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Fusion: Part 1

Requested. I think by the title most of you will know what this'll be about *wink, wink*

Jesse's POV

It was one hour before the celebration that will take place in the center of town. On this day, 3 years ago, we defeated the wither.

Everyone was safe and relieved. They were very grateful. Seriously! After we moved in they each brought us presents. I told them it wasn't necessary, but they insisted.

"If you insist." Axel ran off with the cake.

Well today the village decided to throw a celebration to the success of that. We each dressed in our fine clothing.

Girls and women with dresses.
Boys and men in their suits or tuxedos.

I looked in the mirror. "Hmm...not bad."

Knock, knock

"You ready? The others are leaving." I heard on the other side.

Of course it belonged to Lukas. He's always there for everyone. Even when one of us are left alone to do something, he volunteers to tag along.

That's Lukas for ya.

"Coming!" I combed my hair one last time and rushed out the door.


As we each walked out in line, we sat at a table already set up with five chairs. The order from left to right:

Lukas, Petra, Me, Olivia and Axel.

I felt awkward since we were the center of attention in the whole village. Some were taking pictures of us while others just kept staring.

One girl in particular stood out. She had on a glistening light blue dress that was a little above the knee. Short hair and brown eyes.

She just kept staring but the thing that bewildered me was that she looked very, very, very familiar.

I smiled at her and she warmly smiled back. After that she turned around and disappeared in the crowd.

As the villagers were taking pictures, they kept saying "together! Move over! Over here!"

Petra put her arm over my shoulder, leaned in and laid the side of her head on the side of my head. She smiled brightly and held up a peace sign with her fingers.

I just sat there with a confused look and apparently the photographer didn't like that because he frowned and rolled his eyes. So in the next shot, I did the same pose as Petra.

The others were in a group shot as well.

After that, I had to stand up and make a really quick speech.

(I won't make you guys suffer so I won't write the whole speech.)

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. . . . . . We had something to hope and be thankful for. . . . . . . Defeating the wither was a challenge but we did it with the help of friends. . . . . Thank you!"

There was a thundering applause after I sat down. I sighed in relief but Petra was able to congratulate me. "You did a great job."

The music started playing shortly after.
Axel and Olivia went into the crowd as well as Lukas, but he seemed to be looking for someone.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Petra softly shook me. "You okay?"

"Uh. Yea. Yes. Why?" I looked at her.

She looked away and smiled. "No reason."

A thought then came to me.

"You want to dance?" I held out my hand towards her.

She blushed a little which made me smile to myself.

"No." She responded.
"Why not?" I asked, but then it came to me.

"I...don't know...how to dance."

I laughed a little enough for her to hear.

"It's not funny! It's embarrassing." She turned away.

I felt butterflies to say this. "It's okay. We can dance and I'll teach you with every step. Just look at me and you'll find yourself dancing." I smiled.

She blushed and finally took my hand. "Alright romeo." She smirked.


I held her hand in mine and placed my other hand on her waist. She placed her other hand on my shoulder.

We first moved slowly and after a few minutes we found ourselves twirling and switching sides. I spun her and she occasionally giggled.

I glanced around and everyone had made a wide circle around us. I saw everyone I knew.

"Jesse. Everyone's watching." Her eyes glanced around.

I smiled. "Don't worry about that. It's just you and me right now."

After a little while, I twirled her a last time and she came back hugging me. She started giggling and then...

A glow surrounded us and everything went dark for a moment.


Part two? Comment if you want a part 2. Hope you liked this and SORRY for not updating for the last 3 decades. I will try to be more active.

Thank SashaSnowwood123 for this awesome idea!

Thanks for reading!

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