Chapter Seven

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The Ultra Beast kids were all lined up in front of the Dialga and Palkia cabins. "These cabins only have one person each," Vicky said, "so I'll put 10 in each one." They were then separated into two groups, and the Vicky turned toward me.

"Diane." she said. "As the sole inhabitant of the Dialga cabin, I want you to direct these kids to their rooms."

"Will do." I said.

I led the kids into the cabin. "Here is the common room." I said. "You can hang out here." Then I led the boys to the boys' room, and the girls to the girls' room. After that, I told them to pick out their beds, and then I let them have some free time. I then collapsed onto my bed in the girl's room. Then, a young girl sat down on the bed right next to me.

She was small and petite, with light blue skin and translucent blue hair, which was curled into ringlets. She was dressed like an old-fashioned girl, with a white blouse underneath her Camp Ultra shirt (which she cut the sleeves off of), a navy blue puffy skirt with a white apron, white pantaloons, and black boots.

She then turned to me. "Hello." she said. "What's your name?"

"Diane. Diane Almaz." I replied.

"Pleasure. My name is Aurelia Aguamala." she said, curtsying. "Are you a demi-legendary?" she asked.

"Indeed I am. I'm the daughter of Dialga." I answered. "Which Ultra Beast are you the child of?" I asked her.

"Nihilego." she replied. "Also known as UB-01 Symbiont. Type: Rock/Poison. It's known to inject a neurotoxin that causes insanity. But... well..." she said, with a sad look in her eyes. "You see, my mother, father, and I used to live in a small cottage by the ocean, with my mother being in her human form most of the time, but then my mother couldn't resist her primal urges and became desperate for a host. She chose my father to be her host... and his mind began to slip... and he became... insane. So, when I was very small, they had to take him away to a mental institution, and since my mother had no idea how to take care of a human child, I was sent to live with my grandmother, who taught me how to be a lady and things like that. My mother still visits every so often, however."

"I'm very sorry you had to go through all that." I replied. "All that really happened during my childhood is my mom and I living in Snowpoint City. That's in Sinnoh. Have you ever been to Sinnoh?" I asked.

"No, I have not." she replied. "I've been to Kanto, though. And Kalos. I've read about Sinnoh, though. Isn't that the place where it snows all the time?"

"Pretty much." I said.

"So, Aurelia, how old are you? Nine?" I asked.

"No." she replied. "Nine and a HALF!"

"Cool." I replied. "I'm 14."

Aurelia tugged on my shirt. "Diane," she said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I have a feeling that we're gonna be great friends." she said.

"I do too." I said back.

Then, a tall and wiry girl burst in. She had dark gray skin, copper-colored eyes, and spiky white hair. She wore a Camp Ultra T-shirt, capris, and sneakers. In her hand was a bottle of Mountain Dew. "Hey guys!" she said. She was followed by 3 other girls. The first was thin and long-legged, with white skin and hair, purple eyes, and long eyelashes. Like the other kids, she wore a Camp Ultra T-shirt, but she also wore a white skirt, golden-yellow dance shoes, a gold headband, and an abundance of bracelets on her wrists. The second was short and grumpy-looking, with paper-white skin, yellow eyes, and bright orange hair in pigtails. She wore a hat made of folded construction paper, her Camp Ultra T-shirt, orange shorts, and white shoes, and appeared to have a knife in her pocket. The last one was incredibly tall, with pale greenish-white skin, steel-grey eyes, and long green hair that covered her right eye. Along with her Camp Ultra T-shirt, she wore a long green skirt that went down to her ankles and black flip-flops. Her hair was partially done up in the back.

The spiky-haired one turned to the other girls and pointed at me. "Who's this noob?" she asked.

I stood up and introduced myself.  "I am Diane Almaz, daughter of Dialga. And who are you guys?"

"The name's Elaine Harigane." the spiky haired girl said. "Professional gamer and daughter of Xurkitree. Nice to meet'cha, m9." she said, giving me a thumbs-up.

"I'm Callista Blattidae, daughter of Pheromosa." the long-legged one said. "But you can call me Calli."

Then, the short one walked over to me. "I'm Kari Schwert, I'm 11, I'm the daughter of Kartana, and I don't need more friends." She then stomped away.

"Sorry about her." the tall one said, gesturing towards Kari. "She got really sick on the boat ride here, threw up on one of the Buzzwole kids, got punched really hard in the face by said Buzzwole kid, and had to sit next to a particularly annoying Xurkitree boy for the rest of the trip, so she's been in a bad mood ever since. Anyways, I'm Hoshiko Ipushiron. I'm the daughter of Celesteela. Pleasure to meet you, Diane." She then bowed.

"Pleasure to meet you, too." I replied.

All the girls then sat down on their beds.

"Whew, what a trip!" Callista said. She took off her headband to reveal two antennae. "We had to get up at 3 in the morning, be ready to leave at 4, cram ourselves and our stuff into a boat, and then sit there and try to entertain yourself with whatever you brought along for 6 hours straight." She then got out a pocket mirror and a makeup case, and began to re-apply her eye shadow.

"I didn't think it was THAT bad." Elaine said.

"You're one to talk, Elaine. You just played video games on your laptop the entire time." Hoshiko said. "And since you're half-Xurkitree, you didn't even need to charge it- you could just touch it and it would recharge."

"That's true. I did do that. Being able to recharge electronics just by touching the place where you'd put the charging cord is one of the perks of being half-Xurkitree." Elaine replied. "But, I didn't play video games the entire time. Remember when those two kids had a rap battle? Well, I was the one who was playing the 'sick beat' for them."

"Yeah, because while I was trying to keep my cool, suddenly, out of nowhere, I hear someone blaring some hip-hop beat and two kids attacking each other with terrible raps." Kari complained.

Then, Vicky poked her head in. "Girls, it's lunchtime." she said.

"LUNCH?" the Ultra Beast kids all said in unison.

"Finally!" Callista exclaimed.

"I'm absolutely famished!" Aurelia declared.

"I could really go for some food right now." Hoshiko announced.

"Do they have Doritos? Only one way to find out." Elaine said.

"Hmph." Kari complained.

Then everyone, including me, rushed out the door to have lunch.

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