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Nobody's POV

It was cold outside! Everytime anybody talked, their breathing would come out as a white puff of foggy coldness.

Snow covered the ground, houses, trees and people.

But today, things might warm up.


"Everyone pack up! We're going to the mountains!!" Jesse announced as he burst into the room.

Petra was slouching lazily on the couch.
Axel was already organizing his TNT.
Olivia was melting redstone. Wait- what?!

Jesse snapped his thoughts out of Olivia's experiment and focused on Petra.

"Why are you just laying around? Let's go have some fun!" Jesse tried to pull Petra off the couch.

"What's the point of having fun if there's nothing to do?" Petra groaned.

"I'm taking you all sledding and skiing." Jesse struggled while pulling her off.

Axel, Olivia, and Petra all jumped up and exclaimed, "Sledding?!"

Jesse fell from the sudden action and sighed. "Yes." He deadpans.

"Alright! Everyone pack up and dress up! Things are about to get cold." Olivia raced towards her room.

"I'm packing all my TNT to blow up a mountain!" Axel as well raced to his room.

Jesse and Petra were left alone.

"Something tells me things are going to get weird." Petra chuckled.
"Maybe the good kind of weird." He adds still sitting on the ground.

Petra walks towards the hallway but stops and looks at Jesse. "I'm going to go umm- pack and - change. Soo...yea." She quickly walks towards her room.

"Heh heh. Yea, okay." Jesse sighs.
Maybe today might turn out good. At least I hope it does-


They made it safely to the mountains. There were cabins and lodges.
Also people who were enjoying themselves by skiing and snowboarding.

Axel did a low whistle. "That hill over there is perfect!" He pointed to the horizon.

"I don't think that's a good idea. It looks too high and steep." Jesse said nervously.

"Oh c'mon Jesse. This could be fun. Besides," He looks behind Petra. "Look who's coming."

They all turned around and saw Jesse's sister Jess. She ran over to them looking excited.

"Hey guys!!" She hugged each friend tightly. "I'm so happy to see you all! Especially you bro." She smirked and nudged Jesse.

"Ha! Us too Jess! How have you been? What are you doing here? " Petra said happily.

"I came here for the snowboarding competition! It's going to be fun and of course, yours truly is going to compete." Jess smiled.

"No way!" Axel shook Jess by her shoulders. "I want to join!"

"Of course, but I didn't know you snowboard." She raised an eyebrow.

"Yea me either Axel." Jesse crossed his arms.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me. I'm not the only one either." Axel turned his attention towards Olivia.

Everyone looks at Olivia, causing her to blush. "Well, I prefer to skii but I snowboard a little." She scratches her neck.

Jesse and Jess smile.

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