Chapter Thirteen

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The prison guard didn't seem to like us very much. He got out his book and ignored us in favor of reading a book. "What are you reading?" Kitty asked.

"It's a murder mystery about this demi-legendary son of Reshiram named Kristoff Noobe, who solves not only the mystery of who killed his neighbor's Stoutland, but also learns about the true identity of his legendary mother." replied the prison guard.

Now, I've read that book, and it gets several things wrong about demi-legendaries. First of all, Kristoff is said to be able to go into a Pokéball, and demi-legendaries cannot go into Pokéballs of any variety under any circumstance. Second, we can't just transform whenever we want to, as Kristoff is able to do in the book. We need to wait until we perform a heroic deed, so realistically, he would have transformed when he ran away from home or something. And finally, why does he hate the color black? I get it, he's a son of Reshiram, and Reshiram and Zekrom are opposites, but from what I know, Reshiram and Zekrom are not enemies. I get that the author was a pureblood, but he actually did no research on demi-legendaries and just threw in a bunch of things he had heard about them.

But nevertheless, I remained silent, because I didn't want to come off as rude.

It was cold, and I cuddled up to Terrence to keep warm. He returned the favor, and I was fully enveloped in his warmth.

Seeing how we were cuddling each other, Paul wrapped his arm around Gigi as an attempt to get closer to her. Gigi blushed and smiled. "Awwww! C'mere, you turdblaster!" she said, pouncing on him and hugging him tightly.

Reggie then attempted to do the same to Kitty, but as soon as he put his arm around her, she slapped his arm and glared at him. "Stop it." she said. Reggie sulked and returned to the corner he had been sitting in.

Then, he found some mud within our cell (a Ground-type must have left it there) and began to shape something from it.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked.

Reggie didn't respond, as he continued to create... something bipedal and humanoid. After some time, Reggie was finally finished, and breathed life into his new creation.

"He's done." he said. "Say hello... to Li'l Guy." He showed us what he had created... a Golett.

"Wait, but wasn't Golett created by ancient science? How can a person in the modern day create one?" Terrence asked.

"Actually," Kitty said, "Golett and Golurk were actually created by the Titan Guardians (the demi-legendary children of Regigigas via the Titan Maidens), and Regigigas helped them create them, since he created and gave life to Regice, Regirock, and Registeel. After all the Titan Maidens and Titan Guardians were killed, Golett and Golurk were scattered across the world. Therefore, it's not unusual that a demi-legendary child of Regigigas would be able to create one." Kitty explained.

"How do you know all this?" Lucy asked.

"I read it in a book." she replied.

As Reggie admired his new creation, he whispered something to it. Then it walked over to Kitty, tapped her on the shoulder, and waved. Kitty took notice.

"Hello, Li'l Guy." she said, smiling. This was the first time I had seen Kitty smile, and her smile was heart-meltingly precious.

Reggie then leaned over to Gigi. "You know what this means?" he said to her.

"What?" she replied.

"I have finally won Kitty's affections."

"Don't be so confident, Reg. She smiled at Li'l Guy, not at you."

"Yeah, but I created Li'l Guy and told him what to do, so by extension, she smiled at me."

"That's not how it works, turdblaster."

They went on arguing like this for a while, and Paul sat next to me. "Will they ever stop?" he asked.

"Yeah, when one of them puts the other in a headlock." I replied. "But the more important question is, when are we going to get out?"

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