Chapter Eight

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Demi-legendaries and demi-beasts alike ran out to get food. I went out with the rest, and Aurelia followed behind. After we both got lunch, Aurelia and I sat next to each other. Lucy then sat down on the other side of me.

"Hiya!" she said.

"Hey, Lucy." I replied. I turned to Aurelia and gestured to Lucy.

"Aurelia, this is my best friend Lucy." I said, then turning towards Lucy and gesturing to Aurelia. "Lucy, this is my new friend Aurelia." I said to her.

"Nice to met you!" Lucy said as she shook hands with Aurelia.

"So what do you think of the Camp Ultra kids?" Lucy asked.

"Well, most of the ones in my room are pretty chill, but then there's Kari. Kari is, put simply, a brat. She's whiny and grumpy and is almost never satisfied. All she ever does is complain." I said.

"Sounds like a handful." she said.

Then, suddenly, Elaine rushed over to Aurelia and I. "Diane! Aurelia!" she exclaimed, waving her arms around in the air.

"What?" we both replied.

"You have GOT to see this!" she said, pointing to another table.

We rushed over to the table. Several kids were crowded around the table, and all eyes were focused on one girl. She was chubby and plump, with dark gray skin, blue eyes, and black hair with yellow highlights, which was pulled back in a messy ponytail. In front of her, on the table, was enough food to feed a family for a week.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's Kirbie Devore, daughter of Guzzlord. She eats literally anything." Aurelia replied.

"Check it, guys." Kirbie said. "I'm gonna eat all of this in under 5 minutes." All of the demi-legendaries gasped, but the demi-beasts were either cheering or rolling their eyes. She took out one of those timers you use for cooking out of her pants pocket, and she set it to 5 minutes. Then she ate, and boy, do I mean ate. And all of the food was eaten in 4 minutes.

Everyone clapped. "Thank you, thank you. You're too kind." Kirbie said.

"Psssht, you got nothing on me." a voice said. I turned around, and I saw who said that. He was extremely muscular, and looked like he could suplex Kirbie just because he could. His skin was blood-red, and his hair was black and short and had two antennae poking out from it. He wore sunglasses, a Camp Ultra T-shirt, basketball shorts, and wrestling shoes. He was aggressively lifting weights with two similarly built kids. "I know you can eat, but do you even lift, bro?" he asked Kirbie.

"Who are you?" I said.

"Name's Jojo Hogan. Son of Buzzwole. And I don't care who you are or who your legendary parent is, I could probably pin you in a wrestling match."

"OH YEAH?" an all-too-familiar voice shrieked from across the cafeteria.

Gigi ran up to Jojo. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME IN A WRESTLING MATCH?" she screamed. "I'll let you know that I have PINNED my older brother, WHO IS TALLER THAN ME, more times than I care to count. So if you want a fight, you got one, TURDBLASTER."

"If you insist." Jojo said. Then the two of them started wrestling, right there, in the cafeteria, in front of everyone. It was a truly epic struggle, but after they tried to pin each other several times, Jojo finally pinned Gigi. Terrence, Reggie, Paul, and I collectively gasped.

" were you able to beat her?" I asked Jojo.

"Type advantage, baby." he replied. "She's a Normal type, I'm a Fighting type....yeah, you can see who has the upper hand."

"We'll see who has the last laugh at the dodgeball game tomorrow, you turdblaster!" Gigi snapped.

I looked at Aurelia. "The kids from your camp are weird." I said.

"That's the point." Aurelia replied. "We're Ultra Beasts. We're supposed to be weird."

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