Chapter One

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My name is Diane Almaz.

I'm different from most girls. And not the everyday kind of different like "oh, they all went to the concert, but I stayed home and watched anime!". No. Not like that.

You see, while most people have time on their hands, I have time in my hands. While most people are at the mercy of time, time is at the mercy of me.

I am a demi-legendary: half-human and half-legendary Pokémon. Which legendary Pokémon, you might ask?

The master of time himself, Dialga.

Now, demi-legendaries like me are usually sent to this special camp called Camp Arceus. Let me tell you, it is the BEST CAMP EVER. Last time I went there, I had so much fun. I made tons of new friends, among them Lucy, Terrence, Reggie, and Gigi. Since it's a summer camp, it ended right about when school was supposed to start (which means nothing to me, because I am homeschooled), and during the school year, I kept in touch with Lucy and Terrence through letters, phone calls, and e-mails, and as for Reggie and Gigi... it turns out they also live in Snowpoint City, so I hung out with them, ESPECIALLY during the holidays. It was then that I learned Gigi can throw a mean snowball. Okay, enough exposition, let's get to the point.

It was 2 days before Camp Arceus was supposed to start up again. I was sitting in my room, bored as always, but then my mother walked into my room.

"Diane," she said, "your Aunt Rosetta is coming over today, and so is your cousin Paul."

I knew I should be shocked, because I hadn't seen her since I was 9, and I hadn't seen her son, Paul, for even longer, but I replied, "And?"

"I expect you to be on your BEST BEHAVIOR, miss. Also, I think you should be dressed a bit nicer." she said.

I looked down at my sweatpants and "I Can't Bayleef It's Not Butter" t-shirt. So I went into my closet and picked out an outfit- a knee-length black-and-white dress with long white socks and black flats. Then I went down to my mother, she said I looked wonderful and curled the ends of my hair with a curling iron. Then she did a bow in the back of my hair.

"You look DARLING." she said.

Soon enough, Aunt Rosetta arrived. "Sorry if I'm a little late, Carla." she said.

"It's fine." my mother replied.

Upon seeing me, her face lit up. "Diane!" she exclaimed as she hugged me. "It's so good to see you!"

"Hi, Aunt Rosetta." I said. Then Paul walked in.

He was roughly the same height as I was and as thin as a rail. His short hair was a pinkish-purple color, and his skin was light purple and had a shiny, pearl-like look to it. He had light blue eyes, a pointy nose, and a pair of wings protruding from his bony shoulder blades, though his wings were so small, I doubted they could lift him off the ground. He was wearing a crisp white dress shirt, neatly pressed pants, a black sweater-vest, and a red tie. He was my cousin, Paul Zhemchug, and he was half-Palkia.

"Paul, say hello to your Aunt Carla and your cousin Diane." Aunt Rosetta said.

"Okay, Mother." Paul said as he turned towards my mother. "Greetings, m'lady." he said, bowing deeply. He then turned towards me. "Salutations, Miss Almaz." he said, also bowing.

Then my mother turned towards the two of us. "Now, kids, why don't you go into the living room and chat while Rosetta and I catch up with each other?" she said. The two of us nodded and went into the living room.

"So," I said, "what's new with you?"

"Nothing much." Paul said. "It's the same as always: my stepfather being a snobbish jerk, my half-sister Jocelyn being extremely vain, and my mother being overprotective of me." (For those who do not know, after giving birth to Paul, Rosetta remarried a rich guy named Hudson C. Poubelle, and he was and still is a complete jerk to Paul.) "May I inquire what is new with you?" he asked.

"Well, first of all, about a year ago I found out I was half-Dialga." I said.

"Well, it's about time!" Paul exclaimed. "No pun intended, of course. Continue."

"Okay, so then I went to this super awesome camp called Camp Arceus. It's really fun, and I really think you should go. It starts in 2 days." I said.

Paul looked interested. "Well, what do you do at this Camp Arceus place?" he asked.

"You mainly just hang out with other demi-legendaries and do normal summer camp type stuff." I replied. "I think you should go."

Then Paul went into the kitchen, where my mother and Rosetta were having coffee.

"Mother," he asked, "Diane told me about this place called Camp Arceus, and I was wondering if you could let me go. Would you?"

Rosetta looked back at Carla and asked about Camp Arceus, and after hearing what Carla had to say, she agreed.

It was official.

Paul was going to Camp Arceus.

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