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She's back, but brief


Jesse's POV

"Finally! School!" I shout.

"Don't get too excited. Things don't always come out the way you want them to. The first day, is always the worst day." Olivia sighs.

"Cheer up. I mean, what's the worse that can happen?" I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Everytime I hear that phrase, it turns out to be a disaster," She steps in front of me. "Promise me you won't do anything-" She was trying to find the right word. "Reckless."

"Pft. Why would I do that? I mean- heh heh- why would I-" I felt a vibration in my pocket.

Yep. I got pockets. They are pants. I am NOT going to wear a skirt! I prefer pants or shorts that go below my knee, halfway my knee, or a little above my knee. Also shirts! I like them when they're-!


"What?" I looked down at my phone and noticed that I had pressed the green button. "Hello?" I put it to my ear.

"Were you spacing off again?" I heard Petra's voice.

"Wha-? No! I was just-"

"No time for explanations! You guys have to come meet me at the bus stop. Remember?" She sounded anxious.

"O-oh! Right! Sorry. We'll meet you there in 4 minutes. Bye!" I hung up, grabbed my backpack and sweater and rushed out the door.

Olivia was already waiting outside.

"I didn't even notice you came out." I told her as I locked the door.

"You were spacing out again."

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We kept walking and talking.
That was until I checked the time.

"Olivia! It's 7:20!" I looked at her anxiously.
"Oh my notch! Let's hurry!" She grabbed my arm and we started running.

As we were running, just our luck, the bus drove right past us.

"Oh no!" Olivia gripped my arm and swung me in front of her. She pushed my back. "Hurry Jesse! Catch up to it."

"Ok!" I tried to run faster but my backpack put enough weight on me already.

I took it off and hugged it against my chest. I saw Petra up ahead. It looked like she was talking to the bus driver. Then I saw her get angry. The doors closed, and it drove away.

I made it to the bus stop and sat on the bench panting like crazy.

"Whoo...I'm so out of...shape...what happened?" I breathed heavily.

Petra huffed. "The bus driver didn't allow me to get on. Apparently, it was full inside. Ugh!" She collapsed on the seat next to me.

"So you're saying...we ran...for nothing?" Olivia caught up. She was also panting like crazy.

"Hey. At least you guys got your exercise." Petra joked.

"Not helping." Me and Olivia said simultaneously.

"What's the worse that can happen, right Jesse?" Olivia quoted me.

I just glared at her.

"I guess we'll have to walk then." Olivia said defeated.

"Who said you have to walk?"
A car pulled over in front of us slowly.

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