▪️Stacy x Stampy▪️

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I'm super sorry you had to wait this long.
Request by _Dj_Wolf_Minecraft_

Stacy sits at the steps of her house with her hands cupping her cheeks.
Her stomach grumbles, "Why haven't I eaten yet? Oh yea, Stampy is late."

Stampy agreed to eat lunch with Stacy today just for fun.
After a few minutes of deciding to just forget about the day, Stampy comes to an abrupt stop in front of Stacy.

"Sorry I'm late, Stacy. Something came up and it took time." He pants.

"Don't worry about it. Lets just go, I'm starving." Stacy pulls his arm and they walk to a nearby eating place.

The food finally came and they just casually talked.
"One last sip of my drink and we can go." Stacy says.

She shakes the cup and throws it away.
"So what now? I mean I don't really have anything to do today-" Stampy mentions.

Stacy motions to a familiar girl waving at them.
"Looks like fan girl wants to talk to us." Stacy says.

They walk toward her and after they're forced to give her a high five, she starts talking.

"I thought that since you're friends with the iconic Jesse! You'd be interested in exploring a cave I found not too far from town." Fan girl says while grinning.

Stacy and Stampy share a glance and look back at the girl.
"Well I mean, if we're not sure what creepy things we might find, we shouldn't-"

"Lighten up. Lets just take a look and if it makes you feel better, we'll come back." Stampy suggests.
"I'd like that." Stacy says.

"I'm not going to wait for you to say it but I'll lead the way!" Fangirl walks ahead of them.

Once they make it to the cave, Fangirl bids them farewell and hops away.

They shrug and walk in.
"Lets make a torch first!" Stacy crafts one quickly and hands it to Stampy.

Echoes of water drops are heard as well as their footsteps on the cold stone ground.

As they walk in deeper, they notice another shadow with a light up ahead. Stampy holds out his arm to stop Stacy.

The shadow runs away.
"Lets follow it." Stampy starts.
"Nope, nope! It's not worth the risk, we'll just get into trouble." Stacy grips his arm.

When he is about to reply, the shadow comes closer and their face is revealed once the torch light hits them.

"Jesse! Are we glad to see you! What are you doing here?" Stacy says relieved.

"I could ask you the same thing." Jesse deadpans.

"Well ya, know just exploring...this cave." Stacy touches the cave wall for no particular reason.

Jesse narrows his eyes, "Right. This cave. Were you both forced to come here?"

Stampy raises an eyebrow, "Why would you imply that?"
Jesse just shrugs, "Curiosity kills me inside."

"Fine. Fan girl mentioned this cave and thought we might be interested in exploring it." Stacy admits rapidly.

Jesse narrows his eyes but then remembers. "Oh! My number one fan who I always seem to notice staring at me from the corner of both my eyes."

Stacy and Stampy chuckle.
Stampy says, "Well we should get going. I don't really see anything that caught my attention here."

"Well, unless you wanted coal, then I guess that's it." Jesse agrees.
Then he gets an idea.

"That's a great idea Jesse!" Jesse says to himself.
Stampy and Stacy obviously overheard.

Jesse takes out some coal and hands it to Stampy.
"It's fine Jesse, I have plenty at-" Stampy starts.
"Home where you will bake a nice pumpkin pie for Stacy!" Jesse finishes.

"What." Stacy says as more of a statement.
Stampy plays along very naturally.
"Stacy! I would like to bake you a pie, I mean if you're interested." Stampy says.

"Really? Aw thanks! I'd love that."
They both smile at each other and walk out of the cave ahead of Jesse.

Jesse silently chuckles and grins before catching up to them.

Oh geez!
It's awkward leaving and coming back after almost a whole month!
I'm sorry for anyone who expected updates.
I'm just glad I'm active again.
Thanks for reading!

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