Part 2

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"Mommy I want that one"

"No, it's too expensive"

"But I like them"

"Well I said no"

"It's not fair"

"Yeah well that's life"

I know that is a harsh reply to a 2 year old but I am not paying $80 for shoes she's going to grow out of quickly or ruin after 10 minutes in the park. I pick up two different shoes and make her pick out of them and she selects the one she wants so we can leave the store finally.

So here I am, a single Mom to a beautiful little girl who I called Summer. She's a great kid, although the terrible twos are making me think she is the worst kid in the world on times.

I sold the apartment and moved away, I tried contacting my parents but it didn't end well. I moved to San Francisco I figured it's far away but not too far away. A small house that's cheap and cheerful, I didn't work as I had money to afford not to. But I started work when Summer was old enough for me to go back to work. I managed to become a model, I changed my name though in case I was to get big. Which I did. My name is Bella, which technically is the same name, just another shortened name for Isabelle.

Michael eventually got what he wanted, he's the biggest singer out there with number ones in the charts and many awards.

On the way home I stop off at McDonald's getting Summer a cheeseburger happy meal and myself a smoothie.

"Look Mommy, it's the one I wanted" Summer cheers as she pulls the toy out

"Wow, aren't you lucky" I smile and go back to checking my emails, I receive a new one reminding me about the photo shoot I got tomorrow, crap I forgot about that.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Do I have a Daddy?"

I stare at her as she looks at me with her big brown eyes as she happily munches away on her fries. She's never asked about her father before.

"Of course you do"

"Where is he? Lucy has a Daddy she sees all the time"

"You see honey, life is hard on times and sometimes things don't go to plan"

"Like when my Lego falls apart"

"Yeah something like that" I laugh as I steal a fry  "me and your Daddy wasn't together anymore when I found out about you, this means that your Daddy doesn't know about you"

"Oh, ok" she smiles and makes a start on her burger after having some of her drink.

I knew this day was going to come, I didn't expect it to be this soon.

Once summer has finished her food we leave and join the wonderful traffic we always have to face. Michael starts playing on the radio, a new song he just released and is of course number one. It's called I just can't stop loving you, I normally change stations when he comes on but to be honest I'm too tired to, I can't keep running, I can't avoid him as he keeps getting bigger and bigger in the music industry. He's everywhere, magazines, radio stations and even on the tv.

To say this song is beautiful is just an understatement. I love his voice, always have, always will. I always wanted him to write a song for me but he never did, I wanted it to be something as beautiful and meaningful as this. I heard he has a thing with Whitney Houston so no doubt the song is about her.

I wipe the stray tear off my cheek, stop it emotions. I've never thought it properly before until now, I never let my feelings somewhat get over him.

"And that was I just can't stop loving you by the one and only Michael Jackson who we are joined with. Contractions again on being number one Michael"

"Thank you"

That voice, the voice I missed so much, the voice I cried over not hearing anymore, the voice that broke my heart as I read the letter imagining him as saying it out loud to me.

"This song is a very lovely song, is it about anyone specific?"

"It is, I wrote it many years ago. It's about someone special but I made the biggest mistake of my life and I know I broke that person's heart"

The Unknown he left behind (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now