Part 29

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5 months later
"So what's the big news you got to tell me?"

"Lola is pregnant"

"Oh my god, that's fantastic. Congratulations" I smile hugging him

"Thanks. So what's wrong with you, you're not as loud and cheerful"

"I have an appointment with the doctors later"


"I think I might have cancer"

He stares at me wide eyed and places his hand on top of mine "why didn't you say?"

"I was scared, it's only been 3 days. I can't have it James, Summer is so young"

"Hey, it's going to be ok. Don't cry." He moves his chair closer to mine and wipes my eyes "you're such a strong women, you're going to be ok I promise. It will all come back clear, if for some very strange and wrong reason you do have cancer you will win and against it because you're a strong women who can get through anything"

"Thank you James" I smile and hug him

"You're welcome, does anyone else know?"

"No. I don't want anyone to know until I get the results back"

"Come on, I'll take you to see the doctor now"

"The appointment is in an hour"

"I don't care, we're going now. Drink up"

I grab my drink and we leave, I remain silent the whole journey just drinking my drink. Summer is my baby, I can't leave her. Who would look after her? Well Michael would but who when he is off touring the world? Would Michael future partner possible wife be called Mom by Summer? Would Summer even remember me in the future? Who will help her through the teenage years, all the changed she'll go through physically and emotionally?

"Hey, we're here.."

I shake the questions away and nod ok getting out the car. After signing in I take a seat and play with my fingers as I wait, I'm so nervous, and scared right now. When my name is called I get up and drag James with me even though he was more than willing to come with me.

"Ok that's all done, do you have any questions?"

"When will I get the results?"

"3 days"

I nod ok and get up walking out and going to the car in silence.

"You're going to be ok" James reassures as we pull up outside my place

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am, look I'll pick Summer up and have her for you. You're not in the right state to look after her"

"Ok, she has ballet tomorrow"

"I know, I've always wanted to go and watch it" he smiles following me inside

I let out a laugh and pack her stuff into a bag handing it to him. "I'll call her before bedtime"

"Okie dokie. If you need me just call me"

"Thanks" I smile and hug him them close the door after he leaves.

I place the glass of wine and bottle on the side of the bath and put on Whitney Houston's latest album then I get into the relaxing warm bubbly bath

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I place the glass of wine and bottle on the side of the bath and put on Whitney Houston's latest album then I get into the relaxing warm bubbly bath. My poor candles are finally being used after being there for like a month minimum.

Time skip
I lay in bed staring at the wall, it's sunk in. I could possibly have cancer. What if I have it? How do I explain it to summer? Would Michael take her in?


Why did it all go so wrong between us?

This isn't how I pictured my life, it's the complete opposite.

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