Chapter Fourteen

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Time passed, and I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to speed up time. Now, last summer at Camp Arceus, we trained extensively to harness our legendary powers, and I was no exception. I eventually learned to slow down, speed up, and stop time. As time was sped up, I saw Kitty was attempting to harness her ability to turn invisible, but then I saw a grunt arrive with a food tray and I stopped speeding up time.

The grunt opened up a slot on the door of our prison cell and gave us some bread and soup. I grabbed one of the plastic spoons on the tray, crept up to the bowl of soup, and ate some. It was watery and not very good, but beggars can't be choosers. I broke off some bread and ate that too. It was stale and dry, but that was to be expected- no one is going to waste good food on their captives.

After eating, Kitty continued to practice turning invisible. Some time later, Kitty finally came to control her powers. "Now that you can turn invisible, you should use it to spy on people. I mean, the door is open and the guard is too busy reading to close it. But if one of us tried to get past, he'd snap out of it and lock us back in." Lucy said. 

"Okay, I guess." Kitty said. She turned invisible and snuck out, After some time, she returned.

"So, what are the other grunts doing?" Paul asked. 

"They're watching a corporate drama." Kitty said. 

"Boring!" Gigi said.

I couldn't agree more with Gigi. Corporate dramas are for sad adults and sad adults exclusively. Perhaps I'm just not old enough to see their entertainment value, but I digress.

After some time, it was time for us to sleep. I took one of the torn blankets in the cell and slept on the floor. As I drifted off to sleep, one thought lingered in my mind.

How are we going to get out of here?

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