Part 23

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2 weeks later
I put my jacket on then I pick Summer up and we make our way to Michael's. He's hosting family day which Summer is excited about, me on the other hand is nervous as hell. I haven't seen his family since we was together. Yes they was at the birthday party but I didn't exactly get a chance to talk to them or anything.

"Daddy" Summer yells running ahead of me to Michael who picks her up and hugs her.

"Hey" I smile when I finally reach them

"Hey, glad you could make it"

"Yeah, we would've been earlier if so,some wasn't being so sassy about picking a dress" I chuckle

Janet comes over and starts talking to me, thankfully it's nothing awkward or about me and Michael breaking up.

"Mommy please stay and watch Peter Pan"

"Fine" I sigh giving into Summer who's refusing to let me go home

"Yay" she cheers running into the living room

I help Michael with the drinks and popcorn then we go into the living room and sit either side of Summer.

End of movie
Michael picks up a sleeping Summer and I follow to help him get her changed into her pjs. Once she's all tucked into bed I kiss her head and say goodnight to her then I leave the room.

"That's for coming today, it was fun" Michael smiles closing her door behind him

"Yeah it was, it's good to see her with the other kids. She doesn't have any cousins on my side for obvious reasons"

"They'll come around one day, family is important and when they realise that they'll come back"

"I know they will, just don't know when. I thought they would've been back when it was everywhere about us and Summer but they didn't which surprised me"

"They're bound to know you got a kid by now, the whole world does so they will. Maybe they know they was in the wrong and want to come back but don't want to ruin their pride and admit they was wrong"


He smiles at me and I smile back then we both lean in and kiss. God knows how it went to this stage it's like our lips are magnetic. As the kiss gets heated he picks me up not breaking the kiss and carry me to his bedroom.

The Unknown he left behind (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now