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Nobody's POV

"Ivor! Get over here!" A voice called.

"Yelling is unnecessary!" Ivor walks towards the table in the center of the kitchen. "What do you want?"

Jesse had a broad smile on her face. Ivor knew that this meant trouble. Every time she had that on, he had to go through a lot, just because she thinks it's best for everyone.

"Oh no." Ivor muttered before turning to run, but Jesse had grabbed his collar and pulled him back. He sighed in defeat.

"Please! This is one opportunity I- I mean, we can't miss." She had a map laid out on the table and a backpack leaning against her leg.

"Please tell me you're not going to make me go on one of your idiotic adventures." Ivor eyed the backpack.

Jesse had a spaced-out look in her eyes. That one look when you're not looking at anything. "What?" She asked not focusing.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)°°°° A few ship arguments later...

"Tell me again how you convinced me to come." Ivor asked annoyed while maintaining his balance on the horse.

Jesse skimmed the map. "I mentioned Harper remember?" She responded without taking her eyes off the map. "Plus, if she's leaving we have to say our farewells."

Ivor raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you do that when she was in town?"

Jesse rolled up the map. "I couldn't remember! You made me and my brother go to that temple to get your enchanted tree sapling."

"Oh yea...also because I was out of town."
"I bet she came to see you. You disappointed her though."

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't know she would come. Besides....why am I arguing about this?! I don't even-!" Ivor rubbed his temple and sighed.

Jesse was beginning to regret this, but the look on Harper and Ivor's face will bring her hopes back.

"She was living in Crown Mesa for a while after we helped defeat that psycho computer." Jesse shivered. "She said she was going to explore some portals for a while, but before she left she said she was going to the farlands. So that's where we'll be meeting her."

Ivor blinked. "Oh."

( ˘ ³˘) °°° a few "you like her" later

They hopped off their horses and stared at the puzzled blocks. "Brings me back. So many memories." Jesse mentioned.

"Jesse?" A voice sounded.

Jesse and Ivor whipped their heads to see a certain female.

"Harper!" Jesse rushed over to her side. "We just came to say goodbye." She caught a glimpse of Ivor fixing his collar.

"Oh. You didn't have to do that! I'm sorry I came at a wrong time to town. I didn't know you were busy." Harper blushed a light pink.

Jesse swatted the apology away. "Not at all! Sooo...what are you doing?"

"I just came out and am on my way." She noticed Ivor behind Jesse. "Hello, Ivor!"

Ivor stepped out. "Yes, hello. I see you are leaving." He stammered.
"Yes. That is what I said."

An awkward silence lingered in the air.

Jesse spoke up. "I'm going to find our route back. I'm going to leave you two to catch up." She left before giving Ivor a quick thumbs up. He frowned.

° ° ° ° ° °

"You have a really good group of friends Ivor. Especially the siblings, they make great leaders!" Harper smiled making Ivor blush.

"Uh- indeed. I am lucky." He sighed.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'll just- uhm...miss you." He smiled.

A surprised look crossed her face before she smiled warmly. "Me too Ivor. You know something? I really like you," She places a hand on his shoulder. "As a really good friend."

A spark of pain shoots through him. He tries to hold back the disappointed look, but it escapes. He immediately replaces it with a fake smile. "Y-yes. Me too...Harper."

She turns to leave but stops shoulder to shoulder from Ivor. "When I get back... I'll give you an answer, Ivor."

She runs into the woods after yelling a goodbye to Jesse.

Jesse walks towards Ivor, who had a mix of emotions running through his eyes.

"I overheard."

Ivor nodded.

"And I think I know what she means by that."


Thinking it wasn't good enough. Was it? I mean...I didn't want them to kiss too early. I'm sorry if I ruined it because I really hope I didn't .

Also sorry if I haven't posted or been active lately, I had to catch up on school work and school. It's awful.

So yea... Thanks for reading! The next one will come out soon.

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