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It's all three ships. In one chapter.

Ivor called the group in for a meeting.

Everyone each sat in different chairs, all together at the round table.

Ivor was the only one standing.

Her had his back turned to the group, hands behind his back.

A single light bulb hanging from a wire lit the group at the table.

"You may be wondering why I called you all here." He started.

"Not really-"

"Silence!" Ivor shouted.

Jess just crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out.

Jesse shook his head "no."

"It's our turn now. Get your brooms and mops ready because we're going cleaning."

"Wha- huh?" Petra furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You heard me." Ivor turned on the full light. "It's your turn to clean the ballroom in the edge of town. The village people are going to hold a celebration for the world's biggest bowl of fudge."

(Reference anyone?)

Jesse leaned in. "Does that really exist?"

"Yes. It might be hard to believe, but it's true. That's why you will be cleaning the place."

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Ivor. "This better not be a joke."

"No joke. It's real. Besides," Ivor passed out the brooms and mops. "I know you will be able to- pull it off."

With that he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The gang stood in front of the entrance to the ballroom. Except...there were no doors.

Petra sighed. "Let's just get this over with." She pulled Jesse's arm.

"Uh-umm. Ok-" He stammered.

Jess just ran in, followed by Lukas. "Slow down! You might trip."

Axel and Olivia just casually strolled in.

The floors were designed in a floral pattern.
The ceiling was feet high with pillars and torn ribbons.
The main color was gold but it looked like a light brown.
Dust had taken over.
The floor was marble.

Olivia knocked on the pillars. "Hollow!"

Jesse turned around. "So?"

"Sooo, maybe we can fill them up with candy! When we work we can reward ourselves."

The gang switched glances. "I don't see how that would be necessary." Petra placed a hand on her hip.

"I say that's a great idea!" Jess swung her broom.

"You would do anything for sweets." Lukas smiled at Jess.

"Okay so if I'm going to find the volume, I have to measure it to find the height and radius." Olivia rushed over to grab a measuring tape from a nearby table.

Everyone just watched her.

"The formula is pi multiplied by the radius squared then height. But if I want find the radius, I have to divide the diameter by two and then square it. Oh and-!"

Olivia noticed her friends staring.

She just started blushing and dropped the measuring tape on the floor.

"Or we could just fill it up until it reaches the top..." She trailed off.

Axel chuckled. "You're such a nerd!"

"Yep!" Petra added.

Axel calmed down and his eyes softened. "But you're my nerd."

She blushes. "We should get cleaning! Everyone hurry up and do...something!" Olivia face palms as she notices her awkwardness.


Jesse and Petra were stuck sweeping the floor.

The dust and dirt that was left over piled up in tiny hills.

Both were unable to start a conversation, but Jesse was brave enough to speak up.

"Soo...your hair it's-"

"What? You don't like it? Is there a problem?!" She pointed the stick of her broom towards his neck.

"What? No!" He held his arms up in surrender. "I like the color, it suits you." He smiles and makes eye contact.

Petra stared for a moment then blushed and quickly turned away.

She accidentally drops the broom but quickly picks it up.

"Just get back to work.."

Jesse chuckled at her reaction. "Aye Aye Captain!"

Petra smiles to herself.


Lukas and Jess were arranging the tables and chairs.

After that, they proceeded to dust off the curtains.

Jess hit the curtains. Punched. Slapped. Shook.

The dust floated everywhere getting in Lukas' nose.

As he was about to sneeze, Jess swatted the dust away from the air in front of him.

He sneezed into his elbow but Jess was able to hear it.

She cupped her cheeks and gasped. "You sneeze like a kitten!"

Lukas just frowns but then starts laughing.

She joins in as she shakes the curtains again.

As she pulls it down a clang is heard. The tube holding the curtain's rings came falling down in an instant.

Lukas was paralyzed for a moment as he stared up. Jess acted fast and pulls him towards her.

They both run away from the falling cloth. As they stood feet away, the curtain finally fell sending waves of dust everywhere.

The sun caused the particles to glisten in the light.

Jess and Lukas sigh in relief.

He turns to her. "Thanks a lot Jess. I would've been squashed if it wasn't for you."

"It's no problem at all Lukas! Besides," Lukas sneezes again. "You're a really cute kitten."

With that she runs towards the fallen curtain before she could see his reaction.

"Jess!" Lukas blushed.

He too rushes to help her arrange everything else.


4 days later


In the end, the gang stares back at the glossy floors, clean and shiny windows, golden ribbon-ed chairs, red curtains and the chandeliers in every corner.


Everyone sighed in relief.

"Well that's done!" Jesse smiles.

"Now what?" Olivia asks.

"Last one to the café buys everyone ice cream!" Jess gets a head start and runs out.

"Wait up!" Axel runs after her.

Everyone else runs out of the ballroom.

Jesse takes one last look at the the ballroom and winks at you. Then he runs off.


Way to break the fourth wall Jesse! Thanks for reading everyone!

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