Part 36

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Month Later
Things have been tough but mostly good. I made Michael agree on couple therapy to sort things out and it's working which I'm happy with. It's taking time but it's all developing on the right path. Michael left for tour last week to which Summer hated but she's fine now. The world have also found out I'm pregnant which was annoying as we tried so had to keep it a secret longer but Summer and her mouth changed that.

I grab my keys and leave heading to the theatre to pick the little munchkin up from Ballet. I really miss driving, so much easier and you don't feel guilty having Joe waiting around even though it's his job.

"Mummy guess what" Summer smiles running over to me


"There's a new book I like that Jasmine has. It's about a girl who has horrible parents and she has magic powers"

"Sounds like a good book" I smile knowing exactly what book she's on about

"Can I have it?"

"Of course, anything to make tv watching time less"

Book Store
"Here it is" I smile handing Matilda to her

"This isn't it"

"It is sweetheart, there's a few different covers of the book but it's exactly the same one that Jasmine has"

She nods ok and carry on looking at the other books. We end up buying a grand total of 10 books then we head home. Summer does her homework then after dinner I give her a bath and then we decide to start reading one of her new books.

"This one" she smile climbing onto the couch handing me the book

"It's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful." I begin reading as Summer snuggles more into my side with her teddy bear.

Once I hear soft snores I Place the bookmark in the book and place it on the bedside table. I stand up and lean down to tuck Summer into bed properly then I kiss her head and leave closing the door slightly behind me.

Of course the first thing I do as soon as I get downstairs is go to the kitchen cupboards, it's only natural for pregnant people. Cravings, Lemons was my cravings with Summer but this one? Potato chip sandwiches with mayo instead of butter, now don't get me wrong regular chips sandwiches with butter is the best especially when the bread is toasted, same with cheese and onion chips. But the regular salted chips and mayo? Not something you'd probably like unless you're pregnant like me.

Once I've finished eating I make sure all the lights is turned off then I head upstairs climbing into bed getting myself comfortable before I ring Michael.


"Hey, are you busy? It sounds loud"

"No I'm never busy for you. One second"

I hear the noise getting quieter then a door opening and closing "ok I'm back, how are you three"

"We're good, how's the tour going?" I reply as I use my free hand to open the small tub of strawberry yogurt pretzels, another craving I have.

"It's going great, the fans are amazing."

"That's great, I'm glad you're enjoying it"

"Thank you, are you eating?" He laughs

"Of course I am I gotta feed our little one" I smile even though Michael can't see it.

"You still craving that weird sandwich?"

"Yeah I had one just before I came up to bed"

"How can you eat it, it's disgusting"

"Well the baby obviously begs to differ. Ouch"

"What? Are you ok?"

I Place my hand on my stomach and feel a small pain again

"Hun what's wrong? Answer me please"

"The baby is kicking"


"Yes, Wow." I mutter quietly as it fully sinks in

"There really is someone inside"

"Of course there is" Michael chuckles

"No need to be sarcastic"

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know, I hope it's a boy though. I'd like to have a boy so it's even. What about you? What would you like?"

"Any as long as the baby is healthy then I don't care what gender we have"

"Well I hope it's a healthy boy" I smile before letting out a yawn

"You need to go to sleep, don't eat too many pretzels cause I don't want send Bill out to get more again"

"If the baby wants loads then I'm not going to stop him or her"

"Ok, I'll just have to get bill to get an extra 30 tubs from the usual 15."

"Goodnight Michael" I reply in a warning tone not wanting to deal with his jokes

"Goodnight, I love you"

"I love you too"

I put the phone back in it's holder then I gently rub my stomach "I'm glad you decided to finally acknowledge me after all these weeks of me just talking to myself"

I eat a few more pretzels then I lay down letting sleep take over.

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