Part 10

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen we've just arrived at New York City, on behalf of Delta Airline we'd like to thank you for flying with us and hope you enjoy your time in the big apple"

I undo Summer's belt and I carefully pick her up, she stirs a little but snuggles her head in the crook of my neck and remain asleep. I take my bag then I make my way off the plane. Once I get inside I take the two cases and stroller off the rotating strip (can't remember the proper name for them) then I stare at them not knowing how I'm going to manage this.

"Ma'am would you like a trolley?" A member of staff smiles at me

"Thank you" I smile as he places the cases and stroller onto the trolley for me

"Would you like me to push it for you?"

"No thank you, I'll manage"

He nods ok and walks off, I push the trolley with my free hand and head out to find whoever is taking us to the hotel. I find an older man holding my name on a sign so I walk over to him. "Hi you must be Carl?" I smile

"Yes, here let me take the trolley. How was your flight?"

"Thanks, it was good. I hope you haven't been waiting too long"

"No I've been here about 20 minutes so not too long"

We reach the car and I get to know Carl a bit more on the drive to the hotel. He's married with 3 kids, cute. We reach the hotel so I say bye to Carl and concierge helps with my things. We get into the hotel suite which is beautiful, I immediately strip Summer and decide to let her sleep in her best and underwear because it's not too cold and I don't want to risk waking her when I'm putting her pjs on. I place her in the crib that's set up and I place her elephant soft toy by her to which she immediately cuddles up to.

I go to the sitting area and go through the paperwork and plan of this week so I'm fully aware of everything.

Next Day
"Look Mommy, it's Home Alone" Summer smiles pointing at the plaza in the distance

"Well done baby girl for noticing that. Aren't you clever" I smile

Today is a free day so I'm taking my little buttercup sightseeing then to see a show this afternoon. I hand her some bread so she can feed the ducks then we visit the Empire State Building. Afterwards we get lunch in McDonald's then visit the Statue of Liberty.

"Mommy look, there's a Disney toy shop"

"Wanna go there before we go back to the hotel?"


"Ok, no grabbing things though or trying to get out the stroller though ok?"


We go around the shop and leave with soft toys, play sets and I let her have a cute dumbo figurine to go on her shelves at home with her other Disney figurines collection. I put the bags on the stroller handles except the one with dumbo I place in the basket under the stroller so it won't break. The weather starts to get a little chilly so I give summer her soppy cup of juice and blanket then I look around the other stores for myself whilst she slowly falls asleep.

Late Afternoon

Me and summer get changed (above) after having a salad for dinner then we go and meet Carl outside

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Me and summer get changed (above) after having a salad for dinner then we go and meet Carl outside.

"What are we seeing Mommy?"

"It's a surprise" I smile

This show is the whole reason we're in New York now, we was meant to come three weeks ago but I seen the lion king was starting so I got Sarah to change it. On the way we collect her as she's staying at a different hotel then we finally head to the theatre.

We arrive and get out, I hold Summer's hand and smile for the photos. I forgot to mention it's the premier night so there's paparazzi here. Once we get inside I send Sarah to the merchandise stall to buy stuff for Summer whilst us two go and get the drinks and snacks.

"I know what it is?" Summer smiles as she looks at the empty stage

"What is it?"

"The lion king"

"Good guess"

"I know the picture on the stage and a girl getting popcorn with her daddy said it"

I smile and place her little snack box on her lap "don't eat it all now, make it last"

Sarah arrives and sits the other side of Summer placing the bags down on the floor in front of her. "Who's excited for this?"

"Me" we both reply, me being louder as its my favourite Disney. To be honest I'm more excited than Summer.

Last night in NY
"Mommy when will I see Daddy?"

"In about 4 days"

"I can't wait to give him a hug and the presents I got him. Do you think he will like them?"

"He will love them"

It's a meteor shower tonight and being in New York with amazing views it's very beautiful so me and Summer are spending our last night watching the shooting stars.

"When do you make a wish?"

"When you see a shooting star, close your eyes and make a wish" I explain

A few minutes later we see one and she immediately closes her eyes. "I wish Mommy and Daddy will live together like my friends Mommies and Daddies do" she whispers

My heart breaks and I kiss her head before going out the room, the one wish she wants and I can't give her it. I grab the suitcases and begin packing but I remember that Summer is alone watching the stars, it's our last night of a fun week. I'm not letting Michael upset me, not yet anyway.

I get a drink and walk back into the room and sit by Summer. "There's another one" she smiles pointing and quickly shutting her eyes asking for lots of wishes.

I don't have the heart to tell her she isn't meant to say it out loud and besides some of the wishes I might be able to help happen.

A pet pony, no
Double chocolate ice cream sandwich, it will be very messy but I suppose I can let that happen
Me and Michael together, no
Ballet lessons, yeah

I mentally take note of all the ones I can do then when it's her bedtime I take her to bed and continue packing.

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