Chapter Seventeen

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The next day, a Rocket Grunt woke us up. "GET UP, YOU INSOLENT WEEDLES!" he screamed at us. We reluctantly got up.

Then, they forced us into handcuffs, and after struggling for a while, they dragged us into a room.

"What are you going to do to us?" Paul exclaimed.

"We can't tell you." a grunt replied.

In the room was Giovanni, as well as some other people. I recognized one of them- the one with spiky blue hair- as Cyrus, since I had seen him on the news back home in Sinnoh. The other one, who had red hair and glasses, I did not recognize at all.

"Who is that?" I asked Terrence, pointing to the red-haired man.

"That's Maxie, leader of Team Magma." Terrence replied.

"Alright." Giovanni said. "These children are demi-legendaries, so they are able to change into legendary Pokémon. Therefore, you can use them to accomplish your goals."

I gulped. Was he really auctioning us off like property? Not only was this human trafficking-which is illegal- it was dehumanizing as well.

"Now, Cyrus," he said, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me towards him, "this little girl is half-Dialga and is able to turn into a Dialga. She will most certainly help you create a new universe."

Cyrus took me by the arm. "Perfect." he said. He knelt down and whispered into my ear. "I will make good use of you, my pet." He stroked my hair, and I was very creeped out.

Giovanni then took Paul and handed him to Cyrus. "This boy is half-Palkia. I assume he will also help you." he said. Cyrus took him and grinned.

"Maxie," Giovanni said as he grabbed Terrence by the arm, "this handsome specimen is half-Groudon. He will help you expand the land."

Maxie smirked and took Terrence by the hand. "Spectacular. I will make good use of him." he said.

"The half-Mew girl and the half-Lugia girl we shall keep to ourself. As for the half-Regigigas twins..." Giovanni said, "no one seems to want or need you, so you two will be... sleeping with the Magikarps."

I gasped. Giovanni was going to have them killed!

Then, suddenly, I heard something bust through the wall. I looked, and I saw a very tall and muscular man with blond hair had burst through the door.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!"

"Who are you?" Paul asked.

"Well, I'm Regigigas! Tower of the continents, god of strength, and the patron god of all who have had children." he said.

Now that I looked at him, the clothing he wore did make him look more like Regigigas, as he was wearing a long coat with the same markings as those on Regigigas.

"Strange..." Cyrus said. "You don't look like Regigigas."

"Oh my Arceus, you guys are stupid. Don't you know legendaries can turn into humans to do things besides seduce other humans and make demi-legendary children?" Regigigas replied.

"Anyways, Cyrus, you must be thirsty." he said to Cyrus, walking towards him. "So how about some PUNCH?" he said, as he punched Cyrus in the face. Gigi laughed. Then, he undid my handcuffs as well as Paul's.

After I was freed from Cyrus, he walked up to Maxie. "You must be getting hungry, Max." he said.

"Yes, now that you mention it, I could go for some food right now." Maxie replied.

"Okay. Then how about I treat you to a KNUCKLE SANDWICH?" he exclaimed as he punched Maxie in the face.

"Dad, please!" Reggie said. "We are in the middle of a fight, so can you quit with the dad jokes?"

"NEVER!" Regigigas exclaimed as he freed Terrence.

Then, he walked up to Giovanni. "As for you, Gio..." he began. "Not only did you try to kill my children, but you also abandoned your own son. Therefore, as the patron god of all who have had children, I don't approve of you at all." He then used Crush Grip on him, and Giovanni was left unconscious on the ground. He freed Lucy and Kitty, and then he turned to Reggie and Gigi and freed them too.

"Now what do we do?" Lucy asked Regigigas.

"Simple." Regigigas replied. "We run."

And we did just that.

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