Part 16

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2 months later
Michael is going on a tour so I let him have Summer for the week as they wont see each other for a while. Things are going back to normal thank god. I decided to get off the idea of me and Michael being together and move on, he has someone so I should too.

I get out the shower and get changed (above) me and Kate are going out tonight to a new club that's opened. I'm actually excited as I haven't been to a club in a while.

"What can I get you?" Kate smiles

"Double vodka and Coke"

"Ooo straight in for the kill, I like it" she smiles and orders us both the same drink

"Michael has Becky, now I'm going to find someone else"

"Good, you deserve someone. So let's have a look, wing woman Kate is on the case" she smiles and starts looking around

2hrs later
"You know, I remember paying $2 for these each, and here I am a few years down the line paying $4.20 each" I say to the bar tender as I hand him the money

"I was paying $3 for two drinks"

I turn and see a man smiling, a hot man may I add.

"Now that's cheap, where was that?"

"Some club in Florida"

"Wish I was there"

He chuckles "I'm James"


"Or Bella if you want to be professional" he smirks

"You know me then"

"Of course, a hot model with a cute daughter. Who wouldn't not know you"

"I guess" I shrug and have a sip of my drink. I see Kate stood in the distance behind James smiling with her thumbs up then she goes off to the dance floor.

 I see Kate stood in the distance behind James smiling with her thumbs up then she goes off to the dance floor

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"So tell me more about you" I smile as I slide into the booth

"Well I'm the guitarist for a rock band, we just released our 2nd album and are due to go on tour next month for 3 weeks. My favourite colour is orange, I love apples and comedy movies."

"That's where I know you from, your new album is called locked in a cell am I correct?"

"Yeah, I look good on this cover compared to last time" he smirks

"I like this song, let's dance" I smile dragging him out the booth as Let's Dance by Bowie starts playing

"No pun intended I assume" he chuckles as we reach the dance floor

"Of course not" I smirk

Let's just say this guy is super hot and super nice, better than John and hey he told his little brother that Santa isn't coming because he's poor. So he won't judge me like John did. A few more songs and drinks later we're dancing a lot closer together, his arms wrapped around my waist. I look into his eyes and smile as he does the same back and begins to lean in closer, me wanting this decide to be nice and meet him half way letting our lips meet.

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