Chapter Eleven

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While I was in the locker room, I quickly fixed my hair, and then I noticed Roxy, Alice, and Irene. I then walked up to them.

"Hey, you guys did great out there. Good job." I said. 

"Awwww, thanks!" Alice said, and she hugged me. While hugging her back, I noticed she was unusually cold, but considering she's half-Regice, it makes sense. Then, Roxy joined in on the hug, and Irene just gave me a pat on the back.

But, as soon as I was released from their grasp, an arrow of pure power struck Roxy, and she cried out. 

"ROXY!" Alice exclaimed, as she and Irene rushed over to their friend. "What just happened?" she asked. 

"I don't know....I just got hit by some....THING and now I-" Roxy replied as she was cut off by her legs beginning to transform.

Her legs changed in color from pale white to a grayish brown color, and began to harden into stone. Alice was freaking out and panicking. 

"Your skin feels so....coarse! And it's CHANGING COLOR! THIS IS A STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY!" she exclaimed. 

"Shoosh." I said to her. Then I turned to Roxy. "You're getting your Pokémon form. Don't be alarmed, and just let it happen." I said to her. Then, her legs began to compress and become smaller, as the changes began to spread up her body.

"Urgh, I feel *regi* so heavy..." she said as her midsection and chest turned to stone, her chest bulking up as dark orange spots appeared on her body. Then, the changes spread to her arms. As expected, her arms turned gray and hardened into stone, but they also became segmented, looking like 3 rocks stuck together. Her hands then swelled up into large gray rocks. "This is going to be *regi* pretty difficult, not having hands and all...." she said, as rocky spines emerged from her back. "Ooh... I feel so...*regi* unnatural...but I still feel *re-regi* so powerful...I'm...I'm becoming REGIROCK!" she said as the changes spread up to her head.

Her shoulders stretched upwards until they were dark orange spikes. Then, her head and neck fused together with her chest, as her head was reformed into a rocky shape. All of her facial features disappeared except for her eyes, which multiplied until they were seven dots in the shape of an "H". With her new power realized, she gave a cry.


Once Alice saw what her friend had become, she started freaking out. "What are we going to do? We can't get out of this locker room with her looking like this!" she said. 

"Calm down." I told her. "Y'know, for an Ice-type, you aren't very chill. But, as I was saying, relax. She'll turn back into her normal form after, like, 20 minutes." 

"Okay, you're right." Alice replied. "I do need to calm down. After all, if it just happened to her, I'm pretty sure one of us is next-" Then she was cut off by an arrow of pure power striking her, causing her to shriek like a Misdreavus. Suddenly, a chill ran through her entire body, and she shivered. 

Irene rushed over to her. "Are you doing alright?" she asked. 

"I" Alice replied. 

Irene was shocked- well, as shocked as I've seen her. "She's much colder than normal." Irene said. "This can only mean that she's getting her Pokémon form." Then, the transformation began.

It started with her legs. Her legs turned blue and shiny, as if they were made of ice. Then, her legs shortened and reshaped into a more triangular shape. Then, two hexagonal crystals formed at the base of her legs as the changes moved on towards her midsection. Her midsection and torso turned into ice, forming into a more crystalline shape. "Oh...regi...what is going on?" she said, as the changes spread to her arms. 

"Don't worry." I said. "You're just getting your Pokemon form."

She then felt her arms turn to ice and reform into a crystal shape, and the number of fingers on each hand decreased from five to three, as the remaining three fingers were reshaped into crystals. "So....Cold....." she said as the changes occurred. But then, four crystals grew out of her back. "A-ah....I feel *regi* soooooo powerful.....I...I am REGICE!" she said as the transformation reached its final stage.

Her head fused with her torso, and a point formed on top of her head. Then, all of the features on her face vanished, except for her eyes, which turned completely yellow and multiplied until they were 7 eyes in the shape of a "+". With her transformation complete, she gave a cry.


Irene looked at the titans that were once her friends. "Well, I guess this means I'm next up on the list." she said in a snarky, deadpan voice. "It should be any moment now-" Then, she was cut off by an arrow of pure power hitting her. 

"Are you alright?" I asked her. 

"No, I'm bleeding out of my eyes and am slowly dying- OF COURSE I'M FINE." she said sarcastically. Then, she grunted as the transformation began.

It started with her legs. Her legs turned gray and hardened into metal. Furthermore, her legs were becoming shorter and melding together into a more cylindrical shape. The changes then spread up to her midsection, as her chest expanded and became rounder, her skin turning gray (with a black stripe running down the middle) and becoming metallic. "Regi.....I feel so...hollow....almost *regi* robotic..." she said, as the changes reached her arms.

Her arms thinned and stretched out into thin black limbs, and her hands became one with her arms. Two of her fingers receded back into her, leaving her with only three fingers, which then turned gray and metallic. Three red marks appeared on the back of each hand. Then, her shoulders reformed into two spheres, shifting directly to her sides. "Ohh...this *regi* feels so weird, but *regi* so powerful...I....I have become REGISTEEL!" she said as the transformation reached its climax.

Her neck shrank into her spherical, metallic torso, and her head was pulled into and merged with her body. All of her facial features were wiped off her face except for her eyes, which multiplied until they were seven red dots in a hexagonal formation. With all the changes finished, she gave a cry.


I looked at the three girls- now legendary titans- in awe. But, I knew that since they got their Pokémon form, there was only one thing to do. So I gave them all a hug.

"You did it, girls. Great job." I said. 

"Regiiiii!" Roxy squealed, as she hugged me very tight. Alice and Irene then joined in, and in that moment, I was so happy to have these girls as my friends.

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