Chapter Ten

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The next morning, we all woke up and got dressed in our camp T-shirts. I put on athletic shorts and running shoes, and I tied my hair up in a ponytail.

Then, I saw something lying on the ground. It was a black notebook with "DEATH NOTE" written on it in silver Sharpie. "Okay, whose book is this?" I asked. 

"It's mine!" Kari shouted, then walking up to me and snatching it out of my hands. "This is MY Death Note, and if anyone so much as LAYS A FINGER on it, I'll write your name in it, AND YOU WILL DIE." she yelled. 

"Jeez, Kari, calm down." said Hoshiko. "The Death Note doesn't work like that in real life. It's just a TV show." 

"NO IT'S NOT!" Kari snapped back. "Death Note (and a lot of other anime, for that matter) are MORE than just TV shows. THEY ARE MY LIFE. ANIME IS THE GREATEST THING EVER AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WILL BE PROMPTLY STABBED WITH THIS KNIFE." she yelled, holding up a knife.

It was then that I realized Kari was a massive weeaboo.

Aurelia walked up to me. She was wearing a sun hat, her Camp Ultra T-shirt, pantaloons, and her black boots. 

"Diane, here's my phone number. Call me sometime, okay?" she said, handing me a piece of paper with her phone number on it. 

"Thanks." I replied. "Let me give you my phone number." I said, writing my phone number on a piece of paper and giving it to her.

Then, we all went outside and ate breakfast. After that, we went to the stadium to play kickball. I went over to the other demi-legendaries, and I immediately saw Terrence. 

"Diane!" he said. 

"Terrence!" I replied. Then the two of us hugged. After that, we were ready to start.

And thus, the game started.

We were the first to kick. The first one up was Lucy. She sent the ball flying, and managed to run to 3rd base.

Then, along came Yvonne, that edgy Yveltal kid, wearing fishnet tights and combat boots EVEN WHILE PLAYING KICKBALL. This girl has to be REALLY goth in order to do that, I thought. She missed the ball and got an out, and she stomped back to the bench, where she did what she does best: look down at the ground and sulk.

Then, along came this girl named Peyton Ilios. She was the daughter of Solgaleo. She managed to kick the ball pretty hard and got to second base, earning us a point. After that, Damien Selini, a boy who was the son of Lunala, came along. 

"Wow." Terrence said. "I know Damien is kind of known for wearing a mask and a cape, but why did he wear them to the kickball game?" 

"I don't know why, exactly." I said. "I think it's because he's obsessed with Crobatman comics." Damien kicked the ball, but unlike Peyton, his kick wasn't as strong. He tried to run, but he was caught, giving us another out.

Then it was my turn. I took a deep breath, focused all of my energy, and kicked the ball, then making a run for it. I got all the way to 3rd base, giving us another point.

Then, Terrence came up to the plate. The pitcher pitched the ball to him, and he kicked it so hard it could have entered the stratosphere and hit Rayquaza in the face. So, of course, he got a home run, giving us 2 more points.

Then, along came Xena, that cutesy Xerneas kid and Yvonne's best friend. She clearly was not cut out for sports. She basically lightly nudged the ball, and then FROLICKED towards first base. So, of course, she got out easily. And with three outs, the teams switched sides.

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