Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Terrence, Lucy, and I stood before Rae and Zeke, holding our weapons tightly. "Ah, so you're finally ready to take me on." Zeke said.

"You won't get away with this, Zeke!" I said. 

"Oh, Diane, darling, I'm afraid I already have." he replied. "Once I defeat you and your friends, I will SMASH Nuclea's chest crystal, and she will DIE! Then ALL OF YOU will be doomed! DOOMED! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I don't think so." I replied.

He turned towards Rae and pointed to Terrence and Lucy. "Rae, deal with these pests." he ordered. She unsheathed a sword of fire and went over to Terrence and Lucy. "As for you, Diane..." He unsheathed his sword of electricity. "...I shall deal with you myself."

With that, our battle began.

Zeke and I clashed our weapons together. His sword strikes were a lot swifter and harder to block than last time, but I knew just how to deal with that. I slowed down time, and I was able to dodge and block his sword strikes more effectively while hitting him with my spear faster than he could see coming- since, from his point of view, I was going faster instead of everything else going slower.

Meanwhile, I could see Rae fighting Terrence and Lucy. Rae and Lucy were clashing their swords together, but suddenly, Rae kicked Lucy and knocked her down. Terrence jumped into the sword duel and took her place, and after clashing their swords together for a while, Terrence was able to knock her down.

As that was going on, I returned time to its normal speed, and Zeke and I continued fighting as usual. Then, suddenly, Zeke shot electricity from his hands. "POWER!" he screamed. "UNLIMITED POWER!" 

To escape the excruciating pain of being shot with electricity, I stopped time- which caused the bolts of electricity to freeze in place- and then carefully dodged the frozen bolts. As soon as I made it out of the line of fire, I unfroze time.

"DIANE!" he exclaimed. "How did you escape that so quickly? It was like, one moment you were being shot with lightning and clearly in pain, and the next moment, you were out of my grasp and smirking smugly!"

"Did you not know, Zeke? Time is at my mercy, just as you will be." I said to him.

We continued fighting, and Zeke tried to use a horizontal sword swipe to take me down, but I slowed down time just as it was about to reach me and ducked. I then ran behind him, and when he finished the swipe, he stopped and wondered where I had gone. I was now ready to take him down. "YOUR TIME IS UP!" I screamed. Stopping time, I delivered several slashes with my spear, and finally, I pinned him down. I returned time to normal as soon as I had him down.

"Any last words?" I said to him, my spear pointed towards his face.

Zeke laughed. "You may have defeated me now, but little do you know that I have a trick up my sleeve." He pulled out two wedge-shaped items with golden spikes at the ends.

"What are those things?" Lucy asked.

"These are the DNA Splicers. Originally, they belonged to Drayden, the Gym Leader of Opelucid City, but I broke into his gym and stole them from him." Zeke replied.

"What do they do?" I asked.

"You will see." he replied.

"KYLIE!" he shouted. 

"Yeah?" she said, coming out of the crowd. 

"Transform into your Pokémon form." he commanded. 

"Fine." she replied with a sigh.

Kylie began to grow in size as her legs shifted to a digitigrade stance and her toes fused together to become three claws. Two icy wings bursted from her shoulder blades, and her arms became more thin as her fingers merged into two icy claws. A cone-shaped tail with three prongs at its end grew from the base of her spine, and her neck lengthened. Her head elongated into a snout as her hair disappeared, and ice covered her face to form two icy horns and an icy jawline. She had transformed into a Kyurem.

Zeke then turned towards Rae. "Rae, take these DNA Splicers." he said as he handed them to her. "When my transformation is complete, shove one of them into me and the other one into Kylie."

Zeke then transformed into a Zekrom. As soon as his transformation was complete, Rae shoved one of the DNA splicers into Zeke's skin, and the other into Kylie's. Zeke and Kylie were drawn together into a ball of energy, and they fused into Black Kyurem.

"Terrence. Lucy." I said, turning towards them. 

"Yes?" they both said. 

"Black Kyurem is stronger than I am on my own. However, if we team up, we can take down Black Kyurem together." 

"Sounds good." Lucy replied. 

"Let's do it." Terrence said. 

With that, the three of us transformed into our Pokémon forms and the battle began.

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