Khalil 39

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Noah's dance was tonight so since Marcus was running around with him making sure he looked nothing short of perfect I was out with Cori and Marquise along with Marsean and his two boys. We were planning our trip but had to talk in codes because Lil Marcus aka Fox News had a big ass mouth and could be easily bribed with ten dollars and a pack of Twizzlers, I don't know why Tonya and Mama Angela were trying so damn hard to find out where we were going, they had their trip, we had ours and Devin had his. All I knew was our trip was going to be the best simply because it was me, Enzo and Zyshaun planning it; I looked over at the playground watching Cori chase around his cousins and smiled, it was crazy how different he was from his parents because Cam and Liberty were both crazy as fuck but Cori was a good kid. Damn I missed my little bro, once I found out that he l knew about Iman, I knew I would be getting a phone call to calm him down. Then there was Devin and Sa'vion....... they were on opposite ends of anger; Sa'vion thought it was best to go inside Nico's apartment guns blazing and Devin felt we should just leave it alone, while I was somewhere stuck in the middle........................

"So Tonya threaten to kill me last night....." Marsean said and I can't say I was surprised because Tonya was always threatening to kill somebody. "She caught me poking holes in the condoms again and flipped out..... but I can't help it, I shouldn't have to wear condoms to fuck my wife and she needs to get pregnant one more time just so she can stop trying to kidnap Ivanna and Cammy." Marsean said.

"Okay here's what you do, don't fuck her for a month....... just cut her off completely. I bet by the end she'll be begging for the dick and once you do fuck her that's when you start negotiations, how do you think I got Marcus to handle renovations for the new house? They may be lawyers but I'm telling you dick is a powerful drug that can make the strongest person cave if done correctly." I said laughing.

"Bro that might not work...... Tonya is the type of woman to take it." Marsean said shaking his head. "What are you going to do about Noah? He told me what happened the other day and I'm seriously starting to think he needs to slow down because at the rate he's going you'll be a grandpa before he graduates."

"I'll beat Noah's ass........ but he's good, we talked about it and he knows just how serious I was about what would happen if I caught him doing some shyt like that again." I said shaking my head. "Let's go back to the house, it's getting a little chilly out here and I don't want my baby getting sick." I said looking at Marquise who was wrapped head to toe in his car seat. We got back to the house and Devin was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Wassup y'all....." He said not looking up and I knew he was still thinking about this whole Nico situation.

"Devin.........." I started to say but he cut me off.

"Khalil I know what you're going to say and I'm over it, I don't want anything to do with Nico. I just want to move on with my life without him and Iman....... it's bad enough I got 'Blaze' and Sa'vion wanting to beat his ass but I just wanna forget they ever existed." Devin said quietly.

"Aight I'll leave it alone for now but you know eventually you're going to have to face Nico and see why he did it....." I said.

"I don't have to do anything..... except make sure y'all don't let my nephew leave this house looking like a damn fool. So when are we going to meet our new brother?" Devin asked and I shrugged. "I think we should wait until Cam comes back, this is something we should do together as a family and I don't wanna leave that nigga out."

"I don't know Dev, I don't want to put this off any longer than we have to." I said sitting next to him. "I just hope he's not a hothead like you...... and Cam....... and Sa'vion....." I said smirking.

"And you nigga don't act like you didn't have anger management issues when you were younger." Devin said smiling.

"He's right, I remember when we played football together your ass stayed in trouble because of your temper." Marsean said adding his two cent.

"Shut up, where the fuck is Marcus they should be back by now." I said looking at my watch, I started to call him when a knock came to the door, I figured it was Noah's little friends so I walked over to the door opening it to find my brother standing there with a duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Sorry for just popping up...... you probably don't even know who I am but....... I'm your brother Dominique." He said and couldn't help but notice how much he looked like me and my brothers. "I'm sorry I should've called first." He said turning to walk away.

"Wait..... damn my bad, I was just shocked...... come in." I said stopping him. He turned around and walked inside looking around the foyer obviously impressed. "We were going to come and meet you in a couple weeks we just had some personal stuff to take care of." I said not knowing exactly what to say to him.

"If it makes you feel more comfortable we can do a DNA test...... I never met my dad but here's a picture of him and my mom." Dominique said handing be a picture of a woman and Kadeem, Devin walked into the foyer and stopped dead in his tracks. "Umm Devin this is Dominique..... our brother." I said and Devin seemed see the same thing I saw, the features of almost every Cunningham male.

"I guess I'm your big brother........ but Khalil I'm about to go home and pick up the twins because Torian has to go to work, I'll be back though in like ten minutes." Devin said walking out, me and Dominique stood there awkwardly.

"You wanna sit down?" I asked and he nodded, I lead him into the living room and Marsean looked up and I saw the confusion on his face. "This is Marsean my brother in law, Sean this is my youngest brother Dominique." I said.

"I go by Domo, or Nique......... whichever is cool with me." He said shaking Marsean's hand.

'Khalil can I talk to you really fast?" Marsean said walking into the dining room. "Khalil you know he can't stay here right? You don't know anything about this kid and until it's confirmed that he is indeed you brother, you should take a few steps back." Marsean said, he had a point but I felt like I needed to give him a chance and I just had a gut feeling he really was my brother.

"KHALIL WHO IS THIS SEXY ASS MAN SITTING ON THE COUCH!!!!" Mama Angela yelled walking through the house. I walked out into living room and Marcus looked at me and I nodded once confirming everything without a single word.

"Marcus, Mom.... this is Dominique my brother." I said and Mama Angela instantly started sizing him up.

"Your daddy got some strong ass genes...... that's for sure. Now excuse me I gotta help Noah get ready." She said brushing past me with Marcus and Noah right behind her, Dominique got up and grabbed his bag before heading for the door.

"Ayy hold up......" I said walking behind him.

"Look I'm just going to go find a hotel and chill there until we can 100% confirm that we're brothers, I don't want to cause trouble between you and your family." He said quietly. "I got really good hearing so I know how dude feels about me. It's coo it's should only take a couple days to get the results back then either I'll go back to Mississippi or I can get to know my siblings." He said giving me a sad smirk. "I'll be fine, here's my number. Call me later and I'll tell you which hotel I'm at the sooner we get this over with the better right?" He said before walking out.

"At least let me drive you." I said feeling like shyt but after everything we've been through it didn't hurt to be too cautious. Dominique nodded and I grabbed my keys before walking out to my cars. Maybe I was too trusting but I felt this kid was really my brother and also that he had been through something..... I wasn't sure what it was but my natural instinct was to do what I've always done and that was protect my family...............................

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