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A/n: I do NOT own Minecraft Story Mode. Telltale Games made the game. Mojang created Minecraft.

The wither storm is gone, for good. Everything has been going well. Jesse and the gang have been living in the town nearby. They have been on many adventures. Some still waiting to be discovered. For now it's just relaxing time.

Jesse and his friends would sometimes go to their tree house they used to live in, to just hang out and get away from the townspeople's fangirling.

Jesse has just gotten back from talking to Ivor and is heading towards the tree house.


"Jesse!" Axel waves and runs towards me.

"Hey Axel. What's up?"

"The sky?" I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Tough crowd. So where you headin'? I figured I'd rather go with you since I have nothing better to do." He scratches the back of his head.

"I'm heading to the tree house. I thought you were out mining looking for redstone with Petra and Olivia."

"I was, until they started talking about girl stuff. Then Olivia started giggling when Petra told her something. I decided to leave since the circumstances weren't good."

We made it to the tree house, just in front of the ladder.

"Giggling? That's hard to believe. I've never seen Olivia giggle or Petra being humorous."

I start to climb up.

"Yea. That's what I thought also. That's why I left. Wanted to hang out with my buddy." Axel climbs up after me.

"Well thanks. I guess." I start putting some items inside my chest.

"Soo...not really much to do now huh?" Axel speaks up.

"We will go on the adventure Ivor told us about. The one about visiting and old temple with treasure. So don't you worry about that."

"The one with the enchanted treasure?"

"Yea." I closed the chest. We stand there in awkward silence until Axel starts talking again.

"Hey. Jesse, let's talk man to man." Axel looks at me with a smirk on his face. Not a good sign.

"Man?" I say.

"Just a quick question. Not a really big deal or anything, but... what's up with you and Petra?"



I can see Jesse stiffen. And it makes the grin on my face grow wider.

"You look like a maniac Axel." Jesse says trying to change the subject.

"Thanks, but you didn't answer my question." Now that I think about it. That question is kinda personal.

Then again. I just want to see his reaction.

"We're just friends Axel. No big deal." Jesse said calmly crossing his arms.

"No no no. I saw how you looked at Petra."

"What do you mean?" Jesse looks suprisingly calm.

"I mean back at Ivor's, I saw how you were looking at her hair. You had fear in your eyes that you might have to confess something." The next thing he did shocked me.

Jesse started laughing.

"You saw that too? The thing I was going to "confess" to her was that there was a bug in her hair. Luckily Olivia saw this and swatted it away. No big deal Axel. You're starting to sound like a gossip girl."

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