Nico 29

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Spending Thanksgiving with Iman made me both happy and sad, happy because he made me happy; it was nothing for him to stop in the middle of a sentence just to kiss me or come and find me in the middle of the night just to lay with me. But it was also lonely because it was just us....... no Will, no Legacy, no..... no Devin. I missed the big ass parties they had every year and the feeling of being around family, Iman kept telling me that we would build our own family as soon as he took care of some unfinished business which I figured had something to do with Devin. I just wanted Iman to let go of this petty ass beef he had with Devin, he won, he wanted me and now he had me there was no reason for him to go after Devin but they hatred ran too deep especially after their last fight a couple days ago. I walked into the living room where Iman was sitting on the couch talking on the phone quietly but as soon as he saw me, he hung up and smiled.

"Who was that?" I asked sitting next to him and laying on his shoulder, Iman wrapped me in his arm and kissed me passionately.

"Just someone offering me a job, you know I've been looking ever since I got out and this dude just called me saying he had something for me." Iman said smiling. "Once I'm finished with this job we can leave here and not have to worry about anything, I'll finally be able to take care of you......... where are you going all dressed up?" He asked looking at my clothes.

"I have to go to a meeting..... but it should only take about an hour. Is there anything you want me to get for dinner?" I asked getting up. "Iman you really need to let this beef with Devin go, I don't love him you're the one I want to be with." I said trying to kiss him but he turned his head.

"Nico you could never lie to me...... you still love that bitch ass dude. But I've always known that and one of these days you'll see that he isn't worth loving, what was it that you told me? 'His mom didn't want him, his dad didn't love, his own brother didn't love him, hell even his foster parents hated him.' Those were your exact words Nico, maybe he's just incapable of being loved because he's so damn selfish I'm willing to bet his little bastards are going to hate him too......... but I'm not going to hold you up, I'll see you later I love you." Iman said walking back to his room...............

After sitting in what was supposed to be an hour long meeting for three hours I was ready to go, as I walked out I noticed a muscular ark skinned dude staring at one of the paintings and my heart tried to just out my chest, whenever Zyshaun showed up somewhere drama was sure to follow. I walked over to him confidently and he smirked.

"So........ I'm here to let you know that at the request of Devin I'm giving your little boyfriend a very rare gift which is a pass. You know it's not in my nature to forgive someone but Devin claims he just wants you to be happy  and if Iman is what makes you happy then he'll fall back." Zyshaun said quietly.

"My aren't you generous." I said sarcastically, I know it's a bad idea to poke a tiger but Zyshaun thought he ruled the world and someone had to show him they weren't afraid of him..... mostly.

"You misunderstand me Nico, just because I'm not going to retaliate for that nigga trying to kill me doesn't mean that I won't if pushed........ we both know the only reason he's out because of Julius and since I once considered you part of our family I thought it was best to warn you. If Iman is planning on hurting my family in any way, shape or form then I will have no problem destroying him or anyone who knew about it......... good seeing you again Nico." Zyshaun said walking out leaving his threat buzzing around my head.

After I recovered from my meeting with Zyshaun, I went to the store to grab a few things for dinner. I hoped Iman could just move on but what if he couldn't, what if Julius had already got to him and is manipulating him into hurting Devin? Could I really stand by and let it happen? I felt like I was being asked to choose between Devin's family and Iman...... why couldn't I just stay out of it and not get involved I was already playing a dangerous game by trying to have Blaze killed so the last thing I wanted was attention being brought to me.

"Nico...." Blaze said behind me, I tried not to roll my eyes as I turned around and gave him a fake smile.

"Wassup bro...... how has everyone been?" I asked not really caring in the slightest.

"Good though it's weird not seeing you with Devin and Will...... I think they both miss having you around." Blaze said.

"Yeah well it was there choice to cut me out but they both know I have no hard feelings towards either one of them, I jut wish they could move past that high school beef." I said looking down at a stroller holding one of the twins who I'm guessing was Devin's biological son.

"I know but some cuts run deep....... but I know Devin misses his best friend and the kids miss their Uncle Nico." Blaze said smiling, to be frank I didn't want anything to do with those kids because all they were was a reminder of the life I should've had with Devin if he never came into the picture.

"Hopefully one day we can all talk about this like adults and work something out, I would hate to miss my best friends wedding over something stupid." I said laughing. "It was good seeing you, tell Devin I'm ready to talk whenever he is." I said smiling as Blaze nodded and walked away, with his punk ass...... I finished shopping and as I was pulling out the parking spot I watched as Blaze pushed the stroller with a few bags in his hand, if he didn't have that baby with him I probably would've ran his ugly ass over instead I started driving in the opposite direction to handle one last thing on my list before heading home.

I pulled up to the massive house or baby mansion as he liked to refer to it as and got out, I got out and walked up to the door and knocked quietly. When Ramone opened the door his eyes were red but whether it was because he was smoking or crying I wasn't sure, he led me into the house and I saw Yuri and Emilio sitting on the couch playing the game. I followed Ramone up to his room and saw the box of my things sitting on the bed, he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and I didn't feel bad even though I probably should.

"I feel like you owe me an explanation......... why did you play me Nico and before you say you never cheated on me it may not have been physically cheating but you cheated emotionally which is worse." Ramone said staring into my soul.

"I wanted to love you....... but you were never the one. I stayed because I kept hoping that you would be one day but it never happened." I said turning my head and seeing the big ass picture of us at the Grand Canyon together Ramone was kissing me on the cheek while smiling and I couldn't help but think back to that day.

"Then why didn't you just let me go? You led me on for years thinking we loved each other when I could've been out living my life." Ramone said heated.

"I don't know what you want me to say Ramone........." I said avoiding his eyes.

"Nothing....... don't say anything because it's obvious that you're not even sorry. You know what can you please just get your stuff and leave? Anything I have over your place just donate it or toss it because I don't ever want to see you again." He said picking up the box and pushing into my arms. "What you want that picture too here......" He said putting the picture of us on top of the box.

"Ramone I......."

"You said I wasn't 'the one' so tell me Nico which one of them is...... Devin or Iman?" Ramone asked and instead of answering I just walked out, I didn't have to answer to him or anyone.

I got home and Iman was gone which made me nervous because I didn't want him getting into any trouble, he left a note saying he was going to hang out with some friends. I started cooking and Ramone's words echoed in the back of my head; 'You said I wasn't 'the one' so tell me Nico which one of them is...... Devin or Iman?'.... I couldn't answer that because even I didn't know, I loved both of them equally. Who did I want to spend my life with? That was a question I was going to have to think long and hard on because I couldn't foresee a future without both of them in my life, but I also knew that if I didn't make a choice soon there was a good possibility that they might kill each other..................................

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