting ready for bed when Noah walked in the living room looking at me.

"Why do you look like you're up to something Noah?" I asked.

"I was just wondering when's the next time me and you are going to do something without a million people with us, don't get me wrong I like hanging out with dad and my uncles but me and you haven't done anything in a while, I've gotten better at skating and I bet if we were to go now I'd lap you a few times." Noah said smiling.

"You're not ready Noah, I'll skate circles around you. Now what do you really want because you have that same goofy ass look Khalil get's when he wants something." I asked and he started laughing.

"Can I run to Jade's real quick to get my book bag? I need it to do my homework." Noah said.

"It can't wait until tomorrow? When Jade's mom is there and I don't have to worry about you being out past midnight?" I asked.

"I guess I could but...... me and dad are going to the game tomorrow with Dominique and it'll be late when he get back and then I got hang out with Cori..... it's all technical and I don't wanna fall behind in my class work." Noah said giving me a sneaky grin.

"Noah....." I said and he started laughing.

"Aight I wanna give her the gift I got for Christmas, I don't want her thinking I forgot and if I don't get it to her soon she might get mad at me, then dump me and you'll have to spend the rest the school year trying to cheer me up. You know Jade is the girl I'm going to marry do you really wanna destroy our future over something that'll take ten minutes?" Noah said.

"Boy go to sleep, Jade can wait a couple hours  to get her gift so quit worrying." I said shaking my head.

"Aight but when she breaks up with me you're going to be the one whose shoulder I cry on. Goodnight dad, love you." Noah said walking away, I swear maybe I needed to take my mom's advice and get him neutered or something because I know damn well giving Jade that gift was the last thing on his mind. I got up to lock up the house when my phone started ringing, I saw that it was Devin and answered it.

"Marcus........." He said and I could tell by his voice something was really wrong...............

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