▪️Dan x Lizzie▪️

353 13 9

Requested by SoaringTDM78
Idea by constantwarrior

"All of you have no idea of what I've been through! To think I thought you were all my friends..."
Cassie waved her axe around dramatically.

Everyone gaped at her and yelled, "Friends?!"
"Pft. Don't make me laugh! You tried to murder all of us. What makes you think we'd be your friends?!" Petra claims.

Jesse slowly moves toward Cassie who had her axe pointed at everyone and trembling.

"Cassie...put the axe down." He lays a hand on the handle.

Cassie seemed to calm down until she saw Lizzie being held by Dan.
Her eyes widen and she suddenly swings the axe back, striking Jesse on the cheek.

The sharp blade cuts some of his hair.
He falls to the side and lays a hand on his skin only to feel and see blood.

Petra growls at Cassie and wrestles the axe out of her grip.
With the axe in her left hand, she holds Cass back with her right hand.
Finally, Petra kicks her in the stomach sending Cassie falling back.

Panting, Petra rushes to Jesse's side and helps him up.
The axe was now in Stampy's hand keeping it away from the girl.

Distracted, Cassie kicks Stampy to the side.
Stacy tries fight back.

Running full speed toward Lizzie who was vulnerable, she raises her axe high above her head.

The axe cuts perfectly through her pretty pink hair and into her skull.

Shaking his head, Dan quickly helps Stampy up and spots Cassie running toward Lizzie.

It was just a bad thought

He makes it in front of Lizzie before Cassie.
As she was raising her axe, Dan struggles with holding the handle back.
The sharp edge was inches from his face.

Lizzie leaves his side.
"Lizzie...?" Dan mutters.
She gives him a sad look and disappears behind Cassie.

Why isn't anyone helping me?!

Cassie loses her grip giving Dan relief.
She falls on her knees and face plants the floor.
Behind her, Lizzie was holding her arm up.

When they made eye contact, they smile but soon laugh nervously.
Then they started crying...a little.

Dan was still sitting on the ground panting with the axe at his side.
Lizzie stoops beside him and hugs him tightly.

Dan takes it by surprise and just pats her back.

"I thought...I was going to die. But then you came and then I came and then-!" She sighs in relief.
Dan starts blushing and says, "How could I not? I...like you."

Lizzie blushes too.
"You would've done the same thing for anyone you liked...I think this is something else." She smirks.

She's onto me!

"Fine. I like, like you!" He confesses.
Lizzie holds his face and gives him a kiss on his cheek.

He places a hand on his cheek and looks at her in surprise.
She laughs and gives him a tight hug causing them both to fall back.

Thanks for reading!

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