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Mean Jesse (sorry)
Lukesse fans might get angry

It was the last day of the week and next week is spring break. As soon as the bell rang, every student ran out of their classrooms in a rush to leave.

After a few minutes, the hallways emptied quickly and only the footsteps of a certain blonde sounded.

He was making his way towards the field to see someone. He had his notebook in one hand and a water bottle in the other.

As he opened the gate, he spotted the group of boys and girls running around the grass area.
He sat at a nearby bench and waited. After a few minutes, the kids seperated and left. Only two girls approached Lukas.

A red head.
A long black haired girl.

Once they arrived, Jesse and Lukas made eye contact.
An awkward silence filled the air.

"Hey Lukas!" Petra spoke up.
"Hey! Here." He handed Petra the bottle.

Jesse looked hurt but Lukas quickly spoke, "Sorry. I only grabbed one. I didn't think you'd practice today Jess." He rubbed his neck.

"It's okay. I'm not in need of water anyway." She grabbed her bag. "Let's go?"

The three friends walked home together. After passing by a mini store, Petra stopped. "Hold up." She went inside.

Jesse took the opportunity to slip her hand into Lukas's. He took it by surprise and tried to slowly yank it away, but she had a tight grip.

"Petra doesn't need a cute boy. She's fine being alone and independent, she told me." She winked.

"She could've told me that a long time ago. I don't need you telling me things that aren't true." Lukas yanked his hand away.

Jesse pouts. "Are you calling me a liar?"
"After trying to cover the lie you told me a long time ago, yes. It's over Jess. We aren't together anymore and it's your fault for..." Lukas trailed off.

"That's what I thought. But don't worry. I won't cheat on you with someone better anymore." She grins.

By now Lukas was disgusted. Instead he laughed, "I'm glad I dumped you."

Jesse suddenly kisses Lukas and pulls back after noticing Petra come out of the store.

Jesse smirks as Petra chuckles.
"What's this?" Some tears form in her eyes.

"Nothing important. But I'll let you two catch up." Jesse skips away.

Lukas stands speechless in front of Petra.
Petra just walks past him.

"Wait Petra! It's not what it-"
"I know exactly what I saw! I trusted you Lukas...and now?" Petra tried to clean the tears.

Lukas placed his hands on her shoulders and hugs her against his chest. "You know how she is. I wouldn't betray you like that and I didn't kiss back. I was taken by surprise."

Petra just sniffed and pushes herself away. "Here." She gives Lukas a water bottle. "My tears."

Petra runs off still crying. Lukas follows her but trips and scrapes his palms and knees. The bottle rolls onto the road as a car runs over it.

It also runs over his heart.

I felt like this was terrible.
I'm not good at writing about sad breakups. Although they technically didn't.

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